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Maternal and developmental toxicity after exposure to formulation of chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl during organogenesis in rats


Chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl are fungicides widely used in agriculture. The aim of this study was to assess maternal toxicity and embryotoxic potential of exposure to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl during organogenesis period in rats. Pregnant rats were divided into four groups: control and exposed to 400 (CT400), 800 (CT800) and 1200 mg-1kg bw-1 day (CT1200) of commercial formulation constituted of 200 g of thiophanate-methyl kg−1 and 500 g of chlorothalonil kg−1 by gavage, from 6th to 15th gestational day. Maternal toxicity, liver, kidney and placenta histology, reproductive performance, and external, skeletal and visceral malformations of fetuses were evaluated. Maternal liver weight was decreased in CT1200 group and focal necrosis and microvesicular steatosis, inflammatory infiltrate and hepatocytes with pyknotic nucleus were observed in CT800 and CT1200 groups. Reproductive performance was similar among groups. The percentage of fetuses small for pregnancy age was increase in CT400 and CT800 groups. Moreover, incidence of skeletal anomalies was increased in the three groups exposed to fungicides. Chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl exposure showed affect the prenatal development and induce maternal toxicity.

Key words
developmental toxicity; embryo; fetus; malformations; pesticide; rat


Increasing demands for food and consequently the need for increased crop productivity have led to widespread worldwide use of pesticides (Handford et al. 2015HANDFORD CE, ELLIOTT CT & CAMPBELL K. 2015. A review of the global pesticide legislation and the scale of challenge in reaching the global harmonization of food safety standards. Integr Environ Assess Manag 11(4): 525-536.). The agricultural benefits generated by the use of these chemicals are usually accompanied by impacts to environmental, human and animal health, depending of exposure levels (Nasrala Neto et al. 2014NASRALA NETO E, LACAZ FAC & PIGNATI WA. 2014. Health surveillance and agribusiness: the impact of pesticides on health and the environment. Cien Saude Cole 19(12): 4709-4718., Furlan & Kreutzweiser 2015FURLAN L & KREUTZWEISER D. 2015. Alternatives to neonicotinoid insecticides for pest control: case studies in agriculture and forestry. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 1: 135-147., Kim et al. 2017KIM KH, KABIR E & JAHAN SA. 2017. Exposure to pesticides and the associated human health effects. Sci Total Environ 575: 525-535., Cuevas et al. 2018CUEVAS N, MARTINS M & COSTA PM. 2018. Risk assessment of pesticides in estuaries: a review addressing the persistence of an old problem in complex environments. Ecotoxicology 27(7): 1008-1018., Hyland et al. 2018HYLAND C, GUNIER RB, METAYER C, MICHAEL N, BATES MN, WESSELING C & MORA AM. 2018. Maternal residential pesticide use and risk of childhood leukemia in Costa Rica. Int J Cancer 143: 1295-1304.).

Pre- and perinatal period are particularly susceptible to environmental xenobiotics exposure, especially to pesticides. Several studies suggest association between gestational exposure to pesticides and embriotoxicity, low birth weight, congenital malformations, miscarriage, stillbirths (Chrisman et al. 2016CHRISMAN JR, MATTOS IE, KOIFMAN RJ, KOIFMAN S, MORAES MELLO BOCCOLINI P & MEYER A. 2016. Prevalence of very low birthweight, malformation, and low Apgar score among newborns in Brazil according to maternal urban or rural residence at birth. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 42(5): 496-504., García et al. 2017GARCÍA J, VENTURA MI, REQUENA M, HERNÁNDEZ AF, PARRÓN T & ALARCÓN R. 2017. Association of reproductive disorders and male congenital anomalies with environmental exposure to endocrine active pesticides. Reprod Toxicol 71: 95-100., Toichuev et al. 2017TOICHUEV RM ET AL. 2017. Organochlorine pesticides in placenta in Kyrgyzstan and the effect on pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn health. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 25: 31885-31894., Yu et al. 2017YU Y, YANG Y, ZHAO X, LIU X, XUE J, ZHANG J & YANG A . 2017. Exposure to the mixture of organophosphorus pesticides is embryotoxic and teratogenic on gestational rats during the sensitive period. Environ Toxicol 32(1): 139-146.), impairment in the neurodevelopment and behavior (Woskie et al. 2017WOSKIE S, KONGTIP P, THANASANPAIBOON W, KIATDAMRONG N, CHAROONRUNGSIRIKUL N, NANKONGNAB N, SURACH A & PHAMONPHON A. 2017. A pilot study of maternal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and newborn neurodevelopment in Thailand. Int J Occup Environ Health 23(3): 193-201., Laporte et al. 2018LAPORTE B, GAY-QUÉHEILLARD J, BACH V & VILLÉGIER AS. 2018. Developmental neurotoxicity in the progeny after maternal gavage with chlorpyrifos. Food Chem Toxicol 113: 66-72., Philippat et al. 2018PHILIPPAT C, BARKOSKI J, TANCREDI DJ, ELMS B, BARR DB, OZONOFF S, BENNETT DH & HERTZ-PICCIOTTO I. 2018. Prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and risk of autism spectrum disorders and other non-typical development at 3 years in a high-risk cohort. Int J Hyg Environ Health 221(3): 548-555.) and increase of the risk of childhood leukemia (Hyland et al. 2018HYLAND C, GUNIER RB, METAYER C, MICHAEL N, BATES MN, WESSELING C & MORA AM. 2018. Maternal residential pesticide use and risk of childhood leukemia in Costa Rica. Int J Cancer 143: 1295-1304.).

Most toxicity studies evaluate effects of the exposure of alone pesticides, but no in mixtures, as they are commonly used. Chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl are two active ingredients widely used alone or mixed in a commercial formulation containing 200 g of thiophanate-methyl kg-1 and 500 g of chlorothalonil kg-1 for the elimination and prevention of anthracnose in various agricultural crops (Tomé et al. 2017TOMÉ HV, RAMOS GS, ARAÚJO MF, SANTANA WC, SANTOS GR, GUEDES RN, MACIEL CD, NEWLAND PL & OLIVEIRA EE. 2017. Agrochemical synergism imposes higher risk to Neotropical bees than to honeybees. R Soc Open Sci 4(1): 160866.).

Fungicide formulation constituted of the chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl is widely used in agriculture. However, studies about toxicity of the compounds in mixture are scarce and addressed to immune system or ecotoxicity (Weis et al. 2019WEIS GCC, ASSMANN CE, CADONÁ FC, BONADIMAN BDSR, ALVES AO, MACHADO AK, DUARTE MMMF, DA CRUZ IBM & COSTABEBER IH. 2019. Immunomodulatory effect of mancozeb, chlorothalonil, and thiophanate methyl pesticides on macrophage cells. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 182: 109420., Tschoeke et al. 2019TSCHOEKE PH, OLIVEIRA EE, DALCIN MS, SILVEIRA-TSCHOEKE MCAC, SARMENTO RA & SANTOS GR. 2019. Botanical and synthetic pesticides alter the flower visitation rates of pollinator bees in Neotropical melon fields. Environ Pollut 251: 591-599.) but no to reproductive system.

Chlorothalonil (2,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1,3-benzenedicarbonitrile) is a broad-spectrum, non-systemic, organochlorine fungicide, commonly used to control fungal foliar diseases in agriculture and horticulture (Van Scoy & Tjeerdema 2014VAN SCOY AR & TJEERDEMA RS. 2014. Environmental fate and toxicology of chlorothalonil. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 232: 89-105.). Moreover, this fungicide can be used as an active biocide applied in antifouling paints (Readman 2006READMAN JW. 2006. Development, occurrence and regulationof antifouling paint biocides: historical review and future trends. Handb Environ Chem 5: 1-15.). Its fungicide activity is attributed to the inactivation of cell sulfhydryl enzymes, such as NADPH oxidase (Sherrard et al. 2003SHERRARD RM, MURRAY-GULDE CL, RODGERS JR JH & SHAH YT. 2003. Comparative toxicity of chlorothalonil: Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pimephales promelas. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 56(3): 327-333.). Moreover, it also causes depletion of glutathione, an endogenous antioxidant involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics in many organisms (Rosner et al. 1996ROSNER E, KLOS C & DEKANT W. 1996. Biotransformation of the fungicide chlorthalonil by glutathione conjugation. Fundam Appl Toxicol 33(2): 229-234., Meyer 2008MEYER AJ. 2008. The integration of glutathione homeostasis and redox signaling. J Plant Physiol 165(13): 1390-1403.). Experimental studies show that the exposure to 200, 400 or 600 mg-1 kg-1day of chlorothalonil isolated during gestation days (GD) 1 to 6 or organogenesis (GD 6–15) can cause reproductive disorders, especially developmental toxicity (De Castro et al. 2001DE CASTRO VL, CHIORATO SH & PINTO NF. 2001. Biological monitoring of embrio-fetal exposure to methamidophos or chlorothalonil on rat development. Vet Hum Toxicol 42(6): 361-365., Farag et al. 2006FARAG AT, KARKOUR TA & EL OKAZY A. 2006. Embryotoxicity of oral administered chlorothalonil in mice. Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol 77(2): 104-109.). Moreover, chlorothalonil was detected in maternal (97.1%) and cord (93.9%) serum in humans, indicating transfer of some portion of the maternal dose to the fetus (Barr et al. 2010BARR DB, ANANTH CV, YAN X, LASHLEY S, SMULIAN JC, LEDOUX TA, HORE P & ROBSON MG. 2010. Pesticide concentrations in maternal and umbilical cord sera and their relation to birth outcomes in a population of pregnant women and newborns in New Jersey. Sci Total Environ 408(4): 790-795.).

Thiophanate-methyl [dimethyl ((1,2-phenylene) bis(iminocarbonothioyl)) bis(carbamate)] is a systemic benzimidazole fungicide affecting the cell division mechanism by inhibiting fungal DNA synthesis (Seiler 1975SEILER JP. 1975. Toxicology and genetic effects of benzimidazole compounds. Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res 32(2): 151-167.). This fungicide is applied to control diseases caused by ascomycota fungal in vegetables, at pre- and post-harvest (Ye et al. 2008YE C, ZHOU Q & WANG X. 2008. Determination of thiophanate-methyl and chlorotoluron in water samples by improved single-drop microextraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography. Int J Environ Anal Chem 88(7): 461-471.). Toxicity of this fungicide can be associated to its interaction with human serum albumin and generation of reactive oxygen species (Saquib et al. 2010SAQUIB Q, AL-KHEDHAIRY AA, ALARIFI SA, DWIVEDI S, MUSTAFA J & MUSARRAT J. 2010. Fungicide methyl thiophanate binding at sub-domain IIA of human serum albumin triggers conformational change and protein damage. Int J Biol Macromol 47(1): 60-67.). Thiophanate-methyl is metabolized into benzimidazole compounds, including the well-documented reproductive toxicant carbendazim (Douch 1973DOUCH PGC. 1973. The metabolism of benomyl fungicide in mammals. Xenobiotica 3(6): 367-380.), and may act as weak endocrine disruptor (Maranghi et al. 2003MARANGHI F, MACRÍ C, RICCIARDI C, STAZI AV, RESCIA M & MANTOVANI A. 2003. Histological and histomorphometric alterations in thyroid and adrenals of CD rat pups exposed in utero to methyl thiophanate. Reprod Toxicol 17(5): 617-623.).

Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess maternal toxicity and evaluate the embryotoxic potential of chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl during organogenesis period in Wistar rats.



Healthy male (75 days old, n = 10) and female (75 days old, n = 40) Wistar rats, supplied by the Central Vivarium of UNOESTE – Universidade do Oeste Paulista –, were housed in the Vivarium of Experimentation at the UNOESTE. During the experiment, animals were allocated into polypropylene cages (43 cm×30 cm×15 cm) with laboratory-grade pine shavings as bedding. Rats were maintained under controlled temperature (23 ± 1 °C) and lighting conditions (12L, 12D photoperiod). Rat chow and filtered tap water were provided ad libitum. The experimental protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee for Use of Animals at the UNOESTE (Protocol # 2242-CEUA).

Experimental design and exposure

Two female rats were paired to one male fertile rat in a separate cage over night from 5.00 pm to 8.00 am in the following day (Madu 2015MADU EP. 2015. Teratogenic and embryotoxic effects of orally administered cypermethrin in pregnant albino rats. J Toxi Enviro H Sci 7: 60-67.). After the mating period, males and females were separated and vaginal smears were examined for the estrous phase and presence of spermatozoa to determine whether copulation had occurred. The first positive finding was defined as gestational day zero (GD 0) and pregnant females were weighed and caged individually.

Pregnant rats were distributed into four experimental groups. Three groups of dams received Cerconil WP® (formulation constituted of 200 g of thiophanate-methyl kg-1 and 500 g of chlorothalonil kg-1, Iharabras S.A. Chemical Industries, Brazil) at doses of 400 (CT400 group), 800 (CT800 group) or 1200 mg/kg bw/day (CT1200 group). Group four was the control, where dams received only the vehicle (saline solution 0.09%).

The fungicide was diluted and administered at a volume of 0.25mL/100 g of body weight. The choice of the exposure dose was based on studies of De Castro et al. (2001)DE CASTRO VL, CHIORATO SH & PINTO NF. 2001. Biological monitoring of embrio-fetal exposure to methamidophos or chlorothalonil on rat development. Vet Hum Toxicol 42(6): 361-365. and Ben Amara et al. (2014)BEN AMARA I, BEN SAAD H, CHERIF B, ELWEJ A, LASSOUED S, KALLEL C & ZEGHAL N. 2014. Methyl-thiophanate increases reactive oxygen species production and induces genotoxicity in rat peripheral blood. Toxicol Mech Methods 24(9): 679-687., considering median lethal dose (LD50) for rat is > 5,000 mg kg-1 bw (USEPA 2005USEPA - UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. 2005. Office of Pesticide Programs. Special Review and Reregistration Division., Reregistration eligibility decision: Thiophanate-Methyl. US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs Special Review and Reregistration Division: Washington, D.C. Accessed 02 November 2018.
), and > 10,000 mg kg-1 bw (USEPA 1999USEPA - UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. 1999. Office of Pesticide Programs. Special Review and Reregistration Division., Reregistration eligibility decision: chlorothalonil. US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs Special Review and Reregistration Division: Washington, D.C. Accessed 02 November 2018.
) for thiophanate-methyl and chlorothalonil, respectively.

The exposure schedule (Figure 1) involved oral administration (gavage) of the fungicides during organogenesis period which is from GD 6 to 15, characterized by an extremely rapid development and consequently vulnerable to malformations. According to Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guidelines 414 (OECD 2001OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals section 4. 2001. Test no. 414, prenatal and developmental toxicity study. OECD Publishing, Paris. Accessed 02 november 2018
), shortly before caesarean section, the pregnant rats exposed during organogenesis must be killed, for the uterine contents examination, and evaluation of the fetuses for soft tissue and skeletal changes.

Figure 1
Experimental design. GD = gestational day.

Maternal toxicity

Pregnant females were weighed every four days and had your daily intake estimated ration (in grams) and water (in milliliter). In addition, clinical signs of toxicity and mortality were observed (Christian 2001CHRISTIAN MS. 2001. Test methods for assessing female reproductive and developmental toxicology. In: Hayes W. Method of toxicology, 29th edn. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, p. 1301-1381.). On GD20, the females were anesthetized by sodium thiopental (100 mg kg-1 bw, ip.), killed and submitted to laparotomy.

Maternal liver, kidney, spleen, heart, and lung were collected, weighed and macroscopically inspected for evaluation of the integrity of external structure and presence of edema, necrosis and hemorrhagic foci (n = 8/group). Placenta, liver and kidneys (n = 8/group) were fixed in buffered formalin (10%). The pieces were embedded in paraffin wax and sectioned at 5µm (three nonconsecutive cross-sections per animal). The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and subjected to histochemical techniques (Periodic Acid Schiff – PAS for views of the inclusions of carbohydrate and Masson’s trichrome to visualize the collagen fibers) and examined by light microscopy.

The presence of vacuolar degeneration in the tubules, fibrosis, inflammation, congestion, hemorrhage and vascular and glomerular changes were evaluated in the kidneys. For the liver, presence of inflammation, fibrosis, vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes, necrosis of hepatocytes, hemorrhage, congestion, endothelial lesion and vascular alterations were considered.

Placental morphometry and identification of regions (labyrinth and spongiotrophoblast) were performed according to Lemos et al. (2014)LEMOS AJ, SILVA FC, MELO IM, SILVA-JUNIOR VA, TEIXEIRA AA & WANDERLEY-TEIXEIRA V. 2014. Placental morphometry and histochemistry in rats treated with dexamethasone in early pregnancy. Pesq Vet Bras 34 (7): 703-708., using a graticulate containing 100 points. Photomicrographs of transverse sections from placenta (10 random fields of the labyrinth and spongiotrophoblast per animal) were captured by microscope (Leica DM2500, 400X magnification), coupled to the digital camera and a microcomputer containing the Leica Q-win software 3 for WindowsTM.

Reproductive performance

Uterus and ovaries (control (n = 7) and exposed groups (n = 6)) were collected to determine the fertility potential (implantation sites/corpora lutea×100), uterus weight with fetuses, number of live fetuses, fetal and placental weight, sex ratio (number of male fetuses/number of female fetuses×100), and rates of pre-implantation (number of corpora lutea − number of implantations/number of corpora lutea×100) and post-implantations (number of implantations − number of live fetuses/number of implantations×100) loss.

Fetal and placenta analysis

The mean fetal weight (g) of the control group was used for classification of fetus as adequate for pregnancy age (APA), small for pregnancy age (SPA) or large for pregnancy age (LPA). Fetuses whose weights did not diverge more than + 1.7 standard deviations (SDs) from the control group mean were classified as APA. Those whose weights were at least 1.7 SDs greater than the control group mean were classified as LPA. Those whose weights were at least 1.7 SD lower than the control group mean were classified as SPA (Soulimane-Mokhtari et al. 2005SOULIMANE-MOKHTARI NA, GUERMOUCHE B, YESSOUFOU A, SAKER M, MOUTAIROU K, HICHAMI A & KHAN NA. 2005. Modulation of lipid metabolism by n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in gestational diabetic rats and their macrosomic offspring. Clin Sci 109(3): 287-295.).

The placental index was determined by the relation between the quotient of placental weight and fetal weight (in grams). The placental diameter, thickness and volume were obtained as described by Del Nero et al. (2002)DEL NERO U, RUDGE MVC, NOVO NF, CALDERON IDMP & BRASIL MAM. 2002. Methodology to study the volume and absolute placental density in human placenta at term. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 24(10): 212-216.. Fetuses were examined for gross external malformations, with detailed analysis of the eyes, mouth, ear implantation, cranial conformation, fore and hindlimbs, integrity of the abdominal wall, tail and anal drilling.

One half the fetuses of each dam were fixed in Bodian fluid and serial sections were prepared for visceral examination (eyes, palate, brain and ear, thorax, abdomen and genitourinary tract), according to Wilson (1965)WILSON JG. 1965. Methods for administering agents and detecting malformations in experimental animals. In: Wilson JG & Warkany J (Eds). Teratology: Principals and Techniques. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. 262-277..

The remaining fetuses were prepared for examination of the skeletons by method described by Staples & Schnell (1964)STAPLES RE & SCHNELL VL. 1964. Refinements in rapid clearing technic in the KOH-alizarin red s method for fetal bone. Stain Technol 39: 61-63.. The fetuses were fixed in alcohol, carefully eviscerated, diaphanized with potassium hydroxide solution (1% KOH), stained with alizarin red S and stored in glycerin until the moment of analysis in stereomicroscope. In skeletal analysis, changes in position, shape, bone calcification and absence of bones were evaluated. Ossification points (sternabria, proximal and distal phalanges, metacarpals, metatarsals and caudal vertebrae) were observed and counted, according to the method proposed by Aliverti et al. (1979)ALIVERTI V, BONANOMI L, GIAVINI E, LEONE VG & MARIANI L. 1979. The extent of fetal ossification as an index of delayed development in teratogenic studies on the rat. Teratology 20(2): 237-242..

Statistical analysis

For comparison of the maternal reproductive and fetal development parameters ANOVA with a posteriori Tukey test or nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis test with a posteriori Dunn test were performed. Fisher’s exact test was applied to compare the proportion data. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to test for normal distributions before the statistical analyses. Differences were considered significant when p < 0.05.


Maternal toxicity

The control group did not show any clinical signs of toxicity. Only one rat from CT800 group showed piloerection, while another had change in pattern of ambulation. In the CT1200 group, one rat showed vaginal blood loss. These signs of toxicity were observed only during exposure. No remarkable changes in behavior were observed in dams from control or exposure groups. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the percentage of weight gain (Table I and daily consumption of water and food (data not shown) of pregnant rats among experimental groups.

Table I
Weight gain and weight of maternal organs of the rats from control and exposed to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl groups.

The weights of kidneys, heart, lung and spleen of the dams were similar among the experimental groups. However, the weight of the liver was decreased in the CT1200 group in comparison to the control group (Table I).

Liver histology is shown in Figure 2. Histological analysis of the liver of rats showed areas of focal necrosis, inflammatory infiltrate (Figure 2d) and presence of hepatocytes with pyknotic nucleus (condensed chromatin, highly eosinophilic), suggestive of apoptosis (Figure 2e) in CT800 and CT1200 groups. Furthermore, focal area with microvesicular steatosis was observed in the same groups (Figure 2c). The histochemical analysis by Masson trichrome stain indicated positive reaction of the same intensity around the portal triad among the experimental groups. However, in the groups exposed to fungicides was observed areas collagen deposition between hepatocytes (Figure 2g). Moreover, higher intensity staining positive PAS (Figure 2i) was observed in the three exposed groups.

Figure 2
Liver histology. a, b, f and h) Control group. c, d, e, g and i) Groups exposed to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl. c) Presence of focal area with microvesicular steatosis in CT1200 group. d) Presence of inflammatory infiltrate (arrow) in CT800 group. e) Presence of hepatocytes with pyknotic nucleus (condensed chromatin, highly eosinophilic), suggestive of apoptosis (arrow) in CT1200 group. g) Collagen deposition between hepatocytes (arrows) in CT800 group. i) Higher intensity of staining positive PAS (arrows) in CT400 group. a – e: H&E. f and g: Masson’s trichrome. h and i: PAS.

The cortical and medullary region of the kidney was normal and showed similar morphology among the four experimental groups. The histochemical analysis of kidney indicated positive reaction of the same intensity among the experimental groups.

Reproductive performance

Uterus weight with fetuses, number of corpora lutea and implants, pre-implantation loss, fertility potential and number of live fetuses were similar (p > 0.05) among experimental groups (Table II. Post-implantation loss rate was not significantly (p > 0.05) affected by exposure to fungicides. However, some rats with great number of late pregnancy loss were observed in CT800 and CT1200 groups (Figure 3a).

Table II
Reproductive performance and fetal parameters of the rats from control and exposed to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl groups.
Figure 3
Fetal Changes. a) Late gestational loss (post-implantation loss), represented by reabsorption points and late gestational loss with presence of placenta and dysmorphic fetus (Groups exposed to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl). b) Normal fetus with its placenta (control group). Fetus from control group with normal vertebra (c), caudal vertebrae (e) and sternebra (g). Fetus of the groups exposed to fungicides with bipartite vertebral centrum in CT400 (d), absence of caudal vertebrae in CT800 (f), and malformation of sternal centers (butterfly-shaped sternebra (*) and decreased sternal centers (arrow)) in CT1200 (h).

Fetal and placenta analysis

The mean of body weight of fetus was similar (p > 0.05) among experimental groups. However, the percentage of fetuses with appropriate size for gestational age (APA) decreased (p < 0.05) in CT400 and CT800 groups, when compared to control groups and CT1200. Consequently, the percentage of small fetuses for gestational age (SPA) increased (p < 0.05) in the CT400 group, when compared to the other experimental groups. Moreover, SPA was increased in CT800 group, when compared to the control group. The percentage of large fetuses for gestational age (LPA) was similar among the four groups (Table II). There was no statistically significant difference in the craniocaudal length, sex ratio and absolute and relative anogenital distances among experimental groups (Table II).

There was no significant difference in placental weight, index and volume (Table III. Histological analysis of the placenta revealed a normal morphological structure in the four experimental groups. The labyrinth area was characteristically larger than the spongiotrophoblast area in all groups (Figure 4a, d, g and j). However, the placental morphometry analysis indicated changes in proportion of the components from labyrinth and spongiotrophoblast layers (Table III). There was a decrease (p < 0.05) of the wall of the fetal vessels and maternal blood space and a consequential increase (p < 0.05) in lumen of the fetal vessels in the labyrinth of the CT800 and CT1200 groups. In CT400 group, the wall of the fetal vessels and lumen of the fetal vessels were increased and decreased in comparison to control group, respectively.

Table III
Placental parameters of the rats from control and exposed to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl groups.
Figure 4
Placenta histology. a – c and g – m) Control group. d – f and j – l) Groups exposed to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl. L – labyrinth, S – spongiotrophoblast, d – decidua, St – syncytial trophoblast, giant trophoblastic cells (arrow). a – f: H&E. i – m: Masson’s trichrome. g-h and j-l: PAS.

In spongiotrophoblast, there was an increase (p < 0.05) in maternal vascularisation and a decrease in mesenchyme in the CT800 and CT1200 groups. The proportion of trophoblast indiferentiate cells was increased (p < 0.05) in the three groups exposed to fungicides in comparison to control group (Table III).

No difference in positive PAS marking was observed in the different layers of the four experimental groups (Figure 4g and 4j). However, the cells of the syncytial trophoblast were richly stained (Figure 4h and 4l). Histochemical analysis by Masson’s Trichrome indicated a positive reaction of the same intensity between the experimental groups (Figure 4i and 4m).

There was no occurrence of gross external malformations and visceral anomalies in the experimental groups. The incidence of skeletal abnormalities was increased (p < 0.05) in the exposed groups, when compared to the control group (Table IVand Figure 3c-h). Gestational exposure to fungicides increased (p < 0.05) the incidence of fetuses with decreased sternal centers in CT400 and CT1200 groups, when compared to control and CT800 groups. An increased in the incidence of fetuses with xiphoid process absent and malformation of the supraoccipital was observed in CT400 and CT800 groups, respectively, when compared to the other experimental groups. In CT800 group, an increase of frequency of absence of caudal vertebrae was observed, when compared to the control and CT400 group. Other changes such as malformation of the xiphoid process, and basisphenoide, hamulus and manubrium, bipartite vertebral centrum and incomplete ossification of the skull were also identified, but there were no significant difference among the experimental groups (Table IV).

Table IV
Frequency of fetal skeletal anomalies and points of ossification of the rats from control and exposed to chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl groups.

The number of phalanges of the right fore limb was decreased (p < 0.05) in the CT400 group, when compared to the other experimental groups. While the number of phalanges of the left fore limb was decreased (p < 0.05) in the CT400 group, when compared to control and CT800 groups. The number of metatarsals was decreased (p < 0.05) in the CT800 group, when compared with the control group (Table IV).


Despite the widespread use of the fungicide formulation consisting of the chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl in agriculture, the toxicity data of the compounds alone or in combination are scarce, especially about reproduction endpoints. This is the first study that correlates the exposure to formulation combined of these fungicides with maternal toxicity and prenatal development. Moreover, chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl had molecular weights of 265.91 and 342.4 g mol-1, respectively. Chemicals with molecular weight less than 600 may transmigrate from mother to fetus through the placenta (Mirkin 1973MIRKIN BL. 1973. Maternal and fetal distribution of drugs in pregnancy. Clin Pharmacol Ther 14(4): 643-647.

The absence of significant impair in maternal weight gain was consistent with live fetuses number. When considering as indicators of systemic maternal toxicity, the parameters of water consumption and ration, body weight, piloerection, deambulation, diarrhea and mortality, it is verified that the exposure to fungicides caused low general toxicity at the highest exposure doses. Since these effects caused were punctual and manifested in few animals. Nevertheless, moderate maternal toxicity was observed after fungicides exposure, when parameters of hepatic toxicity were evaluated.

Study of Farag et al. (2006)FARAG AT, KARKOUR TA & EL OKAZY A. 2006. Embryotoxicity of oral administered chlorothalonil in mice. Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol 77(2): 104-109. reported signs of maternal toxicity (weakness and reduction in the activity) after exposure to 400 and 600 mg-1 kg-1day of chlorothalonil during organogenesis (GD 6–15) in mice. Moreover, the authors observed maternal weight gain reduced, without changes in feed consumption. Traina et al. (1998)TRAINA ME, FAZZI P, MACRÌ C, RICCIARDI C, STAZI AV, URBANI E & MANTOVANI A. 1998. In vivo studies on possible adverse effects on reproduction of the fungicide methyl thiophanate. J Appl Toxicol 18(4): 241-248. observed reduction of maternal weight gain and of daily food consumption after exposure pre- (GD 2-5) and peri-implantation (GD 6-9) to 650 mg-1 kg-1day of thiophanate-methyl.

The liver is an important toxicological target, so several studies indicate hepatic impairment after exposure to pesticides (Paolini et al. 1999PAOLINI M, POZZETTI L, PEROCCO P, MAZZULLO M & CANTELLI-FORTI G. 1999. Molecular non-genetic biomarkers of effect related to methyl thiophanate cocarcinogenesis: organ-and sex-specific cytochrome P450 induction in the rat. Cancer Lett 135(2): 203-213., Buono et al. 2007BUONO S, CRISTIANO L, D’ANGELO B, CIMINI A & PUTTI R. 2007. PPARα mediates the effects of the pesticide methyl thiophanate on liver of the lizard Podarcis sicula. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 145(3): 306-314., Braeuning et al. 2018BRAEUNING A, OBEREMM A, HEISE T, GUNDERT-REMY U, HENGSTLER JG & LAMPEN A. 2018. In vitro proteomic analysis of methapyrilene toxicity in rat hepatocytes reveals effects on intermediary metabolism. Arch Toxicol 92: 1-15.). In the present study, the maternal liver weight was reduced in the animals exposed to the highest dose, which corroborates the histopathological findings (i.e. focal necrosis, inflammatory infiltrate, presence of hepatocytes with picnotic nucleus, suggestive of apoptosis, and area of ​​microvesicular steatosis). In contrast, increase in the absolute weight of liver after exposure to chlorothalonil (600 mg-1 kg-1day) was observed by Farag et al. (2006)FARAG AT, KARKOUR TA & EL OKAZY A. 2006. Embryotoxicity of oral administered chlorothalonil in mice. Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol 77(2): 104-109..

Some studies (Paolini et al. 1999PAOLINI M, POZZETTI L, PEROCCO P, MAZZULLO M & CANTELLI-FORTI G. 1999. Molecular non-genetic biomarkers of effect related to methyl thiophanate cocarcinogenesis: organ-and sex-specific cytochrome P450 induction in the rat. Cancer Lett 135(2): 203-213., Buono et al. 2007BUONO S, CRISTIANO L, D’ANGELO B, CIMINI A & PUTTI R. 2007. PPARα mediates the effects of the pesticide methyl thiophanate on liver of the lizard Podarcis sicula. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 145(3): 306-314.) indicate that thiophanate-methyl may lead to hepatic morphological alterations, glycogen depletion and hepatocellular apoptosis. In addition, thiophanate-methyl may change hepatic metabolism of substances administrated concomitantly, which may interfere on the toxicity caused by the commercial formulation. It has been reported that chlorothalonil can cause increased lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage in DNA of liver cell (Lodovici et al. 1997LODOVICI M, CASALINI C, BRIANI C & DOLARA P. 1997. Oxidative liver DNA damage in rats treated with pesticide mixtures. Toxicology 117(1): 55-60., Suzuki et al. 1997SUZUKI T, KOMATSU M & ISONO H. 1997. Cytotoxicity of organochlotine pesticides and lipid peroxidation in isolated rat hepatocytes. Biol Pharm Bull 20(3): 271-274.).

Despite the absence of impact on the weight and histology of the kidneys observed in this study, Farag et al. (2006)FARAG AT, KARKOUR TA & EL OKAZY A. 2006. Embryotoxicity of oral administered chlorothalonil in mice. Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol 77(2): 104-109. observed increase in the absolute weight of this organ after exposure to 600 mg-1 kg-1day of chlorothalonil (GD 6–15) in mice. In addition, Wilkinson & Killen (1996)WILKINSON CF & KILLEEN JC. 1996. A mechanistic interpretation of the oncogenicity of chlorothalonil in rodents and na assessment of human relevance. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24: 69-84. reported that chronic exposure of rodents to chlorothalonil can cause nephrotoxicity and renal tubular hyperplasia.

The absence of significant difference in the number of corpora lutea among the experimental groups suggests that the maternal hormonal environment was adequate for the beginning of the gestational process. Even after exposure to fungicides, there was no significant disturbance of this process, which led to the successful implantation, indicated by the absence of significant changes in the number of implants and resorptions and in the rate of pre-implantation loss. In spite post-implantation loss rate to be not significantly affected by exposure to fungicides, some dams (CT800 and CT1200 groups) had late gestational loss of all fetuses implanted. This result demonstrated relevant impact on embryo-fetal development. Absence of changes in resorption rate and pre-implantation loss was observed after exposure to thiophanate-methyl at GD 6-9 (Traina et al. 1998TRAINA ME, FAZZI P, MACRÌ C, RICCIARDI C, STAZI AV, URBANI E & MANTOVANI A. 1998. In vivo studies on possible adverse effects on reproduction of the fungicide methyl thiophanate. J Appl Toxicol 18(4): 241-248.). In the other hand, study of Farag et al. (2006) showed increase in dead fetuses and early resorptions after exposure to chlorotalonil alone.

Maternal exposure did not alter the reproductive performance of rats. The CT800 group had a lower number of live fetuses than the other experimental groups, but with no significant statistical difference. The same occurred with the fertility potential in the CT1200 group.

There was no impact of the exposure on the mean weight and craniocaudal length of the fetuses, corroborating absence of impact on length of the embryo (GD12) after exposure peri- (GD 2-5) and peri-implantation (GD 6-9) to thiophanate- methyl (Traina et al. 1998TRAINA ME, FAZZI P, MACRÌ C, RICCIARDI C, STAZI AV, URBANI E & MANTOVANI A. 1998. In vivo studies on possible adverse effects on reproduction of the fungicide methyl thiophanate. J Appl Toxicol 18(4): 241-248.). However, when considering the percentages of classification of fetuses in adequate, small or large for gestational age, there is a significant difference among experimental groups in this study. This demonstrates that the mean fetal weight alone may not be the best indicative of intrauterine growth restriction, as reported by Sinzato et al. (2012)SINZATO YK, VOLPATO GT, IESSI IL, BUENO A, CALDERON IDMP, RUDGE MVC & DAMASCENO DC. 2012. Neonatally induced mild diabetes in rats and its effect on maternal, placental, and fetal parameters. Exp Diabetes Res 2012: 1-7.. The observed difference between mean fetal weight and weight adequacy at gestational age may be related to the difference in size between male and female fetuses and the very variability of litter size.

In the present study, there was no change in placental weight, index and volume, which could generally be indicative of absence of blood flow compromise between the uterus and the placenta (Chahoud et al. 1999CHAHOUD I, LIGENSA A, DIETZEL L & FAQI AS. 1999. Correlation between maternal toxicity and embryo/fetal effects. Reprod Toxicol 13(5): 375-381., Lang et al. 2003LANG U, BAKER RS, BRAEMS G, ZYGMUNT M, KÜNZEL W & CLARK KE. 2003. Uterine blood flow: a determinant of fetal growth. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 22(110): 55-61.). However, the more specific analysis of the morphometry of the layers and constituents of the placenta indicated an impact on the placental vascularization.

The placental labyrinth is the site of oxygen and nutrient exchange between the mother and the fetus. In the present study, there was a decrease of the wall of the fetal vessels and maternal blood space in labyrinth area in the groups exposed to two higher doses of fungicides. Study of Guo et al. (2019)GUO C, YANG Y, SHI MX, WANG B, LIU JJ, XU DX & MENG XH. 2019. Critical time window of fenvalerate-induced fetal intrauterine growth restriction in mice. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 72: 186-193. showed reduction in blood sinusoid area in the labyrinth layer associated to growth restriction in fetuses whose mothers were exposed to pesticide fenvalerate (20 mg kg-1) at the late gestational stage (GD13 - 17). In current study, the significant (p < 0.05) impact on fetal growth was observed in CT800 group (SPA – 25.49%), but not in CT1200 (SPA – 12.76%) in comparison to control group (3.61%). Despite this, we observed a relevant numeric difference between CT1200 and control group.

In CT400 group, despite the increase of wall of the fetal vessels in labyrinth layer, the frequency of fetus SPA (31.17%) was increased. The causes of intrauterine growth restriction are multiple (i.e., maternal, fetal, placental and environmental factors) and involving complex mechanisms, which difficult the understanding of this pathophysiology (Sankaran & Kyle 2009SANKARAN S & KYLE PM. 2009. Aetiology and pathogenesis of IUGR. 2009. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 23: 765-777.).

The increase in maternal vascularisation and trophoblastic indiferentiate cells in spongiotrophoblast of CT800 and CT1200 groups may be indicative of placental compensatory mechanism. This is important for maintenance of the basic functionalities of the placenta and mainly for dilution of toxic molecules (pesticide) at the cellular level (Levario-Carrillo et al. 2004LEVARIO-CARRILLO M, OLAVE ME, CORRAL DC, ALDERETE JG, GAGIOTI SM & BEVILACQUA E. 2004. Placental morphology of rats prenatally exposed to methyl parathion. Exp Toxicol Pathol 55(6): 489-496.).

Although the organogenesis (6th to 15th gestational day in rats) represents the window of exposure to teratogens the most susceptible to appearance of morphological alterations (Dencker & Eriksson 1998DENCKER L & ERIKSSON P. 1998. Susceptibility in utero and upon neonatal exposure. Food Addit Contam 15: 37-43.), no external and visceral malformations were observed in the exposed groups. However, there was a significant increase in the total incidence of fetuses with skeletal abnormalities after exposure to the fungicides. The end of the organogenesis period corresponds to the development of the ossification process in rats (Fritz & Hess 1970FRITZ H & HESS R. 1970. Ossification of the rat and mouse skeleton in the perinatal period. Teratology 3(4): 331-337.). As this is an important indicator of fetal maturity, this alteration can be considered a relevant impact to prenatal development.

Reduced ossification in fetuses may be correlated to change in calcitonin level and in calcium metabolism or lower levels of calcium and magnesium ion (El Ghareeb et al. 2015EL GHAREEB ABW, HAMDI H, TAHA SF & ALI H. 2015. Evaluation of Teratogenic potentials of Bronchodilator drug on offsprings of Albino rats. Int J Sci Eng Res 6: 534-542.). The fungicide thiophanate-methyl can induce bone resorption and reduced serum calcium and phosphorus in rats (USEPA 2009USEPA - UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. 2009. Office of Prevention, Pesticide and Toxic Substances. OPP Official record health effects division scientific data reviews EPA Series, Washington, D.C. 361: 1-96. Accessed 05 November 2019.
). Thus, the decrease of these minerals, constituents in bone development, might have led to impact to the ossification process.


The experimental exposure to the combination of fungicides methyl thiophanate and chlorothalonil caused changes in embryo-fetal development in the three doses studied, especially on the ossification process. Despite the lack of impact on reproductive performance, fungicides caused moderate toxicity to maternal general health in the two highest doses. Thus, future studies that evaluate the reproductive and developmental toxicity of these agrochemicals at levels of real exposure, in women farmer and population that live near agricultural land are necessary and important.


This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. Grant support: University of Western São Paulo (UNOESTE).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 Nov 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    August 30 Aug 2019
  • Accepted
    14 Jan 2020
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