The need to know more about "Bioma Cerrado" becomes more and more urgent, due to the accelerated destruction of this "Biome". The objective of this work was to conduct a floristic inventory in two areas of Cerrado " stricto sensu ", in the Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas. Arboreal and shruby species were registered, using the Point Centered Quarter Method. It was verified that in spite of some litologic differences, dark red latossoil in the first area and red yellow latossoil in the second one, the two areas showed high similarity, showed by Jaccard's index (0,72) and Morisita's index (0,64). 67 species belonging to 51 genera and 29 families, were identified, 48 species common to both areas. Kielmeyera coriacea, Qualea grandiflora, Caryocar brasiliense, Syagrus flexuosa and Ouratea hexasperma had larger indexes of importance in the first area and Pouteria ramiflora, Qualea parviflora, Qualea grandiflora, Caryocar brasiliense and Vochysia cinamommea, were the most important species in the second area. The most important family in both areas was Vochysiaceae and Leguminosae was the family that showed the biggest number of species (15), followed by Vochysiaceae (7), Apocynaceae (5) and Myrtaceae (4).
Floristic; phytosociology; "cerrado"; Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas