Figure 1
A. Habit of Microchilus arietinus. B. Aspidogyne fimbrillaris. C, D. A. kukzynskii. Photo author: Nicolás Gutiérrez Morales (A), Mathias E. Engels (B, C), Eric C. Smidt (D).
Figure 2
Roots of Goodyerinae: cross-sections (A-C, E-I) and longitudinal section (D). Free hand sections of fresh material (A-C, G). Aspidogyne longicornu (A, B, C, G), A. juruenensis (D), A. rosea (E, I) and Microchilus austrobrasiliensis (F, H). A. 5 mm from the apex, staining with Astra Blue and Safranin, young epidermis showing cells with lignified walls and nucleus present (arrows). B. Staining with Astra Blue and Safranin showing pits on the walls of epidermal cells (arrow) and with acidified phloroglucinol test (detail above), showing lignified walls (arrow). C. Sudan III test highlighting the suberin lamella at exodermis. D. Parenchymatous cortex showing an idioblast with raphides (arrow). E. Lacunal collenchyma present in internal cortex. F. Root with six protoxylem poles. G. Staining with Astra Blue and Safranin, endodermis with Casparian strips (arrow) and parenchymatous pericycle (*). H. Vascular cylinder (stele) evidencing phloem and protoxylem externally (arrows), phloem (red circle) and xylem internally. I. Vascular cylinder evidencing the centre of stele with phloem (black arrow) and xylem in central region, containing fibre-tracheids (white arrow). Epidermis (ep), exodermis (ex), endodermis (en), collenchyma (co), pericycle (*), xylem (x), parenchyma (pa). Bars: A = 200 µm, B, C, D, E, F, G, I = 50 µm, H = 100 µm.
Figure 3
Goodyerinae, root, cross-sections. Aspidogyne rosea (A, B, C), Microchilus austrobrasiliensis (D-G). M. arietinus (H). A. Sieve tube with sieve plate (arrow) in the peripheral phloem. B. Sieve tube with sieve plate (arrow) in the internal phloem. C. Colenchyma in the centre of the stele, fibre-tracheids (white arrow) and phloem (black arrow). D. Phloematic elements embedded in the central vascular tissue (circles). E, F. Detail of the circles of figure (D), sieve tubes (white arrows) and companion cells (black arrows). G. Spiranthosomes (arrows). H. Cortex with fungi hyphae. Endodermis (en), pericycle (*), xylem (x), parenchyma (pa), collenchyma (co). Bars: A, B, E = 20 µm, C, F, G = 50 µm, D, H = 100 µm.
Figure 4
The stems of Goodyerinae: horizontal (rooted) (A, D, E, G, H, J) and erect (leaved) (B, C, F, I, K). Aspidogyne longicornu (A, C, G, K), A. foliosa (B), A. kuczynskii (E), A. juruenensis (D, H), Microchilus austrobrasiliensis (F, I) and A. rosea (J). A, B. Epidermal cells with thin walls (A arrow), slightly thickened walls (B arrow) and subepidermal collenchyma (co). C. Cortex with peripheral collenchyma (co; arrow on epidermis). D. Spiranthosome in cortex tissue (arrow). E. Cortex idioblast with raphides. F. Detail of spiranthosome in SEM. G. Endodermis with Casparian strips (arrow) and vascular bundle. H. Central cylinder with 14 vascular bundles, endodermis (arrow). I. Central cylinder with 28 vascular bundles, endodermis (arrow). J, K. Detail of vascular bundle (J) and central cylinder delimited by endodermis with Casparian strips (arrow) (K). Clarified samples stained with Astra Blue and Safranin (G, K). Phloem (ph), xylem (x). Bars: A, B, G = 50 µm, F, J = 100 µm, C, D, H, I, K = 200 µm, E = 5 µm.
Figure 5
Goodyerinae leaf, epidermis in frontal view (A-D) and cross-sections (E-K). Microchilus arietinus (A, D, G, J, K). Aspidogyne rosea (B, F, I). M. austrobrasiliensis (C, D). A. kuczynskii (E). A. juruenensis (H), A. longicornu (N). A. Adaxial surface in SEM, showing straight anticlinal walls and convex periclinal walls. B, C. Abaxial surface, evidencing stomata with 2, 3, 4 and 5 subsidiary cells (*). D. Abaxial surface in SEM showing epicuticular grooves (arrow). E. Domed adaxial epidermal cells and flat abaxial cells. F, G. Convex epidermal cells, slightly thickened in (F), and homogeneous mesophyll (G). H. Flat epidermal cells. I. Vascular bundle with two band of xylem and parenchymal sheath with chloroplasts, collenchymatous phloematic cells (black arrow), pigment cell (white arrow) and crystal idioblast lacking raphides (*). J, K. Detail of mesophyll cells with orange pigment, 70% ethanol fixed sample and stained with Astra Blue and Safranin (J) and live sample without staining (K). Adaxial surface epidermis (ep), parenchyma sheath (ps). Bars: A, B, F, K = 50 µm, C = 250 µm, E, G, H, I = 100 µm, D, J = 20 µm.
Table 1
Anatomical characters of root, stem and leaves of neotropical Goodyerinae. CC = cortical collenchyma; CV = collenchyma in the vascular cylinder; XS = xylem vessels and sieve elements embedded in the centre of the vascular cylinder (X = xylem, Ph = phloem); PX = number of protoxylem poles; LC = layers of cortex cells; VB = number of vascular bundles; ADE = adaxial surface epidermis in cross-section (D = domed, C = convex, F = flat); ABE = abaxial surface epidermis in cross-section (D = domed, C = convex, F = flat); ID = pigment idioblast; (+), present; (-) absent; (?) unknown.