Open-access The use of ablative lasers in the treatment of facial melasma*

O uso de lasers ablativos no tratamento do melasma facial

Melasma represents a pigmentary disorder that is difficult to treat. This study aims to broadly review the use of ablative lasers (Er:YAG and CO2) in the treatment of melasma, presenting the level of evidence of studies published to date. A total of 75 patients were enrolled in four case series studies (n=39), one controlled clinical trial (n=6) and one randomized controlled clinical trial (n=30). Studies on the Er:YAG laser showed better results with the use of short square-shaped pulses, which determined low rates of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and long-lasting maintenance of results. Likewise, studies on the CO2 laser proved the benefits of short pulse duration along with low-density energy. Post-treatment maintenance with the use of antipigmenting creams was necessary and effective to sustain long-term results. Ablative lasers may represent another useful and effective tool against melasma. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation and difficulty in sustaining long-term results still represent the main limitations to a broader use of ablative lasers. Based on actual evidence, the use of this technology should be restricted to patients with recalcitrant disease. Further studies will help establish optimal laser parameters and treatment regimens.

Carbon dioxide; Erbium; Laser therapy; Lasers, gas; Melanosis

Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia Av. Rio Branco, 39 18. and., 20090-003 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Tel./Fax: +55 21 2253-6747 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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