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First record of a sea anemone of genus Bunodosoma with two oral discs: a clue to asexual reproduction?


Different reproductive strategies (both sexual and asexual) that may occur in individuals of the same species may explain the success of sea anemones (Cnidaria:Actiniaria) in colonizing different ecosystems around the planet. Here we provide the first record of a Bunodosoma specimen with two oral discs and discuss the possibility of asexual reproduction in this genus. One individual of Bunodosoma cangicum was found in Carneiros beach (Pernambuco state, Brazil) with two fully individualized oral discs but with column and pedal disc still connected. Our finding may represent a clue to longitudinal fission in Bunodosoma. Yet, despite the number of different studies carried out so far, the absence of data regarding asexual reproduction in Bunodosoma suggests that it might be rare in this genus, occurring only in sporadic cases such as recovery from injury.

Key words
Actiniaria; Actiniidae; Anthozoa; Bunodosoma cangicum; longitudinal fission


Sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) are a successful group in terms of spatial distribution (Fautin et al. 2013FAUTIN GF, MALARKY L & SOBERÓN J. 2013 Latitudinal diversity of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria). Biol Bull 224: 89-98.). They have colonized waters in different latitudes and are common in shallow and deep waters (González-Muñoz et al. 2016GONZÁLEZ-MUÑOZ R ET AL. 2016. Sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria, Corallimorpharia, Ceriantharia, Zoanthidea) from marine shallow-water environments in Venezuela: new records and an updated inventory. Mar Biodivers Rec 9: 18., Sumida et al. 2016SUMIDA PYG, ALFARO-LUCAS J, SHIMABUKURO M, KITAZATU H, PEREZ J, SOARES-GOMES A, TOYOFUKU T, LIMA A, ARA K & FUJIWARA Y. 2016. Deep-sea whale fall fauna from the Atlantic resembles that of the Pacific Ocean. Sci Rep 6: 22139.). One strategy that may have facilitated such success is the ability to reproduce asexually, as it is rather common among Actiniaria (Bocharova & Kozevich 2011BOCHAROVA E & KOZEVICH I. 2011. Modes of reproduction in sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa). Biol Bull Russ 38: 849-860.) and may provide adaptive advantages to marine invertebrates, like population growth, maintenance of adapted genotypes and resistance to desiccation (Ottaway 1973OTTAWAY JR. 1973. Some effects of temperature, desiccation and light on the intertidal anemone Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Aust J Mar Fresh Res 24: 103-126., McGovern 2003MCGOVERN TM. 2003. Plastic reproductive strategies in a clonal marine invertebrate. P Roy Soc B-Biol Sci 270: 2517-2522., Oliveira & Gomes 2005OLIVEIRA TGL & GOMES PB. 2005. Primeira descrição do comportamento de Bellactis ilkalyseae (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) durante o processo de reprodução assexuada. Trop Oceanogr 33: 67-72.).

Although asexual reproduction does not favor genetic variability, it seems to be an important mean by which animals compete for space and respond to fine-scale environmental heterogeneity (Williams 1975aWILLIAMS GC. 1975a. Sex and evolution. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 200 p., Sherman & Ayre 2008SHERMAN CD & AYRE DJ. 2008. Fine-scale adaptation in a clonal sea anemone. Evolution Int J Org 62: 1373-1380.). Sea anemones reproduce asexually in a diversity of modes, including longitudinal fission, pedal laceration, transversal fission, and tentacle detachment (Bocharova & Kozevich 2011BOCHAROVA E & KOZEVICH I. 2011. Modes of reproduction in sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa). Biol Bull Russ 38: 849-860.). Longitudinal fission seems to be the most common in Actiniidae, as it occurs in Anthopleura and Anemonia (Shick 1991SHICK JM. 1991. A functional biology of sea anemones. London: Chapman, 395 p., Gomes et al. 2003GOMES PB, ZAMPONI MO & SOLÉ-CAVA AM. 2003. Asexual reproduction and molecular systematics of the sea anemone Anthopleura krebsi Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860 (Actiniaria: Actiniidae). Rev Biol Trop 51: 147-154.). The genus Bunodosoma Verrill, 1899 is present worldwide and although belonging to Actiniidae, has no record of asexual reproduction. Here we provide the first record of a Bunodosoma cangicum with two oral discs and discuss asexual reproduction in the genus.


One individual of Bunodosoma cangicum Belém & Preslercravo, 1973, was found in September 2018, at Carneiros beach in Pernambuco state, Brazil (08°42’15.6”S, 035°04’43.3”W), a rocky beach with a daily regime of two low and two high tides. At low tide, B. cangicum individuals can be easily observed fixed on consolidated substrates in tide pools, sharing space with different organisms such as algae turfs, corals, zoanthids, crustaceans and echinoderms. Water temperature was approximately 31°C and the salinity was 37 at the time of observation.

Due to the position on the reef, we were unable to remove the individual from the rock. Therefore, to verify that it was undergoing a longitudinal fission process, we removed the debris that were partially covering its column and induced contraction via mechanical contact, to visualize column more clearly. Since B. cangicum has non-adhesive vesicles on its column, removal of sediment was simple and did not harm the individual.


The observed individual of B. cangicum had two fully individualized oral discs with two mouths and complete cycles of tentacles. Both the column and the pedal disc were still fully connected. Therefore, this suggests that the individualization of the two future specimens (i.e. parental and clone) must begin at the distal portion of the individual. Since the oral discs were approximately the same size, it was not possible to recognize the parental organism (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Individual of Bunodosoma cangicum during the process of longitudinal fission. a: Both clones with open oral disc. b: After mechanical contact, individual two (i2) contracted, while individual one (i1) kept oral disc fully open. As can be seen, both individuals are still connected in the middle column (arrow). Scale bars: 50mm.


Our finding suggests the possibility of asexual reproduction in Bunodosoma, which is until now, unknown to occur in this genus. Although the presence of two oral discs in an individual could be the result of recovery process from an injury (Hand & Uhlinger 1995HAND C & UHLINGER KR. 1995. Asexual reproduction by transverse fission and some anomalies in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Inv Biol 114: 9-18.), this could also be related to asexual reproduction by longitudinal fission. Previous studies have reported anatomical irregularities and external scars in representatives of Bunodosoma (e.g. Daly 2004DALY M. 2004. Anatomy and taxonomy of three species of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniidae) from the Gulf of California, including Isoaulactinia hespervolita. Pac Sci 58(3): 377-390., Barragán et al. 2019BARRAGÁN Y, SÁNCHEZ C & RODRIGUEZ E. 2019. First inventory of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) from La Paz Bay, southern Gulf of California (Mexico). Zootaxa 4559(3): 501-549.), which indicated that asexual reproduction could occur in the genus.

Currently, there is little evidence on the phylogenetic signal of longitudinal fission within Acnitiinidae or any genera of the family. Geller et al. (2005)GELLER JB, FITZGERALD LJ & KING CE. 2005. Fission in sea anemones: Integrative studies of life cycle evolution. Integr Comp Biol 45: 615-622. proposed that in Anthopleura, longitudinal fission has arisen independently at least four times. However, Anthopleura was regarded as a very problematic genus and the most recent study have shown that it is in fact paraphyletic (Daly et al. 2017DALY M, CROWLEY LM, LARSON P, RODRÍGUEZ E, HEESTAND SAUCIER E & FAUTIN DG. 2017. Anthopleura and the phylogeny of Actinioidea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria). Org Divers Evol 17: 545-564.). Therefore, the potencial homoplasy of longitudinal fission found by Geller et al. (2005)GELLER JB, FITZGERALD LJ & KING CE. 2005. Fission in sea anemones: Integrative studies of life cycle evolution. Integr Comp Biol 45: 615-622. may be an artifact of the sampling or the method. Therefore, until the relationships within the genus are properly understood, evolutive studies regarding the occurrence of asexual reproduction in Anthopleura may not be considered conclusive. That is the same case for Bunodosoma, which was also found to be paraphyletic by Daly et al. (2017)DALY M, CROWLEY LM, LARSON P, RODRÍGUEZ E, HEESTAND SAUCIER E & FAUTIN DG. 2017. Anthopleura and the phylogeny of Actinioidea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria). Org Divers Evol 17: 545-564.. This result along with the little data regarding the biology of Bunodosoma species hinders any attempt to understand the existence of a phylogenetical signal of asexual reproduction in the genus. Even though our finding is a strong indication on the occurrence of longitudinal fission, at least in B. cangicum, we cannot imply further based on the current scenario.

Longitudinal fission is considered an efficient method of asexual reproduction, because daughters can perform the functions of an adult right after separation (Bocharova & Kozevich 2011BOCHAROVA E & KOZEVICH I. 2011. Modes of reproduction in sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa). Biol Bull Russ 38: 849-860.). Like other asexual processes, longitudinal fission contributes to population increase and maintenance when occurring frequently (Ottaway 1973OTTAWAY JR. 1973. Some effects of temperature, desiccation and light on the intertidal anemone Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Aust J Mar Fresh Res 24: 103-126.). If this is the case for B. cangicum, it is not possible to infer frequency based on a single observation. However, such behavior may favor species in environments with oscillating conditions, like intertidal zones, where this strategy could maintain the genotype that is already established in the environment (e.g. Williams 1975bWILLIAMS RB. 1975b Catch-tentacles in sea anemones: Occurrence in Haliplanella luciae (Verrill) and a review of current knowledge. J Nat Hist 9: 241-248., Sherman & Ayre 2008SHERMAN CD & AYRE DJ. 2008. Fine-scale adaptation in a clonal sea anemone. Evolution Int J Org 62: 1373-1380.).

Among species that occur in Brazil, longitudinal fission has been described in detail for Bellactis ilkalyseae Dube, 1983, and Anthopleura varioarmata by Belém & Monteiro (1981)BELÉM MJC & MONTEIRO DC. 1981. Fauna de Cnidários do Rio de Janeiro. III. Anthopleura varioarmata Watzl, 1922 (Actiniaria, Endomyaria), uma nova ocorrência de Actiniidae. Seminários de Biologia Marinha, Acad Bras Ci: 193-203., a species later identified as Anthopleura dalyae González-Muñoz, Garese & Acuña, 2019. In both cases, it started at the pedal disc (proximal end) and resulted in individuals of slightly different sizes (Belém & Monteiro 1981BELÉM MJC & MONTEIRO DC. 1981. Fauna de Cnidários do Rio de Janeiro. III. Anthopleura varioarmata Watzl, 1922 (Actiniaria, Endomyaria), uma nova ocorrência de Actiniidae. Seminários de Biologia Marinha, Acad Bras Ci: 193-203., Oliveira & Gomes 2005OLIVEIRA TGL & GOMES PB. 2005. Primeira descrição do comportamento de Bellactis ilkalyseae (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) durante o processo de reprodução assexuada. Trop Oceanogr 33: 67-72.). In the individual of B. cangicum observed, fission was not yet concluded but the individualized oral discs were of similar size, indicating that the separation seems to begin at the oral disc (distal end). Among sea anemones, fission usually begins at the proximal end, but for some species such as Metridium senile (Linnaeus, 1761) the process begins at the distal end (Bocharova & Kozevich 2011BOCHAROVA E & KOZEVICH I. 2011. Modes of reproduction in sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa). Biol Bull Russ 38: 849-860.).

Despite its abundance along the Brazilian coast there are few studies on B. cangicum and various aspects of its basic biology are still unknown (Gomes et al. 1998GOMES PB, BELÉM MJC & SCHLENZ E. 1998. Distribution, abundance and adaptation of some Actiniidae (Cnidaria, Actiniaria) on an intertidal sand reef in Carneiros beach, Pernambuco, Brasil. Miscelania Zool 21: 65-72., Beneti et al. 2019BENETI JS, GARESE A, ACUÑA FH & MORANDINI AC. 2019. Comparing cnidocyst sizes among populations of Bunodosoma (Cnidaria: Actiniaria: Actiniidae) from the South Atlantic west coast. Zool Anz 279: 126-137.). Further studies including field observations, histological data and in-lab induced injuries to observe regeneration process are required to confirm the occurrence of asexual reproduction in Bunodosoma. Recording information on reproductive strategies of species of superfamily Actinioidea will enable us to test whether these characters are informative to understand the evolution of asexual reproduction withing Actiniidae. This may help to clarify taxonomic issues, especially in paraphyletic genera like Bunodosoma (Daly et al. 2017DALY M, CROWLEY LM, LARSON P, RODRÍGUEZ E, HEESTAND SAUCIER E & FAUTIN DG. 2017. Anthopleura and the phylogeny of Actinioidea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria). Org Divers Evol 17: 545-564.).


  • BARRAGÁN Y, SÁNCHEZ C & RODRIGUEZ E. 2019. First inventory of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) from La Paz Bay, southern Gulf of California (Mexico). Zootaxa 4559(3): 501-549.
  • BELÉM MJC & MONTEIRO DC. 1981. Fauna de Cnidários do Rio de Janeiro. III. Anthopleura varioarmata Watzl, 1922 (Actiniaria, Endomyaria), uma nova ocorrência de Actiniidae. Seminários de Biologia Marinha, Acad Bras Ci: 193-203.
  • BENETI JS, GARESE A, ACUÑA FH & MORANDINI AC. 2019. Comparing cnidocyst sizes among populations of Bunodosoma (Cnidaria: Actiniaria: Actiniidae) from the South Atlantic west coast. Zool Anz 279: 126-137.
  • BOCHAROVA E & KOZEVICH I. 2011. Modes of reproduction in sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa). Biol Bull Russ 38: 849-860.
  • DALY M. 2004. Anatomy and taxonomy of three species of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniidae) from the Gulf of California, including Isoaulactinia hespervolita. Pac Sci 58(3): 377-390.
  • DALY M, CROWLEY LM, LARSON P, RODRÍGUEZ E, HEESTAND SAUCIER E & FAUTIN DG. 2017. Anthopleura and the phylogeny of Actinioidea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria). Org Divers Evol 17: 545-564.
  • FAUTIN GF, MALARKY L & SOBERÓN J. 2013 Latitudinal diversity of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria). Biol Bull 224: 89-98.
  • GELLER JB, FITZGERALD LJ & KING CE. 2005. Fission in sea anemones: Integrative studies of life cycle evolution. Integr Comp Biol 45: 615-622.
  • GOMES PB, BELÉM MJC & SCHLENZ E. 1998. Distribution, abundance and adaptation of some Actiniidae (Cnidaria, Actiniaria) on an intertidal sand reef in Carneiros beach, Pernambuco, Brasil. Miscelania Zool 21: 65-72.
  • GOMES PB, ZAMPONI MO & SOLÉ-CAVA AM. 2003. Asexual reproduction and molecular systematics of the sea anemone Anthopleura krebsi Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860 (Actiniaria: Actiniidae). Rev Biol Trop 51: 147-154.
  • GONZÁLEZ-MUÑOZ R ET AL. 2016. Sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria, Corallimorpharia, Ceriantharia, Zoanthidea) from marine shallow-water environments in Venezuela: new records and an updated inventory. Mar Biodivers Rec 9: 18.
  • HAND C & UHLINGER KR. 1995. Asexual reproduction by transverse fission and some anomalies in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Inv Biol 114: 9-18.
  • MCGOVERN TM. 2003. Plastic reproductive strategies in a clonal marine invertebrate. P Roy Soc B-Biol Sci 270: 2517-2522.
  • OLIVEIRA TGL & GOMES PB. 2005. Primeira descrição do comportamento de Bellactis ilkalyseae (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) durante o processo de reprodução assexuada. Trop Oceanogr 33: 67-72.
  • OTTAWAY JR. 1973. Some effects of temperature, desiccation and light on the intertidal anemone Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Aust J Mar Fresh Res 24: 103-126.
  • SHERMAN CD & AYRE DJ. 2008. Fine-scale adaptation in a clonal sea anemone. Evolution Int J Org 62: 1373-1380.
  • SHICK JM. 1991. A functional biology of sea anemones. London: Chapman, 395 p.
  • SUMIDA PYG, ALFARO-LUCAS J, SHIMABUKURO M, KITAZATU H, PEREZ J, SOARES-GOMES A, TOYOFUKU T, LIMA A, ARA K & FUJIWARA Y. 2016. Deep-sea whale fall fauna from the Atlantic resembles that of the Pacific Ocean. Sci Rep 6: 22139.
  • WILLIAMS GC. 1975a. Sex and evolution. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 200 p.
  • WILLIAMS RB. 1975b Catch-tentacles in sea anemones: Occurrence in Haliplanella luciae (Verrill) and a review of current knowledge. J Nat Hist 9: 241-248.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 June 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    26 June 2020
  • Accepted
    12 Oct 2020
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