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Biogeography of the genus Mikania Willd. (Asteraceae) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The geographical distribution of the 39 species of Mikania Willd. native in Rio Grande do Sul was studied at two scales: a state-regional scale, using physiographic regions as units, and an american-continental scale, considering politic-geographic regions as units. Specific richness and distribution amplitude were obtained directly from presence and absence matrixes, relating species and regions. The state-regional matrix was also analysed by two multivariate methods, a cluster analysis and a principal coordinate analysis, using the complement of the Jaccard coefficient as a measure of dissimilarity. At the state-regional scale, the richest regions were the Coastal Plain and the Central Depression, whereas at the american-continental scale, most of the South Riograndean species were also found in Southeastern Brazil and Southern South America. The multivariate analysis evidenced two main groups in Rio Grande do Sul, one eastern and another western. Within each of these groups, two subgroups related to climatic and geological features were evidenced. The distribution patterns of Mikania confirm the tropical character of the genus, and the main migration routes described for the southern Brazilian vascular flora.

Mikania; Asteraceae; biogeography; Rio Grande do Sul

Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil