The performance of individual selection and of selection based on best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) for simulated data of a low heritability trait (h²=.10) selected for fifty generation in a population of 600 animals with different mating structures were evaluated. The mating structures evaluated were: mating ratio (d) of 10 and 50, population size (Ne) 36.36 and 7.84 and male selection intensity (i m ) of 2.23 and 2.82. For each d level half and full sib matings, half sib matings, random mating systems and the exclusion of full sib and of half and full sib matings were also evaluated. The average phenotypic value, average inbreeding, percentage of loss by fixation of undesirable alleles and selection limit were studied. The results suggested that BLUP, mating systems with exclusion of between sib matings, and the smallest mating ratio resulted in higher phenotypic value along the 45 generation of selection and the number of generations to reach a specific inbreeding coefficient considering this selection strategy increased.
simulation; selection method; mating design; inbreeding; effective population size