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Methodological description and preliminary results of a cohort study on the influence of the first 1,000 days of life on the children’s future health


The aim of this report is to describe general and methodological characteristics of a cohort study in southern Brazil (Coorte Brasil Sul), aimed at understanding the impact of the first 1,000 days of life on children’s health. It is a cohort study involving all children born in 2009 and their families living in the municipality of Palhoça, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Face-to-face interviews with parents at home using a structured questionnaire and children’s physical and clinical examinations at schools have been carried out. Cross-sectional analyzes, longitudinal comparisons and hierarquical regression analysis will allow understanding if the first 1,000 days of life can influence on 6-year-old children’s health. The Coorte Brasil Sul is in its retrospective phase together with the children’s physical data collection. Preliminary data (n=1270) related to nutritional status point to a high prevalence of overweight (16.4%) and obesity (15.5%). With the continuity of the study, it is expected to evaluate if the first phases of life can influence health during adolescence and in adult life, mainly in relation to chronic diseases.

Key words
Health surveys; cohort studies; social determinants of health; child health


Children’s cognitive and physical development is influenced by the first 1,000 days of life, which comprises the nine months of pregnancy plus the first two years after birth (Fall et al. 2013FALL CHD. 2013. Fetal malnutrition and long-term outcomes. In: Bhatia J, Bhutta ZA and Kalhan SC (Eds), Maternal and Child Nutrition: The First 1,000 Days. Nestlé Nutritional Institute Workshop Series, Vol 74, Basel: Vevey/S. Karger, p. 11-25., Cunha et al. 2015CUNHA AJ, LEITE AJ and DE ALMEIDA IS. 2015. The pediatrician’s role in the first thousand days of the child: the pursuit of healthy nutrition and development. J Pediatr 91(Suppl. 1): S44-51.). During this period, biological, behavioral and socioeconomic factors may influence children’s growth and development and may cause future damage or benefits for their health (Kattula et al. 2014KATTULA D, SARKAR R, SIVARATHINASWAMY P, VELUSAMY V, VENUGOPAL S, NAUMOVA EN, MULIYIL J, WARD H and KANG G. 2014. The first 1,000 days of life: prenatal and postnatal risk factors for morbidity and growth in a birth cohort in southern India. BMJ Open 4: e005404.). Understanding the complex interaction between these factors is essential, allowing health policy planning and prevention programs that can reflect in adult life (Black et al. 2013BLACK RE et al. 2013. Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet 382: 427-451.).

Longitudinal studies are appropriate designs to investigate outcomes related to life course, exploring the interaction between social, environmental, biological and behavioral aspects involved in the onset and development of various outcomes, especially chronic diseases (Kuh et al. 2003KUH D, BEN-SHLOMO Y, LYNCH J, HALLQVIST J and POWER C. 2003. Life course epidemiology. J Epidemiol Community Health 57: 778-783.). Thus, cohort studies allow unraveling the mechanisms and the web of relationships that link socioeconomic, gestational and environmental factors to late changes that can lead to illness or increased risk of its occurrence (Sichieri et al. 2008SICHIERI RB, BARRETO SM and LIMA-COSTA MF. 2008. Editorial. Rev Saude Publica 42: 1-2.).

The cohort study (named Coorte Brasil Sul) presented in this article is grounded on theories claiming that experiences during pregnancy, childbirth and early stages of life will determine children’s health- and disease-related processes and can affect adults’ health later. In order to better understand the interaction between children’s health determinants, this cohort study sought inspiration from Barker’s Theory (Barker 1998BARKER D. 1998. Mother, babies and health in later life. Edimburgh: Church Livingstone, 232 p., Barker et al, 2010BARKER DJ, THORNBURG KL, OSMOND C, KAJANTIE E and ERIKSSON JG. 2010. The surface area of the placenta and hypertension in the offspring in later life. Int J Dev Biol 54: 525-530., Eriksson et al. 2010ERIKSSON JG, KAJANTIE E, OSMOND C, THORNBURG K and BARKER DJ. 2010. Boys live dangerously in the womb. Am J Hum Biol 22: 330-335.), Life Course Theory (Kuh and Ben-Shlomo 2004KUH D and BEN-SHLOMO Y. 2004. Life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 179 p., Blane et al. 2007BLANE D, NETUVELI G and STONE J. 2007. The development of life course epidemiology. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 55: 31-38., Kuh et al. 2014KUH D, KARUNANANTHAN S, BERGMAN H and COOPER R. 2014. A life-course approach to healthy ageing: maintaining physical capability. Proc Nutr Soc 73: 237-248.), Theory of Fundamental Causes (Link and Phelan 1995LINK BG and PHELAN J. 1995. Social conditions as fundamental causes of disease. J Health Soc Behav Special Number, p. 80-94., Phelan et al. 2004PHELAN JC, LINK BG, DIEZ-ROUX A, KAWACHI I and LEVIN B. 2004. “Fundamental causes” of social inequalities in mortality: a test of the theory. J Health Soc Behav 45: 265-285., 2010PHELAN JC, LINK BG and TEHRANIFAR P. 2010. Social conditions as fundamental causes of health inequalities: theory, evidence, and policy implications. J Health Soc Behav 51(Suppl.): S28-40.) and the first 1,000 days of life approach (Wadsworth 1997WADSWORTH ME. 1997. Health inequalities in the life course perspective. Soc Sci Med 44: 859-869., Bathia et al. 2013, Black et al. 2013BLACK RE et al. 2013. Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet 382: 427-451., Kattula et al. 2014KATTULA D, SARKAR R, SIVARATHINASWAMY P, VELUSAMY V, VENUGOPAL S, NAUMOVA EN, MULIYIL J, WARD H and KANG G. 2014. The first 1,000 days of life: prenatal and postnatal risk factors for morbidity and growth in a birth cohort in southern India. BMJ Open 4: e005404.) to support and consolidate the hypotheses that are under investigation.

Barker’s theory holds that events in intrauterine period or early days in life have long-term effects on morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases. Nutritional and environmental conditions during intrauterine life and childhood would program risks for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and increased cholesterol among other disorders, in adults (Barker 1998BARKER D. 1998. Mother, babies and health in later life. Edimburgh: Church Livingstone, 232 p.).

Life course theory directs attention to accumulation of risks during life, without refuting Barker’s assumptions. According to this theory, chronic diseases result from environmental, social and behavioral cumulative risks during life span (Kuh and Ben-Shlomo 2004). Adverse childhood conditions contribute to increased risks of chronic diseases in adult life (Wadsworth 1997WADSWORTH ME. 1997. Health inequalities in the life course perspective. Soc Sci Med 44: 859-869., Kuh et al. 2003KUH D, BEN-SHLOMO Y, LYNCH J, HALLQVIST J and POWER C. 2003. Life course epidemiology. J Epidemiol Community Health 57: 778-783., Kuh and Ben-Shlomo 2004KUH D and BEN-SHLOMO Y. 2004. Life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 179 p.). It emphasizes the interaction between biological and social factors in different phases of life rather than the current lifestyle. It focuses both on biological and psychosocial factors at certain critical stages of life. Biological factors including low birth weight and growth in poor socioeconomic circumstances in early childhood are examples of possible influences on certain health-related behaviors in adulthood (Bartley et al. 1997BARTLEY M, BLANE D and MONTGOMERY S. 1997. Health and the life course: why safety nets matter. BMJ 314(7088): 1194-1196.).

The theory of fundamental causes, in turn, associates socioeconomic status to various health outcomes that may change over time (Link and Phelan 1995). It assumes that availability of educational and financial resources and access to services, for example, influences health-disease determination, increasing or decreasing either risks or protective factors (Wadsworth 1997).

The approach that focuses on the first 1,000 days of life emphasizes that nutrition during the fetal period and the first 24 months after birth are important determinants of development during early childhood (Fall et al. 2013). It also suggests that nutritional deficit during this period is associated with a number of consequences throughout the life cycle, such as cognitive development and reduced school performance, loss of economic productivity, and increased risk of chronic diseases (Black et al. 2013).

Grounded on these theories, the Coorte Brasil Sul started in 2015 in the municipality of Palhoça, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The aim of this article is to describe general and methodological characteristics of the Coorte Brasil Sul study and some preliminary results.


An overview of the methodological approach is shown in Figure 1. The breakdown of topics includes the following topics.

Figure 1
Synthesis of the methodological approach.


It is a cohort study involving schoolchildren and their families living in Palhoça, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The retrospective phase has provided data for the first 1,000 days of children’s life. The first follow-up has collected data from 6-year-old children enrolled in the first year of elementary school. Subsequent follow-up studies on the same population will be conducted every three years.

The municipality of Palhoça, which is part of the greater Florianópolis area, is located 14 km from the state capital of Santa Catarina. The 2017’s estimated population is 164,927 inhabitants, of whom 98.5% living in urban area. The municipality covers an area of 395.1 km2 and the population density is 347 inhabitants/km2 (IBGE 2017IBGE - INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA. 2017. IBGE Cidades: Santa Catarina, Palhoça. Disponível em: codmun=421190. Acesso em 10 de outubro de 2017.
). The Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.757, ranking the municipality 43rd in Santa Catarina and 420th in the country. The education component had the lowest HDI scores (PNUD 2017PNUD - PROGRAMA DAS NAÇÕES UNIDAS PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO. 2017. Ranking IDHM Municípios em 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 de outubro de 2017.
). Palhoça experienced a strong colonization of Azorean origin, and the main productive sectors are services and industry.

The study population consists of all children born in 2009 and their families, regularly enrolled in the first year of elementary public and private schools in the city. A preliminary survey was conducted in 37 public and 19 private primary schools of Palhoça to locate the study population.

The minimum sample size required to reach 80% power to detect a difference of 5% in the incidence of various health outcomes studied - 15% exposed and 10% non-exposed subjects to a less favorable biological and socioeconomic situation during the first 1,000 days of life - which generates a harzard ratio of 1.5 at a significance level of 0.05 was 1,444 students. A 20% addition was made for possible losses and refusals, which resulted in a total sample of 1,733 students. As the calculated sample size was similar to the total of first year of elementary school students, it was decided to perform a census. In this way, this census covered two generations, given that information was gathered from both the children and their mothers (or primary caregivers). Thus, the study population consisted of 1,756 children and their mothers or caregivers.


The following strategies were undertaken for raising awareness about the importance of this study: a) to call attention to non-communicable chronic diseases and highlight the importance of the first 1,000 days of life for a healthy development; b) to divulge the project among the community, encouraging citizens to participate in the study; c) to disseminate the specialized health services provided by the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina; d) to engage the Municipal Health Service in different actions such as the promotion of refresher courses for physicians, dentists, community health agents and other health professionals, covering topics of this study.

Local radio stations, newspapers and other available media were used to disseminate information and call for participation. Meetings were held with community leaders and authorities such as the Municipal Secretaries of Health and Education.


Data collection was conducted through interviews, documentary reports, and physical and clinical examinations of children. Interviews were carried out with children’s mothers or, in their absence, with primary caregivers. Documentary data were extracted from children’s health cards and medical records in the Basic Health Units. Physical and clinical examinations of children were performed in schools.

An interview questionnaire was designed to collect information relating to the first 1,000 days of life, child life course and current status. The instrument was developed by a committee composed of 3 PhDs and 5 doctoral students of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences of Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Considering the outcomes studied and based on the theories that support the Coorte Brasil Sul study, the instrument consisted of 9 sections and 211 questions. The sections are identified in Table I. A pre-test study was conducted on 18 families from other municipalities with children aged 6 and 7 years. As a result, minor adjustments were required to facilitate questionnaire administration, as well as to improve understanding by interviewees.

A clinical and epidemiological chart was prepared to collect physical and clinical data from schoolchildren, mainly related to oral health and anthropometric measures. Weight and height were measured by using a digital scale and a stadiometer, according to recommendations of the Brazilian Ministry of Health (Ministério da Saúde 2002MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE. 2002. Saúde da criança: acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Série Cadernos de Atenção Básica, nº 11, Série A, Normas e Manuais Técnicos. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 100 p.). Body mass index were calculated according to standards of the World Health Organization (WHO 1995WHO - WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. 1995. Physical status: the use and interpretation of anthropometry. Technical Report Series nº 854. Geneva: World Health Organization, 452 p.). In oral examination, information about dental caries, malocclusion, dental trauma, enamel defects and oral breathing were collected, according to internationally established criteria (WHO 2013WHO - WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. 2013. Oral health survey: basic methods. Geneva: World Health Organization, 125 p.). The independent variables of the study are indicated in Figure 2 in levels 1 to 4. The dependent variables, in levels 5 and 6 of the same Figure.

Sections and information covered by the survey instrument.
Figure 2
Theoretical framework for data analysis.


The application of questionnaires in the homes is being carried out by a team of researchers assisted by community health agents of the municipality of Palhoça, who underwent a training process with 30 hours/activities. The training focused on data collection strategies in epidemiological studies, emphasizing the interview processes in order to minimize possible measurement biases.

Seven teams of dentists and assistants were selected for the collection of clinical data on oral health status. A nutritionist performed weight and height measurements. These teams underwent a calibration process with 12 hours/activities to assess inter- and intra-examiner reliability (Peres et al. 2001PERES MA, TRAEBERT J and MARCENES W. 2001. Calibration of examiners for dental caries epidemiologic studies. Cad Saude Publica 17: 153-159.). Instruction manuals were provided to assist the field team in data collection process. The study included supervisors from the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences of Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, who provided the field team with training, calibration and supervision.

Detailed protocols have been developed for each phase of the research to standardize data collection, ranging from the approach to school authorities, community health agents, parents in their households and children in schools, organization, transportation and handling of equipment and instruments, bio-security standards (WHO 2013), data collection order, and checking and organizing the data collection instruments. Physical and clinical examinations are being collected in duplicate for 5% of sampled subjects to ensure quality control and monitor diagnostic reliability of examiners.

Before the field team members started their work in the community, a pilot study was conducted on 5% of the total sample (n=88) including children aged above the target age of this study. The goal was to test the proposed methodology, define logistics, and make necessary adjustments.

In this study, children whose mothers or primary caregivers were not found at home after three visits, including one in weekend, were considered losses. Also, those who refused to sign the inform consent form were considered losses.


Ethical approval was obtained from Ethic Committee of Research of Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina under the protocol CAAE: 38240114.0.0000.5369. Upon invitation to participate, children’s parents or caregivers were informed about objectives and methods of the study, and potential risks associated with their participation. This information was provided in informed consent forms, which must be signed by those who voluntarily agreed to participate. Identity of participants will be kept private, and they could discontinue participation at any time without penalty. Their personal information will not be identified in any reports or publications resulting from this study. Children who presented problems or any alterations in the examinations are being referred for treatment at health clinics of the university or of the municipality.


Data are being entered into Excel spreadsheets and then exported to SPSS 18.0 software to be analyzed. The resulting database has been undergone data cleaning process to detect incomplete data or other inconsistencies. Double typing is occurring in order to identify differences in insertions, and thus ensure quality of the data.

Descriptive statistics will be used to describe basic features of the population and study variables. The following analyses will be performed based on the study design and theoretical background: 1) cross-sectional analysis to estimate the prevalence of different health outcomes studied; 2) longitudinal comparison between two time periods: the first 1,000 days and 6 years of age, which will allow to analyze trajectories of health-related risk and protective factors at age 6; 3) hierarchical regression analysis to examine predictors of 6-year-old children’s health according to the model shown in Figure 2. The hierarchical model was based on Victora et al. (1997)VICTORA CG, HUTTLY SR, FUCHS SC and OLINTO MTA. 1997. The role of conceptual frameworks in epidemiological analysis: a hierarchical approach. Int J Epidemiol 26: 224-227. who described the conceptual hierarchical framework of risk factors for infectious diseases in developing countries. According to the authors the general principles apply to a number of other health problems both in developed and less developed countries. These analyses will indicate whether early years are critical for the associations found.


As the research is currently under way, and as the main goal at this moment is to present methodological aspects adopted in the study, only a few partial and preliminary results of prevalence are presented in Table II. The rates of overweight and obesity of children were determined by obtaining anthropometric data collected at school. The high prevalence of overweight (16.4%) and obesity (15.5%) observed in children, although partial, refers to a concern, due to the social and psychological problems that can be triggered, problems related to self-esteem and the risk of bullying (Moreira et al. 2014MOREIRA MSF, OLIVEIRA FM, RODRIGUES W, OLIVEIRA LCN, MITIDIERO J and FABRIZZI F. 2014. Doenças associadas à obesidade infantil. Rev Odontol Araç 35(1): 60-66.). In short and medium term, besides psychosocial disorders, children and adolescents may present hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, orthopedic and respiratory problems. In long term, mortality from all causes of obesity and coronary heart disease has been increased in individuals who were obese in childhood and adolescence (Moreira et al. 2014MOREIRA MSF, OLIVEIRA FM, RODRIGUES W, OLIVEIRA LCN, MITIDIERO J and FABRIZZI F. 2014. Doenças associadas à obesidade infantil. Rev Odontol Araç 35(1): 60-66.).

Preliminary results of events and injuries selected from the Coorte Brasil Sul study, Palhoça / SC. (n=1,270)

By conducting the Coorte Brasil Sul study, we expect to improve understanding of social determinants on children’s health, specially at the Brazilian context. Specifically, we expect to determine whether factors related to pregnancy, childbirth, and early years of children’s life may be contributing to the health-and disease-related processes at age 6, and possibly in further stages of life to be identified in prospective follows-up. The identification of significant affecting factors in the course of life may also indicate risk accumulation. The results from this study will help in planning control measures and interventions to reduce risks and mitigate consequences.

On the other hand, the use of a theoretical model for the analysis of the collected data based on ideas and findings of the Pelotas Birth Cohort (Barros and Victora 1999BARROS FC and VICTORA CG. 1999. Increased blood pressure in adolescents who were small for gestational age at birth: a cohort study in Brazil. Int J Epidemiol 28(4): 676-681., Barros et al. 2008BARROS FC, VICTORA CG, HORTA BL and GIGANTE DP. 2008. Metodologia do estudo da coorte de nascimentos de 1982 a 2004-5, Pelotas, RS. Rev Saude Publica 42(Supl. 2): 7-15.) the Brazilian cohort with the highest international recognition, strengthens our study. Theoretical understanding that socioeconomic conditions, such as distal determinants, can determine or influence intermediate or proximal determinants that increase or decrease the risk of occurrence of disease is not new, but holds explanatory power for understanding health outcomes. Thus the conceptual similarity between the study proposed here with other cohorts developed in Brazil, such as the cohorts of Pelotas/RS (Barros and Victora 1999BARROS FC and VICTORA CG. 1999. Increased blood pressure in adolescents who were small for gestational age at birth: a cohort study in Brazil. Int J Epidemiol 28(4): 676-681., Barros et al. 2008BARROS FC, VICTORA CG, HORTA BL and GIGANTE DP. 2008. Metodologia do estudo da coorte de nascimentos de 1982 a 2004-5, Pelotas, RS. Rev Saude Publica 42(Supl. 2): 7-15.) or the BRISA cohort of Ribeirão Preto/SP and São Luis/MA (Figueiredo et al. 2014FIGUEREDO ED, LAMY FILHO F, LAMY Z and SILVA AAM. 2014. Idade materna e desfechos perinatais adversos em uma coorte de nascimentos (BRISA) de uma cidade do Nordeste brasileiro. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 36(12): 562-568.) that study determinants of the health-disease process throughout the life cycle is not a casual one, but a sign of sharing of theoretical bases.


Based on the guiding theories and results from this study, we intend to respond to different questions related to children’s health- and disease-related processes. The findings may provide useful information for development of public policies directed to improving health conditions and quality of life of the population.

As a reflection for this moment where the research is under way, it is possible to emphasize how much it was necessary the involvement of all researchers in an interesting experience of multidisciplinary work. Being a longitudinal and population-based study, we are aware of the great challenge of this research. Another salutary aspect was the approach including together the University and the Health and Education Secretariats of the city for the proposal of a partnership in research, triggering other processes of mutual aid.


We thank the Programa de Suporte à Pós-Graduação de Instituições Comunitárias de Ensino Superior (PROSUC) of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazil for granting doctoral scholarships to the authors LGTM, KS, ANL, SEL, RDN and ET. We thank the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC) for the funding through the public call 09/2015 - Apoio a Grupos de Pesquisa das Instituições do Sistema Associação Catarinense de Fundações Educacionais (ACAFE) – Grant number 2016TR22.


  • BARKER D. 1998. Mother, babies and health in later life. Edimburgh: Church Livingstone, 232 p.
  • BARKER DJ, THORNBURG KL, OSMOND C, KAJANTIE E and ERIKSSON JG. 2010. The surface area of the placenta and hypertension in the offspring in later life. Int J Dev Biol 54: 525-530.
  • BARROS FC and VICTORA CG. 1999. Increased blood pressure in adolescents who were small for gestational age at birth: a cohort study in Brazil. Int J Epidemiol 28(4): 676-681.
  • BARROS FC, VICTORA CG, HORTA BL and GIGANTE DP. 2008. Metodologia do estudo da coorte de nascimentos de 1982 a 2004-5, Pelotas, RS. Rev Saude Publica 42(Supl. 2): 7-15.
  • BARTLEY M, BLANE D and MONTGOMERY S. 1997. Health and the life course: why safety nets matter. BMJ 314(7088): 1194-1196.
  • BIELERMANN RM, REICHERT FF, PANIZ VM and GIGANTE DP. 2011. Validation of the Netherlands physical activity questionnaire in Brazilian children. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 8: 45.
  • BLACK RE et al. 2013. Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet 382: 427-451.
  • BLANE D, NETUVELI G and STONE J. 2007. The development of life course epidemiology. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 55: 31-38.
  • CUNHA AJ, LEITE AJ and DE ALMEIDA IS. 2015. The pediatrician’s role in the first thousand days of the child: the pursuit of healthy nutrition and development. J Pediatr 91(Suppl. 1): S44-51.
  • ERIKSSON JG, KAJANTIE E, OSMOND C, THORNBURG K and BARKER DJ. 2010. Boys live dangerously in the womb. Am J Hum Biol 22: 330-335.
  • FALL CHD. 2013. Fetal malnutrition and long-term outcomes. In: Bhatia J, Bhutta ZA and Kalhan SC (Eds), Maternal and Child Nutrition: The First 1,000 Days. Nestlé Nutritional Institute Workshop Series, Vol 74, Basel: Vevey/S. Karger, p. 11-25.
  • FIGUEREDO ED, LAMY FILHO F, LAMY Z and SILVA AAM. 2014. Idade materna e desfechos perinatais adversos em uma coorte de nascimentos (BRISA) de uma cidade do Nordeste brasileiro. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 36(12): 562-568.
  • IBGE - INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA. 2017. IBGE Cidades: Santa Catarina, Palhoça. Disponível em: codmun=421190. Acesso em 10 de outubro de 2017.
  • INTERNATIONAL STUDY OF ASTHMA and ALLERGIES IN CHILDHOOD. 1993. ISAAC Manual. Auckland/New Zealand, Bochum, 54 p.
  • KATTULA D, SARKAR R, SIVARATHINASWAMY P, VELUSAMY V, VENUGOPAL S, NAUMOVA EN, MULIYIL J, WARD H and KANG G. 2014. The first 1,000 days of life: prenatal and postnatal risk factors for morbidity and growth in a birth cohort in southern India. BMJ Open 4: e005404.
  • KUH D and BEN-SHLOMO Y. 2004. Life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 179 p.
  • KUH D, BEN-SHLOMO Y, LYNCH J, HALLQVIST J and POWER C. 2003. Life course epidemiology. J Epidemiol Community Health 57: 778-783.
  • KUH D, KARUNANANTHAN S, BERGMAN H and COOPER R. 2014. A life-course approach to healthy ageing: maintaining physical capability. Proc Nutr Soc 73: 237-248.
  • LINK BG and PHELAN J. 1995. Social conditions as fundamental causes of disease. J Health Soc Behav Special Number, p. 80-94.
  • MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE. 2002. Saúde da criança: acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Série Cadernos de Atenção Básica, nº 11, Série A, Normas e Manuais Técnicos. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 100 p.
  • MOREIRA MSF, OLIVEIRA FM, RODRIGUES W, OLIVEIRA LCN, MITIDIERO J and FABRIZZI F. 2014. Doenças associadas à obesidade infantil. Rev Odontol Araç 35(1): 60-66.
  • PERES MA, TRAEBERT J and MARCENES W. 2001. Calibration of examiners for dental caries epidemiologic studies. Cad Saude Publica 17: 153-159.
  • PHELAN JC, LINK BG, DIEZ-ROUX A, KAWACHI I and LEVIN B. 2004. “Fundamental causes” of social inequalities in mortality: a test of the theory. J Health Soc Behav 45: 265-285.
  • PHELAN JC, LINK BG and TEHRANIFAR P. 2010. Social conditions as fundamental causes of health inequalities: theory, evidence, and policy implications. J Health Soc Behav 51(Suppl.): S28-40.
  • PNUD - PROGRAMA DAS NAÇÕES UNIDAS PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO. 2017. Ranking IDHM Municípios em 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 de outubro de 2017.
  • SICHIERI RB, BARRETO SM and LIMA-COSTA MF. 2008. Editorial. Rev Saude Publica 42: 1-2.
  • VICTORA CG, HUTTLY SR, FUCHS SC and OLINTO MTA. 1997. The role of conceptual frameworks in epidemiological analysis: a hierarchical approach. Int J Epidemiol 26: 224-227.
  • WADSWORTH ME. 1997. Health inequalities in the life course perspective. Soc Sci Med 44: 859-869.
  • WHO - WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. 1995. Physical status: the use and interpretation of anthropometry. Technical Report Series nº 854. Geneva: World Health Organization, 452 p.
  • WHO - WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. 2013. Oral health survey: basic methods. Geneva: World Health Organization, 125 p.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2018


  • Received
    21 Nov 2017
  • Accepted
    31 Jan 2018
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