The restoration methods applied on the areas affected by the Fundão tailings dam collapse have a high priority in Mariana region. We evaluated the effect of different restoration methods and site preparation techniques, depth and seasonality on penetration resistance of tailings, and how these predictors affect tree aboveground biomass in areas affected by the Fundão dam collapse in Mariana, Brazil. No significant differences in penetration resistance and aboveground biomass between treatments were observed, but significant differences were observed between seasonal periods. The main univariate model explained the significant effects of depth and seasonality, mainly by a negatively wet effect on penetration resistance. According to the best models (univariate and multivariate) were those that had depth as a predictor. This study showed how penetration resistance can be an indicator to select the best period for restoration process in areas affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam, but no limit to the aboveground biomass recovery on tailing.
Key words Fundão dam; penetration resistance; resilient mitigation; restoration ecology; site effects