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Clinical therapeutics for stable coronary artery disease. Differences between primary and tertiary medical care centers

PURPOSE: To observe the distribution of the main drugs used in patients with stable coronary heart disease, in primary and tertiary medical care centers (MCC). METHODS: We studied 300 consecutive out patients at the Hetat Institute with the diagnosis of stable coronary artery disease, 205 (68%) males and 95 (32%) female, aged from 31 to 80 (mean 58±8.0) years old. Drug intake was evaluated. RESULTS: We observed that the use of nitrates (48% vs 55%; p=NS) and calcium antagonists (46% vs 37%; p=NS), respectively in both primary and tertiary MCC was similar. The beta blockers were used more often in the primary MCC (50% vs 35%; p= 0,02). Angiotensin coverting enzyme inhibitors (11% vs 42%; p< 0.001), diuretics (30% vs 49%; p= 0.002) and aspirin (44% vs 76%; p= 0.0001) were more frequently used in the tertiary MCC. CONCLUSION: We observed similar frequency of use of nitrates and calcium antagonists in both centers. There was a higher use of beta blockers in primary MCC. The angiotensin coverting enzyme inhibitors and antiplatelet agents were more used in the tertiary MCC. In relation to the updated literature, the best pharmacotherapy to coronary artery disease should be optimized in both centers.

coronary atherosclerosis; medical therapeutics; community and reference medical centers

Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - SBC Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160, sala: 330, Centro, CEP: 20020-907, (21) 3478-2700 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil, Fax: +55 21 3478-2770 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil