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Message from the editor


A new year begins for the Brazilian cardiology, and the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology are still aware of its mission to continue to be the main channel for the dissemination of Brazilian scientific research on cardiology and on the cardiovascular system. The large increase in the Brazilian publications seen in recent years could also be observed in the field of cardiovascular sciences, but the high rates of indexation achieved by the Archives in the same period maintained its relevance among various specialty journals. This justifies the steady trend of publications of more than 25% of Brazilian cardiology papers in our journal, most of which coming from the Graduate Programs in our country.

To successfully meet the high demand of manuscripts submitted for publication, now amounting to more than 500 manuscripts per year, the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology improve its system of electronic submission and the review and desktop publishing process, ensuring faster responses to the authors and faster publication of selected manuscripts. Currently, the average period of review and correction of manuscripts is about five months, while the deadline for publication in Portuguese and English lies around four to five months. The authors are offered a chance to publish their manuscripts on PubMed in less than nine months after the initial submission, ensuring researchers the rapid insertion of their work in the international literature.

In parallel, we are working on improvements to the quality of publications by implementing a faster and more objective review process and by adopting modern publicizing formats. Electronically available in PDF since 2011, the Archives, since July 2012, have offered formats compatible with Tablets and Smartphones, enabling access to the journal in full through the main systems of access to electronic media.

Following the assumption that the rating of a journal and its Impact Factor are evaluated especially by originality, relevance and scientific quality of the manuscripts published on it, the pursuit of the consolidation of the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology at an international level still requires much work to be done. Besides the collaboration of Brazilian scientists in submitting their best manuscripts to our journal, the gradual improvement of the editorial quality of our journal is one of the most important goals to be achieved. Accordingly, we rely on the close collaboration of our Associate Publishers, the Editorial Board and all Reviewers who dedicate their scientific knowledge to our journal.

Finally, as a way to repay the participation of all collaborators of the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology, the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology Award of Scientific Publications continues to be an important event to encourage and acknowledge the Brazilian cardiology. In its latest edition, five original articles published in 2012 were awarded, in addition to the original article most cited in the past two years, and the more active reviewer during the year 2012 was also paid tribute.

The original article with the highest number of citations in international indexes in the last two years was the one by Barberato et al1, published in 2010, about the prevalence and prognostic impact of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. The best original manuscript of 2011 included two original articles on basic research on the effects of coffee residues in the metabolism of rats2 and the influence of chronic stress on myocardial function in rats3. Clinical studies about the influence of carvedilol on oxidative stress in chronic Chagas' heart disease4 and density reduction of ventricular premature beats and symptoms after administration of magnesium5 were also awarded. Finally, the assessment of myocardial delayed enhancement technique for magnetic resonance imaging in identifying higher risk for ventricular tachycardia in Chagas' heart disease6 completed a wide variety of high-quality publications from Brazilian scientific research studies published in our journal.


  • 1. Barberato SH, Bucharles SG, Sousa AM, Costantini CO, Costantini CR, Pecoits-Filho R. Prevalência e impacto prognóstico da disfunção diastólica na doença renal crônica em hemodiálise. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010;94(4):457-62.
  • 2. Brito LF, de Queirós LD, Peluzio Mdo C, Ribeiro SM, da Matta SL, de Queiroz JH. Efeito dos resíduos de café seco e fermentado por Monascus ruber no metabolismo de camundongos Apo E. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;99(2):747-54.
  • 3. Bruder-Nascimento T, Campos DH, Leopoldo AS, Lima-Leopoldo AP, Okoshi K, Cordellini S, et al. Estresse crônico melhora a função miocárdica sem alterar a atividade do canal-L para Ca+2 em ratos. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;99(4):907-14.
  • 4. Budni P, Pedrosa RC, Garlet TR, Dalmarco EM, Dalmarco JB, Lino MR, et al. Carvedilol atenua o estresse oxidativo na cardiopatia chagásica crônica. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;98(3):218-24.
  • 5. Falco CN, Grupi C, Sosa E, Scanavacca M, Hachul D, Lara S, et al. Redução da densidade de extrassístoles e dos sintomas relacionados após administração de magnésio por via oral. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;98(6):480-7.
  • 6. de Mello RP, Szarf G, Schvartzman PR, Nakano EM, Espinosa MM, Szejnfeld D, et al. Realce tardio miocárdico por ressonância magnética cardíaca pode identificar risco para taquicardia ventricular na cardiopatia Chagásica crônica. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;98(5):421-30.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Jan 2013
  • Date of issue
    Jan 2013
Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - SBC Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160, sala: 330, Centro, CEP: 20020-907, (21) 3478-2700 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil, Fax: +55 21 3478-2770 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil