Geological unit |
Description |
Arroio dos Ratos Complex |
Tonalite, trondhjemite, granodiorite, deformed in Dorsal de Canguçu shear. Age 2.08 Ga. A fragment of La Plata Craton inside the Pelotas Batholith, part of the Encantadas Complex. |
Brasiliano Cycle orogens |
The physical manifestation of the Tonian-Ediacaran orogenies; peaks at 780 Ma, 660-550 Ma. |
Brasiliano orogenic cycle (900-535 Ma) |
Formed and accreted the juvenile São Gabriel terrane, crustal reworking Pelotas Batholith, Porongos Complex, Camaquã Basin and granites in the foreland. Developed in the Tonian-Ediacaran-Cambrian (900-535 Ma), with the La Plata Craton as its basement. |
Brazilian Shield |
Exposed basement of the South American Platform, made up of Archean, Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. It remained little deformed (a craton) during the Phanerozoic deformation in the Andes. |
Camaquã Basin |
The foreland basin of the Dom Feliciano Belt; flysch at the base and molasse at the top of the stratigraphy. Age 601-535 Ma. |
Capivarita Anorthosite |
Massive-type intrusion in the Encruzilhada block, age 1.57 Ga. |
Cordilheira peraluminous granites |
A suite of Neoproterozoic (660-605 Ma) granitic intrusions aligned with the western border of the Pelotas Batholith. |
Dom Feliciano Belt |
The Neoproterozoic-Cambrian (900-535 Ma) mobile belt in Rio Grande do Sul, a portion of the Brasiliano orogen that extends along the eastern half of South America. |
Dom Feliciano suite |
Monzogranite, syenogranite; age 595 Ma. Late-orogenic granitic rocks of the Pelotas Batholith. |
Dom Pedrito structure |
The structure that confines the high aeromagnetometric signal in SW Sul-Riograndense Shield. Corresponds to the occurrence of granulite and amphibolite facies rocks. |
Encantadas Complex |
Tonalite, trondhjemite, granodiorite, deformed in amphibolite facies. Age 2.26-2.00 Ga. It is a major exposure of the La Plata Craton in the Tijucas terrane. |
Geological provinces |
Concept based on surface geology, such as batholith, complex, foreland basin, terrane. |
Granite intrusions in the foreland |
Neoproterozoic (600-550 Ma) monzogranites, syenogranites and perthite granites intruded in the São Gabriel and Taquarembó terranes, including the Caçapava, Lavras, Jaguari, Saibro, Santo Afonso, Santa Rita, Santo Antônio, São Sepé and Cerro da Cria granites. |
La Plata Craton |
Exposed basement in the Sul-Riograndense Shield; remained little deformed during the Neoproterozoic deformation related to the Brasiliano Cycle of orogenies. Main ages 2.26-2.00 Ga, but also 3.4 Ga, 2.7 Ga, 1.7 Ga, 1.5 Ga. |
Mudador basalts |
Pillowed and massive basalt flows located south of Caçapava Granite. Possibly part of the São Gabriel terrane. Age undetermined. |
Paraná Basin |
Large intraplate sedimentary basin (Paleozoic to Cretaceous) capped in a large extension by Serra Geral Group volcanics; the basin covers the northern, western and part of the southern portion of the Sul-Riograndense Shield. It extends to the north in Brazil, where the sedimentary Bauru Group is at the top of the basin (Fernandes and Ribeiro 2015); and to the west and south into neighboring countries. |
Pelotas batholith |
Orogenic to late-orogenic granitic rocks, including some gneiss and schist remnants; age 780 Ma, mostly 660-580 Ma. Constitutes the backbone of the Dom Feliciano Belt. |
Pinheiro Machado Complex |
Gneiss, migmatite, tonalite, granodiorite, slivers of metasedimentary rocks; age 620 Ma. Core of orogenic Pelotas Batholith. |
Piquiri syenite |
An intrusive body in the Encruzilhada terrane; age 595 Ma. |
Porongos Complex |
Fold and thrust belt of continental schists; greenschist to low amphibolite facies. Youngest detrital zircon 580 Ma. |
Precambrian terrane |
A vague expression that refers to geological units of different composition, structure and age. Does not include allochtony in the concept. Similar meaning as block, belt and domain. |
Quaternary coastal plain |
Extensive coastal plain along the Atlantic Coast of Rio Grande do Sul state. |
Rio Grande arch |
A large structure related to the rifting of Gondwana. |
Santa Maria Chico Granulitic Complex |
Mafic garnet granulite, trondhjemite, sillimanite gneiss, pyroxenite, spinel lherzolite, iron formation. Magmatic age 2.55 and 2.35 Ga, metamorphic age 2.02 Ga. Main constituent of Taquarembó terrane. |
Santa Tecla Formation |
Tertiary and Quaternary weathering crusts. |
São Gabriel terrane |
Juvenile 940-660 Ma orogenic unit, made up of tonalite, trondhjemite, granodiorite, ophiolite. Oceanic stage of the Brasiliano orogen. |
Serra Geral Group |
Tholeiitic basalts and rhyodacites near the top of the Paraná Basin. Age 135 Ma. |
Subvertical, transcurrent shear zones |
Subvertical, left-lateral, transcurrent shear zone; e.g., Dorsal de Canguçu, Caçapava, Ibaré shears. Simplified as "shear" from previous varied designations of "shear zone", "suture" or "lineament". Age 660-600 Ma. |
Sul-Riograndense Shield |
Local designation of the Brazilian Shield in the state of Rio Grande do Sul; continuous exposure into Uruguay in the south; age 2.55 Ga to 535 Ma. |
Supercontinent Gondwana |
Ediacaran agglomeration of continents in the southern hemisphere that left the Brasiliano orogens as record. |
Taquarembó plateau |
Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Camaquã basin. |
Taquarembó terrane |
High-grade metamorphic units situated to the south of the Ibaré shear. Largest exposed area of the La Plata Craton in the Sul-Riograndense Shield. |
Tijucas terrane |
A fold and thrust belt of continental schists (Porongos Complex) containing a strip of Encantadas Complex and slivers of quartzite, ophiolite and varied Neoproterozoic granitic rocks. Includes minor 1.77 Ga and 1.57 Ga granitic and metamorphosed mafic rocks. |
Trans-Amazonian orogenic cycle |
Main crust-forming event in the Sul-Riograndense Shield; age 2.26-2.00 Ga. |
Vacacaí Complex |
Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the São Gabriel terrane, including ophiolites; greenschist to middle amphibolite facies; age 780-700 Ma. |
Vigia Complex |
Tonalite, trondhjemite, granodiorite. Age 1.77 Ga. Occurs in the Tijucas terrane. |