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Energy and protein requirements of Santa Gertrudis young bulls in feedlot, fed high concentrate diets

The objective of this study was to determine the energy and protein requirements for gain of Santa Gertrudis young bulls. Thirty-three 12-month-year-old animals, with initial body weight of 314.6±33.2kg, were kept in individual pens during 115 days, after 56 days of adaptation. Six animals were slaughtered after adaptation and determined the chemical composition of initial body. The concentrate proportion in the diet was 80%, on dry matter basis, and the levels of LPB studied were: 0, 4.5 or 9.0%. It was verified that the net energy requirement observed for weight gain of 1kg was 3.93, 4.88 and 5.76Mcal, and the metabolizable protein requirement was 367.81, 393.59 and 391.63g, respectively, for animals with 300, 400 and 500kg of body weight. The estimated maintenance energy requirement observed was 75.6kcal/LW0.75/day. The conclusion was thatbecause of the fat content in the gain composition, animalswith higher EBW have higher net energy requirements.

body weight gain; cattle; concentrated lysine production byproduct; maintenance; requirements

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária Caixa Postal 567, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2041, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2042 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil