The main goal of this study was to determine the diversity and activity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in an area degraded by limestone mining within the semi-arid region of Brazil known as the caatinga (shrublands). Near a limestone quarry, we selected two areas of caatinga (preserved and degraded) for study. The number of glomerospores did not differ significantly between the two areas. There was a trend toward the most probable number of infective propagules being higher in the degraded area. Twenty AMF taxa were identified in the two sampled areas, species richness, diversity and evenness being higher in the preserved area. Two species of Racocetra represent new records for the semi-arid region of Brazil. Glomerospore production and AMF species richness were unaffected by mining activity in the study area.
caatinga; glomerospores; infective propagules; mining activities; mycorrhiza