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Dispersion and aggregation patterns of tree species in Araucaria Forest, Southern Brazil


Studies about dispersal syndromes and spatial distribution can provide information about species ecology. However, few studies analyze these ecological patterns in different vegetation layers. In this work, we verified the relationship between the dispersion syndromes and the spatial distribution in different layers in Araucaria Forest. We sampled 180 plots with size and inclusion criteria that changed according to the vegetative layer. We sampled 15,545 individuals in 103 tree species. We found significant differences between the number of species in the dispersion syndromes (χ2 = 11.52; P ≤ 0.05) and spatial distribution patterns (χ2 = 10.94; P ≤ 0.05), being zoochoric and tends to clustering the most predominant. We also found a significant interaction between the dispersion syndromes and spatial distribution patterns in the analyzed layers (F = 1,044; P < 0.0001), with anemochoric species characterized by random distribution, autochoric in the cluster distribution and zoochoric in the tends to clustering. The results demonstrate that the tree species of the different layers are related to the type of dispersion and the aggregation pattern.

Key words
Araucaria forest; seed dispersal; spatial distribution; layers analysis


The Atlantic Forest hotspot covered ~1,300,000 km² of Brazilian territory and also a small portion of Argentina – 9,950 km² (Chebez and Hilgert 2003CHEBEZ JC and HILGERT N. 2003. Brief history of conservation in the Paraná Forest. In: Galindo-Lean C and Câmara IG (Eds), The Atlantic Forest of South America: biodiversity status, threats, and outlook. Washington: Island Press, p. 141-159., De Angelo 2009DE ANGELO C. 2009. El paisaje del Bosque Atlántico del Alto Paraná y sus efectos sobre la distribución y estructura poblacional del jaguar (Panthera onca) y el puma (Puma concolor), Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, 252 p.) and Paraguay – 11,618 km² (Cartes and Yanosky 2003CARTES JL and YANOSKY A. 2003. Dynamics of biodiversity loss in the Paraguayan Atlantic Forest: an introduction. In: Galindo-Lean C and Câmara IG (Eds), The Atlantic Forest of South America: biodiversity status, threats, and outlook. Washington: Island Press, p. 267-269., Huang et al. 2007HUANG CQ et al. 2007. Rapid loss of Paraguay’s Atlantic Forest and the status of protected areas: a landsat assessment. Remote Sens Environ 106: 460-466., 2009HUANG CQ et al. 2009. Assessment of Paraguay’s forest cover change using landsat observations. Glob Planet Chang 67: 1-12.). It has high biodiversity (Stehmann et al. 2009STEHMANN JR, FORZZA RC, SALINO A, SOBRAL M, COSTA DP and KAMINO LHY. 2009. Plantas da Floresta Atlântica. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, 516 p.), but, due to a historical process of 500 years of deforestation, it is currently highly fragmented, with only 11.7% of its original covering in Brazil (Ribeiro et al. 2011RIBEIRO MC, MARTENSEN AC, METZGER JP, TABARELLI M, SCARANO F and FORTIN MJ. 2011. The Brazilian Atlantic forest: a shrinking biodiversity hotspot. In: Zachos FE and Habel JC (Eds), Biodiversity hotspots. Heidelberg: Springer, p. 405-434.). Currently, the destruction of these forests for urban expansion and agricultural frontiers has resulted in high levels of fragmentation and threat to biodiversity (Tabarelli et al. 2010TABARELLI M, AGUIAR AV, RIBEIRO MC, METZGER JP and PERES CA. 2010. Prospects for biodiversity conservation in the Atlantic Forest: Lessons from aging human-modified landscapes. Biol Conserv 10: 2328-2340.).

The fragmentation process in tropical and subtropical forests, change natural habitats, limit seed dispersal and provide aggregation of tree species, as well as promote a high loss of fauna and flora diversity due to the structural complexity of these forests (Nathan and Muller-Landau 2000NATHAN R and MULLER-LANDAU HC. 2000. Spatial patterns of seed dispersal, their determinants and consequences for recruitment. Trends Ecol Evol 15: 278-285., Padilha et al. 2015PADILHA DL, LOREGIAN AC and BUDKE JC. 2015. Forest fragmentation does not matter to invasions by Hovenia dulcis. Biodivers Conserv 24: 2293-2304.). Changes in habitats may, for example, reflect on the decline of populations of frugivorous animals (Cox and Kesler 2012COX AS and KESLER DC. 2012. Prospecting behavior and the influence of forest cover on natal dispersal in a resident bird. Behav Ecol 23: 1068-1077.), which are responsible for 80% of seed dispersion in forest canopy species (Beckman and Rogers 2013BECKMAN NG and ROGERS HS. 2013. Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape. Biotropica 45: 666-681.). Another consequence of the fragmentation is the strong tendency of aggregation of the tree species, because in the absence of disperser agents, the seeds tend to fall closer to its mother plant (Wilson et al. 2004WILSON RJ, THOMAS CD, FOX R, ROY DB and KUNIN WE. 2004. Spatial patterns in species distributions reveal biodiversity change. Nature 432: 393-396., Nathan 2006NATHAN R. 2006. Long-distance dispersal of plants. Science 313: 786-788.), as well as their reproductive isolation and consequent reduction of genetic diversity (Reis et al. 2012REIS MS et al. 2012. Distribuição da diversidade genética e conservação de espécies arbóreas em remanescentes florestais de Santa Catarina. In: Vibrans AC et al. (Ed), Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina: Diversidade e Conservação dos remanescentes florestais. Blumenau: Edifurb, p. 143-169.).

For many tree species, the spatial distribution pattern is strongly correlated with seed morphology, since it differs in its ability to disperse seeds (Seidler and Plotkin 2006SEIDLER TG and PLOTKIN JB. 2006. Seed dispersal and spatial pattern in tropical trees. PLoS Biol 4: 2132-2137.). In old growth tropical and subtropical forests, between 50 and 75% of tree species produce fleshy fruits, which facilitates the animal feeding (Beckman and Rogers 2013BECKMAN NG and ROGERS HS. 2013. Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape. Biotropica 45: 666-681., Traveset et al. 2014TRAVESET A, HELENO R and NOGALES M. 2014. The ecology of seed dispersal. In: Gallagher RS (Eds), Seeds: the ecology of regeneration in plant communities. London: CABI Publishing, p. 62-93.). This dispersion by animals can lead to occasional accumulations of propagules, due to their behavior (Schupp et al. 2002SCHUPP EW, MILLERON T and RUSSO SE. 2002. Dissemination limitation and the origin and maintenance of species-rich tropical forests. In: Levey DJ et al. (Eds), Seed Dispersal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. New York: CABI Publishing, p. 19-33.). On the other hand, the diaspore of wind-dispersed species tends to travel long distances from its mother plant and the success of the dispersal is conditioned by the wind intensity and forest canopy pattern (Nathan and Katul 2005NATHAN R and KATUL GG. 2005. Foliage shedding in deciduous forests lifts up long-distance seed dispersal by wind. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102: 8251-8256.).

The Araucaria Forest comprises a large part of southern plateau (Klein 1960KLEIN RM. 1960. O aspecto dinâmico do Pinheiro Brasileiro. Sellowia 12: 17-44.,IBGE 2012IBGE. 2012. Manual técnico da vegetação brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, 275 p., Kersten et al. 2015KERSTEN RA, BORGO M and GALVÃO F. 2015. Floresta Ombrófila Mista: aspectos fitogeográficos, ecológicos e métodos de estudo. In: Eisenlohr PV et al. (Eds), Fitossociologia no Brasil: métodos e estudos de casos. Viçosa: Editora UFV, p. 156-182.), and it is the greatest phytogeographic unit in extension and the most fragmented in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Araucaria forests originally occupied 42,851 km² of the state of Santa Catarina (Klein 1978KLEIN RM. 1978. Mapa fitogeográfico do Estado de Santa Catarina. In: Flora Ilustrada Catarinense. Itajaí: R. Reitz, p. 1.), but due to the intense fragmentation process it is currently reduced to only 24.4% of its original covering (Vibrans et al. 2012VIBRANS AC, MCROBERTS RE, LINGNER DV, NICOLETTI AL and MOSER P. 2012. Extensão original e remanescentes da Floresta Ombrófila Mista em Santa Catarina. In: Vibrans AC et al. (Eds), Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina: Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Blumenau: Edifurb, p. 25-31.). In addition, these remnants are largely represented by fragments of secondary forests in the intermediate and late stages of regeneration, with rare primary or initial forests (Sevegnani et al. 2012SEVEGNANI L, VIBRANS AC and GASPER AL. 2012. Considerações finais sobre a Floresta Ombrófila Mista em Santa Catarina. In: Vibrans AC et al. (Eds), Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina: Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Blumenau: Edifurb, p. 275-278., Vibrans et al. 2013VIBRANS AC, MCROBERTS RE, MOSER P. and NICOLETTI AL. 2013. Using satellite image-based maps and ground inventory data to estimate the area of the remaining Atlantic forest in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. Remote Sens Environ 130: 87-95., Maçaneiro et al. 2015MAÇANEIRO JP, SEUBERT RC and SCHORN LA. 2015. Phytosociology of a primary Subtropical Rain Forest in southern Brazil. Floresta 45: 555-566., Maçaneiro et al. 2016aMAÇANEIRO JP, OLIVEIRA LZ, SEUBERT RC, EISENLOHR PV and SCHORN LA. 2016a. More than environmental control at local scales: do spatial processes play an important role in floristic variation in subtropical forests? Acta Botanica Brasilica 30: 183-192.).

Considering the current state of Araucaria Forest’s fragmentation in Santa Catarina (see Vibrans et al. 2012VIBRANS AC, MCROBERTS RE, LINGNER DV, NICOLETTI AL and MOSER P. 2012. Extensão original e remanescentes da Floresta Ombrófila Mista em Santa Catarina. In: Vibrans AC et al. (Eds), Inventário Florístico Florestal de Santa Catarina: Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Blumenau: Edifurb, p. 25-31.), studies that analyze the correlation between dispersal syndromes and spatial distribution patterns are significant since they can provide information on the conservation status of the current remnants and on the autoecology of plant species (Cousens et al. 2008COUSENS R, DYTHAM C and LAW R. 2008. Dispersal in plants: a population perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 240 p.). In this sense, we analyzed the relationship between the dispersion syndromes and the spatial distribution patterns of Araucaria Forest in Southern Brazil, in order to contribute to the tree species’ population ecology and answer the following questions: i) Does the strategy of seed dispersal in the Araucaria Forest reflect the pattern of spatial distribution of tree species? ii) Are there differences between the forest layers with the dispersion syndromes and the patterns of spatial distribution of tree species?



The study area is located in RPPN Emilio Einsfeld Filho, Campo Belo do Sul, Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil with 6,328.60 ha and altitude ranging from 620 to 980 m, between 27°55’ and 28º05’S and 50°55’ and 50º44’W. The climate, according to Köppen’s classification (Alvares et al. 2014ALVARES CA, STAPE JL, SENTELHAS PC, GONÇALVEZ JLM and SPAROVEK G. 2014. Köppen’s climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorol Z 22: 711-728.), is Cfb - temperate oceanic climate, without dry season and with temperate summer. The average annual temperature varies between 16-17°C, with monthly averages between 11ºC in the coldest month (July) and, 21ºC in the hottest month (February).The annual relative moisture varies between 78-80% and, the total annual rainfall is well distributed with 1,527 mm throughout the year (Pandolfo et al. 2002PANDOLFO C, BRAGA HJ, SILVA JÚNIOR VP, MASSIGNAN AM, PEREIRA ES, THOMÉ VMR and VALCI FV. 2002. Atlas Climatológico do Estado de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis: Epagri. 1 CD-ROM.).

The study area vegetation is constituted by Araucaria Forest (also called as Mixed Ombrophilous Forest - IBGE 2012IBGE. 2012. Manual técnico da vegetação brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, 275 p.), mainly characterized by dense presence of Brazilian pine [Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze]. The area was used for logging until 1985, and this exploration concentrated on the Brazilian pine and other species of economic interest (like Ocotea porosa (Nees & Mart.) Barroso, Ocotea odorifera (Vell.) Rohwer and Cedrela fissilis Vell.). Currently, the forest in the study area is characterized by degraded vegetation remnants due to selective use in the past. ( Maçaneiro et al. 2016bMAÇANEIRO JP, SEUBERT RC, HEILMANN A and SCHORN LA. 2016b. Regeneration of a Mixed Ombrophilous Forest on the Santa Catarina Plateau. Biotemas 29: 31-42.) and characterized as a continuous fragment formed by corridors, especially through the river system.


We divided the vegetation in three layers: 1) upper tree layer (UTL); 2) lower tree layer (LTL) and, 3) natural regeneration (NR). In the first two layers, tree individuals have reached maturity and in the third layer, the plants are in the process of natural regeneration. We randomly assigned 180 plots of 10 x 50 m (500 m²) (including palms and tree ferns) with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 10 cm for UTS. In each part of the UTL we added a subplot of 10 x 25 m (250 m²), to access the LTL, characterized by individuals with 5 cm ≤ DBH < 10 cm. For the NR survey, a circular plot with 2.5 m radius was inserted in the center of each UTL plot (19.6 m²), where we sampled all individuals with height ≥ 50 cm and DBH < 5 cm. These plots were randomized and installed at a minimum distance of 20 m from the forest edge.

The botanical material was identified in the Laboratory of Dendrology and Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein Herbarium (FURB), from the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), as well as in available literature. We followed APG IV and PPG I for species classification (APG IV 2016APG IV. 2016. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV. Bot J Linn. Soc 181: 1-20., PPG I 2016PPG I. 2016. A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns. J Syst Evol 54: 563-603.) and Brazilian Flora 2020 (2017BRAZILIAN FLORA 2020. In construction. Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. Available in: < >. Accessed in: 21 Jun. 2017.
) for scientific names.


We classified the species as anemochoric, autochoric and zoochoric, following Pijl (1982)PIJL LVD. 1982. Principles of dispersal in higher plants. New York: Springer-Verlag, 218 p., based on Araucaria Forest studies, such as Paise and Vieira (2005)PAISE G and VIEIRA EM. 2005. Fruit production and spatial distribution of animal-dispersed angiosperms in a Mixed Ombrophilous Forest in State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Rev Bras Bot 28: 615-625., Almeida et al. (2008)ALMEIDA SR, WATZLAWICK LF, MYSZKA E and VALERIO AF. 2008. Plants and dispersal syndromes of a remanent Mixed Ombrophilous Forest in a field system. Ambiência 4: 289-297., Liebsch and Mikich (2009)LIEBSCH D and MIKICH SB. 2009. Reproductive phenology of plant species of Mixed Ombrophilous Forest in Paraná, Brazil. Rev Bras Bot 32: 375-391., Liebsch et al. (2009)LIEBSCH D, MIKICH SB, POSSETTE RFS and RIBAS OS. 2009. Floristic survey and dispersal syndromes in Araucaria Forest remnants of Parana state, Brazil. Hoehnea 36: 233-248., Klauberg et al. (2010)KLAUBERG C, PALUDO GF, BORTOLUZZI RLC and MANTOVANI A. 2010. Floristics and structure of a Mixed Rain Forest remnant on the Catarinense Plateau. Biotemas 23: 35-47., Negrini et al. (2012)NEGRINI M, AGUIAR MD, VIEIRA CT, SILVA AC and HIGUCHI P. 2012. Dispersion, spatial distribution and vertical stratification of the tree community in a forest fragment in “Planalto Catarinense” region. Rev. Árvore 36: 919-929. and Ferreira et al. (2013)FERREIRA PI, GOMES JP, BATISTA F, BERNARDI AP, COSTA NCF, BORTOLUZZI RLC and MANTOVANI A. 2013. Potential species for recovery of permanent preservation areas in the highlands of Santa Catarina state, Brazil. Floresta Ambient 20: 173-182..

We calculated, for each population, the McGuinnes index, to analyze the distribution pattern. This index is based on the relationship between the observed density and the expected density of individuals of a given species in the sample (McGuinnes 1934MCGUINNES WG. 1934. The relation between frequency index and abundance as applied to plant populations in a semiarid region. Ecology 15: 263-282.). Thus, when the value is < 1 the distribution of the species is uniform; when it is equal to 1 the distribution is random; when it is > 1 and ≤ 2 the distribution tends to cluster and; when > 2 the distribution is clustered.

In order to verify if the dispersion syndromes and spatial distribution patterns differ in the analyzed layers, a partitioned chi-square test was applied using a level of significance α = 0.05. Then, the existence of interaction between the dispersion syndromes and the spatial distribution patterns was tested through two-way ANOVA. In this analysis, the number of individuals of each species in the plots was considered, and a significance level of α = 0.05 was applied. We tested the assumptions of normality, homoscedasticity and randomness (Zar 2010ZAR JH. 2010. Biostatistical analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 944 p.).


We sampled 15,545 individuals, belonging to 103 species, 76 genera and 44 families (Table I and II). Myrtaceae had the highest richness (16 species), followed by Fabaceae and Lauraceae (7 species each); Euphorbiaceae, Rutaceae, Sapindaceae and Solanaceae (5 species each).

Analyzed parameters for the species in different layers of Araucaria Forest in Southern Brazil.
Families and species sampled in different layers of Araucaria Forest in Southern Brazil. SD = dispersion syndrome; An = anemochoric; Au = autochoric; Zo = zoochoric; UTL = upper tree layer; LTL = lower tree layer; NR = natural regeneration; * = Species absent in the layer; C = clustered; R = random; Tc = tends to cluster.

There were significant differences in the species dispersion syndromes and spatial distribution patterns in the analyzed layers (dispersion syndromes: χ2 = 11.52; p ≤ 0.05; spatial distribution patterns: χ2 = 10.94; p ≤ 0.05). Zoochoric is the most common syndrome (UTL = 69.4%, LTL = 70.6% and NR = 70.8%) with a tends to cluster the most common distribution pattern (UTL= 71.1%, LTL = 54.1% and NR= 58.4%) (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Dispersion syndrome (%) and spatial distribution pattern (%) for upper tree layer (a, d); lower tree layer (b, e) and natural regeneration (c, f) of Araucaria Forest in Southern Brazil.

There are significant interaction (ANOVA, F = 1,044; p < 0.0001) between the dispersion syndromes and the patterns of spatial distribution in all layers, indicating that the species are influenced by these ecological characteristics (Figure 2). In the zoochoric species, more than 75% have tends to cluster spatial distribution.

Figure 2
Species spatial distribution pattern by dispersion syndrome in different layers of an Araucaria Forest in Southern Brazil.


Our results show that the dispersion syndromes and the patterns of spatial distribution of tree species vary according to the forest layer. In addition, the distribution of tree species is conditioned by the dispersion syndrome and the aggregation pattern. Regarding the dispersion syndromes, the prevalence of zoocoria is expected for the Araucaria Forest, occurring with greater intensity in the forest’s lower layers where it can represent up to 80% of the tree species (Foster 1982FOSTER RB. 1982. The seasonal rhythm of fruitfall on Barro Colorado Island. In: Leight EG et al. (Eds), The ecology of a tropical forest: seasonal rhytms and long-term changes. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, p. 151-172., Beckman and Rogers 2013BECKMAN NG and ROGERS HS. 2013. Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape. Biotropica 45: 666-681.). In the present study, the high richness of zoochoric species may be an indication that the forest is in its late stage of regeneration, since the proportion of zoochoric species tends to increase according to the progression in the successional process (Liebsch et al. 2008LIEBSCH D, MARQUES MCM and GOLDENBERG R. 2008. How long does the Atlantic Rain Forest take to recover after a disturbance? Changes in species composition and ecological features during secondary succession. Biol. conserv. 141: 1717-1725.). The Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Sapindaceae families are generally identified as the most important of the Araucaria Forest in Santa Catarina (Klein 1978KLEIN RM. 1978. Mapa fitogeográfico do Estado de Santa Catarina. In: Flora Ilustrada Catarinense. Itajaí: R. Reitz, p. 1., Gasper et al. 2013GASPER AL et al. 2013. Flora of the mixed ombrophyllous forest in Santa Catarina state, according of the forest and floristic inventory of Santa Catarina. Rodriguésia 62: 201-210.), mainly because it represents a great part of the species with zoochoric dispersion (Liebsch and Mikich 2009LIEBSCH D and MIKICH SB. 2009. Reproductive phenology of plant species of Mixed Ombrophilous Forest in Paraná, Brazil. Rev Bras Bot 32: 375-391., Klauberg et al. 2010KLAUBERG C, PALUDO GF, BORTOLUZZI RLC and MANTOVANI A. 2010. Floristics and structure of a Mixed Rain Forest remnant on the Catarinense Plateau. Biotemas 23: 35-47., Negrini et al. 2012NEGRINI M, AGUIAR MD, VIEIRA CT, SILVA AC and HIGUCHI P. 2012. Dispersion, spatial distribution and vertical stratification of the tree community in a forest fragment in “Planalto Catarinense” region. Rev. Árvore 36: 919-929.). These families are also typical of well-conserved forests and exhibit the characteristic of high abundance of individuals under the Araucaria Forest canopy, which are an important source of resources for the frugivorous animals (Klein 1960KLEIN RM. 1960. O aspecto dinâmico do Pinheiro Brasileiro. Sellowia 12: 17-44.,Reitz and Klein 1966REITZ R and KLEIN RM. 1966. Araucariáceas. In: Reitz R (Ed), Flora Ilustrada Catarinense. Itajaí: Herbário Barbosa Rodrigues, p. 1-62., Paise and Vieira 2005PAISE G and VIEIRA EM. 2005. Fruit production and spatial distribution of animal-dispersed angiosperms in a Mixed Ombrophilous Forest in State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Rev Bras Bot 28: 615-625.).

Most species in the analyzed layers tend to cluster in the forest. This characteristic has already been reported for 65% of the species by Kanieski et al. (2012)KANIESKI MR, LONGHI SJ, NARVAES IS, SOARES PRC, LONGHI-SANTOS T and CALLEGARO RM. 2012. Diversidade e padrões de distribuição espacial de espécies no estágio de regeneração natural em São Francisco de Paula, RS, Brasil. Floresta 42: 509-518.. However, regenerating species may have a tends to cluster and, adult trees to occur in groups (see Nascimento et al. 2001NASCIMENTO ART, LONGHI SJ and BRENA DA. 2001. Structure and spatial distribution patterns of tree species in a Mixed Ombrophylous Forest sample in Nova Prata, RS. Ciênc Florest 11: 105-119.). This may occur due to the interactions with the dispersing agents or because of a density-dependent competition increase, where population fluctuations of plants depend directly on the size of the previous population, which in turn is determined by intrinsic ecological processes (see Berryman 1999BERRYMAN AA. 1999. Principles of population dynamics and their application. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes, 256 p., Knape and Valpine 2012KNAPE J and VALPINE P. 2012. Are patterns of density dependence in the Global Population Dynamics Database driven by uncertainty about population abundance?. Ecol Lett 15: 17-23.). For example, Beckman and Rogers (2013)BECKMAN NG and ROGERS HS. 2013. Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape. Biotropica 45: 666-681. mention that some animals can deposit seeds in favorable environments for their germination (clearings, tree trunks, forest edges), or even in the same place, as in the case of tapirs (Giombini et al. 2009GIOMBINI MI, BRAVO SP and MARTÍNEZ MF. 2009. Seed dispersal of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana by tapirs in the Semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest of Argentina. Biotropica 41: 408-413.), where they generate an aggregate pattern of palm Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman. Boyer et al. (2006)BOYER D, RAMOS-FERNÁNDEZ G, MIRAMONTES O, MATEOS JL, COCHO G, LARRALDE H, RAMOS H and ROJAS F. 2006. Scale-free foraging by primates emerges from their interaction with a complex environment. Proc Biol Sci 273: 1743-1750. point out that some primates follow mental maps and choose their path according to a criterion of maximum efficiency to find scarce resources (fruits and seeds) in a heterogeneous environment, such as tropical forests. These animals may deposit seeds in aggregate at some sites, however, the foraging patterns are generalized and seed dispersal in the forest may be random (Boyer et al. 2006BOYER D, RAMOS-FERNÁNDEZ G, MIRAMONTES O, MATEOS JL, COCHO G, LARRALDE H, RAMOS H and ROJAS F. 2006. Scale-free foraging by primates emerges from their interaction with a complex environment. Proc Biol Sci 273: 1743-1750.).

Furthermore, the aggregation pattern of many tree species will depend on the secondary dispersion event, promoted by insects or rodents on the soil (Forget et al. 2005FORGET PM, LAMBERT JE, HULME PE and VANDER WALL SB. 2005. Seed fate: Predation, dispersal and seedling establishment. Wallingford: CAB International, 432 p., Vander Wall et al. 2005VANDER WALL SB, KUHN KM and BECK MJ. 2005. Seed removal, seed predation, and secondary dispersal. Ecology 86: 801-806., Silva et al. 2012SILVA KE, MARTINS SV, SANTOS NT and RIBEIRO CAAS. 2012. Padrões espaciais de espécies arbóreas tropicais. In: Martins SV (Eds), Ecologia de Florestas Tropicais do Brasil, p. 326-354.). For example, the aggregation of seeds dispersed by animals at specific sites depends on the number of seeds per defecation, the aggregation of defecations and the persistence of seed entering the deposition sites over time, among others (Beckman and Rogers, 2013BECKMAN NG and ROGERS HS. 2013. Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape. Biotropica 45: 666-681.). In altered secondary forests, the tendency of aggregation of zoochoric species may occur due to habitat fragmentation, for absence of dispersant animals the seeds of the trees tend to be dispersed near the mother plant (Wilson et al. 2004WILSON RJ, THOMAS CD, FOX R, ROY DB and KUNIN WE. 2004. Spatial patterns in species distributions reveal biodiversity change. Nature 432: 393-396., Nathan 2006NATHAN R. 2006. Long-distance dispersal of plants. Science 313: 786-788.). However, in well-conserved secondary forests where dispersal animals are present, seed aggregation may occur in greater proportion under nests or along paths used by animals that travel small and long distances (Schupp et al. 2002SCHUPP EW, MILLERON T and RUSSO SE. 2002. Dissemination limitation and the origin and maintenance of species-rich tropical forests. In: Levey DJ et al. (Eds), Seed Dispersal and Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. New York: CABI Publishing, p. 19-33., Boyer et al. 2006BOYER D, RAMOS-FERNÁNDEZ G, MIRAMONTES O, MATEOS JL, COCHO G, LARRALDE H, RAMOS H and ROJAS F. 2006. Scale-free foraging by primates emerges from their interaction with a complex environment. Proc Biol Sci 273: 1743-1750.) and in environments similar to the mother plant (Cavallero et al. 2012CAVALLERO L, AIZEN MA and RAFFAELE E. 2012. Endozoochory decreases environmental filtering imposed to seedlings. J Veg Sci 23: 677-689.). In the present study, several ecological factors may be contributing to the aggregation of zoochoric species (see Boyer et al. 2006BOYER D, RAMOS-FERNÁNDEZ G, MIRAMONTES O, MATEOS JL, COCHO G, LARRALDE H, RAMOS H and ROJAS F. 2006. Scale-free foraging by primates emerges from their interaction with a complex environment. Proc Biol Sci 273: 1743-1750., Beckman and Rogers 2013BECKMAN NG and ROGERS HS. 2013. Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape. Biotropica 45: 666-681.). However, detailed studies on the interactions between dispersing agents and tree species should be performed to confirm this hypothesis.

The anemochoric dispersion was characterized by the predominance of species with random distribution. In forest ecosystems, this result is usually expected, since the seeds of anemochoric species have winged structures that favor transport by the wind (Barbosa et al. 2012BARBOSA JM, EISENLOHR PV, RODRIGUES MA and BARBOSA KC. 2012. Ecologia da dispersão de sementes em florestas tropicais. In: Martins SV (Ed), Ecologia De Florestas Tropicais do Brasil, Viçosa: Editora UFV, p. 85-106.). Moreover, these seeds can reach long distances from their point of origin according to the intensity of the wind and the distribution of treetops (Nathan et al. 2001NATHAN R, SAFRIEL UN and NOY-MEIR I. 2001. Field validation and sensitivity analysis of a mechanistic model for tree seed dispersal by wind. Ecology 82: 374-388., Beckman and Rogers 2013BECKMAN NG and ROGERS HS. 2013. Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape. Biotropica 45: 666-681.). The higher proportion of anemochoric species with a random distribution suggests that these species, once dispersed by the wind and not having a specific place for their deposit, are randomly distributed in all forest layers.

The clustered distribution was the most representative in autochoric species. These species have explosive mechanisms of dispersion or are dispersed by gravity (Barbosa et al. 2012BARBOSA JM, EISENLOHR PV, RODRIGUES MA and BARBOSA KC. 2012. Ecologia da dispersão de sementes em florestas tropicais. In: Martins SV (Ed), Ecologia De Florestas Tropicais do Brasil, Viçosa: Editora UFV, p. 85-106.), in addition to having small dispersion distance in relation to other means, which results in a high density of seeds and seedlings near the mother plant (Narbona et al. 2005NARBONA E, ARISTA M and ORTIZ PL. 2005. Explosive seed dispersal in two perennial Mediterranean Euphorbia species (Euphorbiaceae). Am J Bot 92: 510-516., Nathan 2006NATHAN R. 2006. Long-distance dispersal of plants. Science 313: 786-788.). Due to these ecological traits, generally autochoric species tend to present a clustered distribution pattern (Ricklefs 2010RICKLEFS RE. 2010. A Economia da Natureza. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 572 p., Barbosa et al. 2012BARBOSA JM, EISENLOHR PV, RODRIGUES MA and BARBOSA KC. 2012. Ecologia da dispersão de sementes em florestas tropicais. In: Martins SV (Ed), Ecologia De Florestas Tropicais do Brasil, Viçosa: Editora UFV, p. 85-106.). However, although autochoric is uncommon in Neotropical forests (see Howe and Smallwood 1982HOWE HF and SMALLWOOD J. 1982. Ecology of seed dispersal. Ann Rev Ecolog Syst 13: 201-228., Talora and Morellato 2000TALORA DC and MORELLATO PC. 2000. Phenology of coastal-plain forest tree from Southeastern Brazil. Rev Bras Bot 23: 13-26., Barbosa et al. 2012BARBOSA JM, EISENLOHR PV, RODRIGUES MA and BARBOSA KC. 2012. Ecologia da dispersão de sementes em florestas tropicais. In: Martins SV (Ed), Ecologia De Florestas Tropicais do Brasil, Viçosa: Editora UFV, p. 85-106.), these species are important for forest fragments regeneration. For example, Lopes et al. (2012)LOPES CGR, FERRAZ EMN, CASTRO CC, LIMA EN, SANTOS JMFF, SANTOS DM and ARAÚJO EL. 2012. Forest succession and distance from preserved patches in the Brazilian semiarid region. For Ecol Manage 271: 115-123. verified that, in the absence of anemochoric and zoochoric species, the succession of fragmented forests is driven by the dynamics of some autochoric species, which gradually move to more distant places. The results show that the species of different layers of forest are related to the type of dispersion and the aggregation pattern, since the existence of a significant interaction between the dispersion syndromes and the spatial distribution patterns was verified. The distribution of the dispersion syndromes and the spatial distribution patterns of the species presented significant differences in the analyzed layers and most of the species showed a zoochoric distribution and a tends to cluster distribution. The anemochoric species characterized the pattern of random distribution, followed by the autochoric species with clustered distribution pattern. We conclude that further studies on the dispersion and aggregation of tree species in neotropical forests take into account the interaction between these ecological traits.


The authors are grateful to Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Universidade Federal do Paraná, and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for their research fellowship grant (306216/2013-2 and 141232/2018-8). We also thank Luiz Henrique da Silva from FURB Idiomas and Daiana Vogel for English review.


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