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Cytotoxicity and anticoccidial activities of Artemisia sieberi leaf extract: an in vitro study

[Citotoxicidade e atividades anticoccidianas do extrato da folha de Artemisia sieberi: um estudo in vitro]


For centuries, medicinal plants with abundant supplies of phytochemicals that are physiologically active have been used in traditional medicine. Numerous of these contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that help lower the risk of numerous diseases. The illness coccidiosis affects many animals and results in huge monetary losses. Drug-resistant strains of Eimeria spp. have emerged because of drug addiction and usage. Therefore, Artemisia sieberi (Asteraceae family) leaves methanolic extract (ASLE) was assessed for its Phytochemical components, in vitro cytotoxicity, and anticoccidial activity. Using infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), the components of ASLE were detected. Additionally, different extract concentrations were tested for their anticancer activities when applied to breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7) and lung cancer cell lines (A549). ASLE was prepared and tested in vitro as anticoccidial using the oocyst of Eimeria papillate. Fifteen different functional groups were found to be present in ASLE using (FT-IR). Also, quantitative results showed phenolics and flavonoids of 235.5±2.7 and 47.89 ± 0.3 respectively in ASLE. Moreover, ASLE showed significant cytotoxicity against cancer cells. The LC50 of ASLE was obtained at 98.6± 1.8μg/mL for the A549 and 253.9±4.4μg/mL for the MCF-7 cell lines. At 96 h, significant inhibition of process sporulation for E. papillata oocysts was observed when exposed to ASLE (300mg/mL) and formalin 5%, while amprolium, DettolTM, and phenol showed different levels of inhibition. Our findings demonstrated the presence of anticoccidial in ASLE, which encourages the performance of multiple in vivo investigations to find an effective treatment.

Artemisia sieberi; Cytotoxicity; Anticoccidial; Eimeria papillata


Durante séculos, as plantas medicinais com abundantes suprimentos de fitoquímicos fisiologicamente ativos têm sido usadas na medicina tradicional. Muitas delas contêm qualidades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes que ajudam a reduzir o risco de várias doenças. A coccidiose afeta um grande número de animais e resulta em enormes perdas monetárias. Cepas resistentes a medicamentos de Eimeria spp. surgiram como resultado da dependência e do uso de drogas. Portanto, o extrato metanólico das folhas de Artemisia sieberi (família Asteraceae) (ASLE) foi avaliado quanto a seus componentes fitoquímicos, citotoxicidade in vitro e atividade anticoccidiana. Usando a espectroscopia de infravermelho (FT-IR), os componentes do ASLE foram detectados. Além disso, diferentes concentrações de extrato foram testadas quanto às suas atividades anticancerígenas quando aplicadas a linhas celulares de câncer de mama (MCF-7) e linhas celulares de câncer de pulmão (A549). O ASLE foi preparado e testado in vitro como anticoccidiano usando o oocisto de Eimeria papillate. Verificou-se a presença de 15 grupos funcionais diferentes na LSA usando (FT-IR). Além disso, os resultados quantitativos mostraram fenólicos e flavonoides de 235,5 ± 2,7 e 47,89 ± 0,3, respectivamente, na LSA. Além disso, o ASLE apresentou citotoxicidade significativa contra células cancerígenas. A LC50 do ASLE foi obtida em 98,6±1,8μg/mL para a A549 e 253,9±4,4μg/mL para as linhas celulares MCF-7. Em 96 h, foi observada uma inibição significativa do processo de esporulação de oocistos de E. papillata quando expostos a ASLE (300 mg/mL) e formalina 5%, enquanto amprólio, DettolTM e fenol apresentaram diferentes níveis de inibição. Nossos achados demonstraram a presença de anticoccidianos no ASLE, o que incentiva a realização de várias investigações in vivo para encontrar um tratamento eficaz.

Artemisia sieberi; Citotoxicidade; Anticoccidiano; Eimeria papillate


Coccidiosis is a protozoan infection caused by intestinal parasites of the genus Eimeria (subclass: Coccidia). Eimeria infecting animals causes gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, reduces development performance, and, in severe cases, results in death (Allen and Fetterer, 2002ALLEN, P.C.; FETTERER, R. Recent advances in biology and immunobiology of Eimeria species and in diagnosis and control of infection with these coccidian parasites of poultry. Clin. Microbiol. Rev., v.15, p.58-65, 2002.; Kulkarni et al., 2019KULKARNI, R.R.; TAHA-ABDELAZIZ, K.; SHOJADOOST, B.; ASTILL, J.; SHARIF, S. Gastrointestinal diseases of poultry: causes and nutritional strategies for prevention and control, Improving gut health in poultry. Burleigh: Dodds Science, 2019. p.205-236.). Furthermore, Eimeria spp. infections can result in secondary infections with other pathogens such as bacteria (Collier et al., 2008COLLIER, C.; HOFACRE, C.; PAYNE, A et al. Coccidia-induced mucogenesis promotes the onset of necrotic enteritis by supporting Clostridium perfringens growth. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., v.122, p.104-115, 2008.). In addition, this illness generates significant losses worldwide (Chapman, 2014CHAPMAN, H. Milestones in avian coccidiosis research: a review. Poult. Sci., v.93, p.501-511, 2014.) where, drug-resistant strains cause enormous global economic losses due to low weight increase and excessive food consumption. Eimeria has an asexual and sexual reproduction cycle, and it produces resistant parasite stages known as oocysts that are released into the environment, facilitating the spread of infection (Graat et al., 1994GRAAT, E.; HENKEN, A.; PLOEGER, H.; NOORDHUIZEN, J.; VERTOMMEN, M. Rate and course of sporulation of oocysts of Eimeria acervulina under different environmental conditions. Parasitology, v.108, p.497-502, 1994.). As a result, deactivating the sporulation operation is an essential step in controlling these parasites (Mai et al., 2009MAI, K.; SHARMAN, P.A.; WALKER, R.A et al. Oocyst wall formation and composition in coccidian parasites. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, v.104, p.281-289, 2009.).

In recent decades, coccidiosis control has relied primarily on the use of chemical medicine; however, the use of prebiotics, probiotics, and natural products has been preferred to improve overcome drug resistance, immune system and reduce unwanted side effects of synthetic medicine in the food chain (Abbas et al., 2012ABBAS, R.; COLWELL, D.; GILLEARD, J. Botanicals: an alternative approach for the control of avian coccidiosis. World's Poult. Sci. J., v.68, p.203-215, 2012.; Brisibe et al., 2008BRISIBE, E.A.; UMOREN, U.E.; OWAI, P.U.; BRISIBE, F. Dietary inclusion of dried Artemisia annua leaves for management of coccidiosis and growth enhancement in chickens. Afr. J. Biotechnol., v.7, n.22, 2008.; Drăgan et al., 2014DRĂGAN, L.; GYÖRKE, A.; FERREIRA, J.F et al. Effects of Artemisia annua and Foeniculum vulgare on chickens highly infected with Eimeria tenella (Phylum Apicomplexa). Acta Vet. Scand., v.56, p.1-7, 2014.; Gholamrezaie et al., 2013GHOLAMREZAIE, S.L.; MOHAMMADI, M.; JALALI, S.J.; ABOLGHASEMI, S.; ROOSTAEI, A.M. Extract and leaf powder effect of Artemisia annua on performance, cellular and humoral immunity in broilers. Iran. J. Vet. Res., v. 14, p.15-20, 2013.; Kostadinovic et al., 2012KOSTADINOVIC, L.; LEVIC, J.; GALONJA-COGHILL, T.; RUZICIC, L. Anticoccidian effects of the Artemisia absinthium L. extracts in broiler chickens. Arch. Zootech., v.15, p.69, 2012.). Additionally, drug-resistant strains of Eimeria spp. have appeared because of the overuse and abuse of these medication. Plant extracts are now being evaluated as viable sustainable alternatives to new medications (Hema et al., 2015HEMA, S.; ARUN, T.; SENTHILKUMAR, B.; SENBAGAM, D.; SURESHKUMAR, M. In vivo anticoccidial effects of Azadirachta indica and Carica papaya L. with salinomycin drug as a dietary feed supplement in broiler chicks. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., v.28, p.1409-1415, 2015.) as a result of this. It has been demonstrated that herbal extracts from plants like Curcuma longa, Artemisia absinthium, Saussurea lappa, Ageratum conyzoides, Olea europaea, Ruta pinnata, and Trachyspermum ammi have antiparasitic properties as well as the ability to boost the immune system and growth capacity, assisting the host in recovering from coccidiosis infection (Debbou-Iouknane et al., 2019; Zaman et al., 2015ZAMAN, M.A.; IQBAL, Z.; ABBAS, R.Z.; EHTISHAM-UL-HAQUE, S. In vitro Efficacy of Herbal Extracts against Eimeria tenella. Int. J. Agric. Biol., v.17, p.848-850, 2015.) Besides, Vaccine effectiveness is limited partly due to high production costs and ineffectiveness under poor management conditions. As a result, there is a significant desire to replace existing treatments with some natural alternative agents (Abudabos et al., 2017ABUDABOS, A.M.; ALYEMNI, A.H.; SWILAM, E.O.; Al-GHADI, M. Comparative anticoccidial effect of some natural products against Eimeria spp. infection on performance traits, intestinal lesion and occyte number in broiler. Pak. J. Zool., v.49, 1989-1995, 2017.).

Scientists all over the world are currently investigating the use of natural therapies, such as plants and plant-derived compounds, to mitigate the effects of coccidiosis (Abbas et al., 2012ABBAS, R.; COLWELL, D.; GILLEARD, J. Botanicals: an alternative approach for the control of avian coccidiosis. World's Poult. Sci. J., v.68, p.203-215, 2012.). During coccidiosis, the effect of various medicinal plants, either alone or in combination, has been studied (Arab et al., 2006ARAB, H.; RAHBARI, S.; RASSOULI, A.; MOSLEMI, M.; KHOSRAVIRAD, F. Determination of artemisinin in Artemisia sieberi and anticoccidial effects of the plant extract in broiler chickens. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., v.38, p.497-503, 2006.). Artemisia species are high in natural compounds, and their anticoccidial activity has been proven.

Terpenoiod is abundant in all Artemisia species. Environmental factors such as latitude and longitude, altitude, humidity, temperature, climate, and soil, as well as metabolic pathways and biosynthesis, affect the number of compounds in the genus Artemisia. As a result, secondary metabolites are also biosynthesized under various environmental conditions (Zehra et al., 2020ZEHRA, A.; CHOUDHARY, S.; WANI, K.I et al. Silicon-mediated cellular resilience mechanisms against copper toxicity and glandular trichomes protection for augmented artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua. Ind. Crops Prod., v.155, p.112843, 2020.).

Artemisia (Asteraceae), sometimes known as "Sage Brush" or “Wormwood," is a genus of roughly 500 species of tiny herbs and shrubs native to Asia, Europe, and North America (Bora and Sharma, 2011BORA, K.S.; SHARMA, A. The genus Artemisia: a comprehensive review. Pharm. Biol., v.49, p.101-109, 2011.). It is commonly used in traditional medicine for a variety of diseases, including lowering pain (Morshedi et al., 2011MORSHEDI, A.; DASHTI-R, M.; DEHGHAN-H, M.; BAGHERINASAB, M.; SALAMI, A. The effect of artemisia sieberi besser on infkammatory and neurogenic pain in mice. J. Med. Plant., v.10, p.48-57, 2011.), coughing (Tan et al., 1998TAN, R.X.; ZHENG, W.; TANG, H. Biologically active substances from the genus Artemisia. Planta Med., v.64, p.295-302, 1998.), hypertension (Ben-Nasr et al., 2013) and reducing phlegm (Martínez et al., 2012MARTÍNEZ, M.J.A.; DEL OLMO, L.M.B.; TICONA, L.A.; BENITO, P.B. The Artemisia L. genus: a review of bioactive sesquiterpene lactones. Stud. Nat. Prod. Chem., v.37, p.43-65, 2012.). The Artemisia species have played a vital role in both traditional and modern medicine (Ekiert et al., 2022EKIERT, H.; KLIMEK-SZCZYKUTOWICZ, M.; RZEPIELA, A.; KLIN, P.; SZOPA, A. Artemisia species with high biological values as a potential source of medicinal and cosmetic raw materials. Molecules, v.27, p.6427, 2022.).

There are some species of the genus Artemisia L. grown in the northern part of Saudi Arabia, including Artemisia judaica, Artemisia monosperma, and Artemisia sieberi. (El-Sayed et al., 2013; Guetat et al., 2017GUETAT, A.; AL GHAMDI, F.A.; OSMAN, A.K. The genus Artemisia L. in the northern region of Saudi Arabia: essential oil variability and antibacterial activities. Nat. Prod. Res., v.31, p.598-603, 2017.). They are commonly used in traditional medicine (El-Sayed et al., 2013) because these species have antipyretic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects (El-Sayed et al., 2013; Guetat et al., 2017; Moharram et al., 2021MOHARRAM, F.A.; NAGY, M.M.; EL DIB, R.A et al. Pharmacological activity and flavonoids constituents of Artemisia judaica L aerial parts. J. Ethnopharmacol., v.270, p.113777, 2021.). The Artemisia judaica and A. sieberi species that thrive in Saudi Arabia also possess anticancer effects, according to documented results. (Nasr et al., 2020NASR, F.A.; NOMAN, O.M.; MOTHANA, R.A.; ALQAHTANI, A.S.; Al-MISHARI, A.A. Cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and phytochemical analysis of Artemisia judaica and A. sieberi in Saudi Arabia. Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., v.14, p.278-284, 2020.) In addition, these species demonstrated strong antibacterial activity against (Salmonella enteritidis and Escherichia coli) two human diseases (Guetat et al., 2017).

A. sieberi is a well-known medicinal herb in traditional Middle Eastern medicine as an anthelmintic. Locally known as "Shih" in Arabic countries, A. sieberi (Artemisia herba alba), also known as "the desert worm wood". The genus Artemisia contains more than 160 secondary metabolites that have already been isolated from the genus Artemisia, including flavonoids. One-third of flavonoids are flavones, apigenin and luteolin derivatives. Santonin, lactones, sesquiterpene and bicyclic monoterpene glycosides (Marco et al., 1993MARCO, J.A.; SANZ-CERVERA, J.F.; SANCENON, F et al. Oplopanone derivatives monoterpene glycosides from Artemisia sieberi. Phytochemistry, v.34, p.1061-1065, 1993.). Abdolmaleki et al. (2015ABDOLMALEKI, Z.; ARAB, H.A.; AMANPOUR, S et al. Assessment of anticancer properties of artemisia sieberi and its active substance: an in vitro study. Basic Clin. Cancer Res., v.7, p.16-23, 2015.) mentioned that the ethanolic extract of A. sieberi has a strong cytotoxic effect on the HCT116- cells line and is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis in cultured cells.

Artemisinin is a sesquiterpene lactone that was isolated for the first time from Artemisia annua and is also found in A. sieberi. The leaves and blooming branches were boiled in normal saline for external use, and the extracted solution was used to treat gangrenous ulcers, inflammations and infectious ulcers (Zargari, 1989ZARGARI, A. Iranian medicinal plants. Tehran: University Publication, 1989.). It has been used as a carminative, to reduce inflammation and abscesses, and to prevent leprosy (Sînâ, 1985SÎNÂ, İ. Kitâbü’n-Necât, nşr. Mâcid Fahrî. Beyrut: Dârü’l-Âfâki’l-Cedide. 1985.). Arab et al. (2006ARAB, H.; RAHBARI, S.; RASSOULI, A.; MOSLEMI, M.; KHOSRAVIRAD, F. Determination of artemisinin in Artemisia sieberi and anticoccidial effects of the plant extract in broiler chickens. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., v.38, p.497-503, 2006.) have discovered the artemisinin content of this plant for the first time and found that A. sieberi's amount of artemisinin (0.14-0.2 % of dry weight during various seasons), which is comparable to that of other species, including Artemisia annua (Arab et al., 2006).The beneficial effects of A. sieberi essential oil as insecticidal (Negahban et al., 2006NEGAHBAN, M.; MOHARRAMIPOUR, S.; SEFIDKON, F. Insecticidal activity and chemical composition of Artemisia sieben besser essential oil from Karaj, Iran. J. Asia-Pac. Entomol., v.9, p.61-66, 2006.), antimicrobial (Irshaid et al., 2010IRSHAID, F.; MANSI, K.; ABURJAI, T. Antidiabetic effect of essential oil from Artemisia sieberi growing in Jordan in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., v.13, p.423-430, 2010.), anti-malaria, nematocidal (Ardakani and Parhizkar, 2012ARDAKANI, A.S.; PARHIZKAR, S. Inhibitory effects of Teucrium polium L., Artemisia sieberi Besser. and Achillea wilhelmsii C. Koch on Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood (in vitro and under greenhouse conditions). Int. J. Med. Aromat. Plant., v.2, p.596-602, 2012.) and anticoccidiosis effects (Arab et al., 2006). Also, it is used as an anthelminthic in traditional Middle Eastern medicine (Mahboubi, 2017MAHBOUBI, M. Artemisia sieberi Besser essential oil and treatment of fungal infections. Biomed. Pharmacother., v.89, p.1422-1430, 2017.) and to treat a variety of ailments, including diabetes mellitus in Jordan (Irshaid et al., 2012). Moreover, A. sieberi has also been used as a herbal remedy to treat gastrointestinal ailments and high blood pressure (Bidgoli et al., 2013BIDGOLI, R.D.; PESSARAKLI, M.; HESHMATI, G.; BARANI, H.; SAEEDFAR, M. Bioactive and fragrant constituents of Artemisia sieberi Besser grown on two different soil types in Central Iran. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., v.44, p.2713-2719, 2013.).

Thus, the present study aimed to determine the following: (i) the phytochemical constituents; (ii) the in vitro cytotoxic activities of ASLE; (iii) the in vitro anticoccidial activity of ASLE against E. papillata.


The leaves of A. sieberi were collected in Al Badiya - Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. A taxonomist from the Botany Department (King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) recognized and confirmed the plant material in the herbarium. The methanol extract of A. sieberi leaves (70% methanol- 30 % distilled water) was prepared using the method reported by Manikandan (2008MANIKANDAN, P.; LETCHOUMY, P.V.; GOPALAKRISHNAN, M.; NAGINI, S. Evaluation of Azadirachta indica leaf fractions for in vitro antioxidant potential and in vivo modulation of biomarkers of chemoprevention in the hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis model. Food Chem. Toxicol., v.46, p.2332-2343, 2008.), with some changes as follows: the air-dried leaves (for 5 days) of A. sieberi were ground into a powder with an electric blender (Senses, MG-503T, Korea). The dried powder (100 g) of Shih leaves was macerated in 70% methanol (Sigma-Aldrich/32213- CAS-No:67-56-1, Poland) on volume 700 ml methanol/300mL distilled water for 24 hours at 4ºC, followed by percolation 5-7 times until complete extraction. Following filtering, ethanol was isolated from the extract using a vacuum evaporator set at 50 °C and low pressure. The crude extract (2.7 g) was lyophilized and kept at -20°C until further usage.

A very little part of the material was mixed with an excess of potassium bromide powder (1: 99 wt.%), homogenized, finely powdered, and then put in a die for pellet formation. The Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR) NICOLET 6700 optical spectrometer from Thermo Scientific is the tool used to analyze infrared (IR). Maximum absorption was recorded as waves (cm-1) in number. From 400 to 4000 cm-1, spectra were recorded (Abu Hawsah et al., 2023).

The Ainsworth and Gillespie, 2007AINSWORTH, E.A.; GILLESPIE, K.M. Estimation of total phenolic content and other oxidation substrates in plant tissues using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Nat. Prot., v.2, p.875-877, 2007. method was used to estimate the leaf extract's total phenolic content (TPC). 300µL of sodium carbonate solution (20%) and 100µL of the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent were added to 100µL of the leaf extract. Then, the sample was incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes in the dark. A UV-Visible spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU, UV-1800) was used to measure the wavelength, which was 765nm. Based on a standard curve created using various gallic acid concentrations (25-400g/mL), the total phenolic in the samples was calculated from the following linear equation (y = 0.0021x + 0.0021 with R2 = 0.9995). The total phenolic content was represented as mg/g DW.

Using the Ordonez et al., 2006ORDONEZ, A.; GOMEZ, J.; VATTUONE, M. Antioxidant activities of Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz extracts. Food Chem., v.97, p.452-458, 2006. method, the total flavonoid content (TFC) of plant materials was determined. The same volume of a 2% AlCl3 water solution was mixed with 0.5mL of methanol extract. At 25℃, the wavelength was measured at 420 nm after two hours. The TFC was calculated using a calibration curve constructed from various quercetin standard concentrations (50-0400µg/mL) using the equation (y = 0.0172x + 0.0507 with R2 = 0.995). Quercetin (mg/g DW) has been used to represent the estimated TFC.

Breast (MCF-7) and lung (A549) cancer cell lines were routinely cultivated in DMEM medium (Gibco, USA) with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Gibco, USA). In an incubator with a humidified environment of 5% CO2, the cells were incubated at 37°C.

Using an MTT test, the cytotoxic potential of plant extract was assessed. In a nutshell, cells were plated in a 96-well culture plate at a density of 5 x 104 per ml and given 24 hours to grow. Next, doxorubicin was utilized as a positive control while cells were treated to various concentrations of plant extract (500, 250, 125, 62.5, 31,125, and 15.625g/mL).

After the 48 hours of incubation, each well received 10 µL of MTT solution (5 mg/mL in PBS), which was then incubated for an additional 4 hours. The formazan product was then solubilized by adding 100µL of acidified isopropanol to each well, and the plate was shaken for 10 minutes. The absorbance was measured using a microplate reader (BioTek, USA) to measure it at 570nm.

% C e l l V i a b i l i t y = M e a n a b s o r b a n c e [ ( t r e a t e d c e l l s / u n t r e a t e d c e l l s ] × 100

Using OriginPro software, the IC50 values (concentration of extract that caused 50% inhibition) were calculated from the dose-response curve of cell viability percentage.

The parasite was obtained from fresh fecal cells of infected mice. Feces were collected, and oocysts were then separated using the flotation method and employed in an in vitro experiment.

The effect of different ASLE concentrations on the sporulation of E. papillate oocysts was studied in vitro. In this assay, we tested four concentrations (300, 200, 100, and 50mg/mL)/5mL potassium dichromate containing 1×105 oocysts. Untreated control oocysts were left untreated, positive control oocyst treated with 5mL 2.5% potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7). Also, 8.3mg amprolium (Veterinary Agriculture Products Company [VAPCO], Jordan), 109μL Dettol TM, 25μL phenol, and formalin (5%) were tested, and each test was done in triplicate. All petri utilized for these treatments were incubated for 72 and 96 hours at 25 to 29oC and 80% relative humidity. The oocysts were rinsed in distilled water at the end of the incubation period, as described by Fatemi et al. (2015FATEMI, A.; RAZAVI, S.M.; ASASI, K.; TORABI GOUDARZI, M. Effects of Artemisia annua extracts on sporulation of Eimeria oocysts. Parasitol. Res., v.114, p.1207-1211, 2015.). The samples were then kept at 4oC. The sporulation % and sporulation inhibition percentage were recorded and counted with a haemocytometer as done by Thagfan et al. (2020THAGFAN, F.A.; Al-MEGRIN, W.A.; Al-QURAISHY, S.; DKHIL, M.A.M. Mulberry extract as an ecofriendly anticoccidial agent: in vitro and in vivo application. Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet., v.29, p.e009820, 2020.).

S p o r u l a t i o n ( S p ) % = N u m b e r o f s p o r u l a t e d o o c y t s T o t a l n u m b e r o f o o c y s t s X 100

S p o r u l a t i o n ( S p ) i n h i b i t i o n p e r c e n t a g e = S p % o f c o n t r o l S p % o f e x t r a c t S p % o f c o n t r o l X 100

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the data in SigmaPlot® version 11.0 (Systat Software, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Differences between groups were considered significant at a p-value ≤ 0.01.


Major bands were revealed by the FT-IR analysis of ASLE at 3390.30 cm-1, 2934.71cm-1, 1763.99cm-1, 1606.14cm-1, 1514.66cm-1, 1451.34cm-1, 1383.43cm-1, 1266.30cm-1, 1175.69cm-1, 1118.10cm-1, 1069.40cm-1, 832.42cm-1, 795.02cm-1, 769.00cm-1, 612.83cm-1. (Figure 1 and Table 1). N-H stretching was indicated by the band at 3390.30 cm-1 confirming the presence of aliphatic primary amine. The band at 2934.71cm-1 implicit C-H stretching for the presence of alkane. C=O stretching at 1763.99cm-1 emphasizes the presence of carboxylic acid. The band at 1606.14cm-1 coincides with C=C stretching for the presence of conjugated α, β-unsaturated ketone. N-O stretching at the band 1514.66cm-1 confirmed the presence of nitro compound. The band at 1451.34cm-1 implied (C-H bending) for the presence of alkane and the band at 1383.43cm-1 corresponds to C-H bending for the presence of alkane. 1266.30cm-1 (C-N stretching), 1175.69cm-1 (C-O stretching), 1118.10cm-1 (C-O stretching), 1069.40cm-1 (S=O stretching), 832.42cm-1 (C=C bending), 795.02cm-1 (C-H bending), 769.00cm-1 (C-H bending) and 612.83cm-1 (C-I bending) assigned to aromatic ester, ester, secondary alcohol, sulfoxide, alkene, 1,2,3-trisubstituted, 1,2-disubstituted and halo compound respectively (Table 1).

The amounts of secondary metabolites in the ASLE were measured, like flavonoids and phenolics. Figure (2) shows that the amount of phenolic concentration (235.5 ± 2.7 mg/g DW) was high compared to the flavonoid’s concentration (47.89 ± 0.3 mg/g DW).

Figure 1
FTIR of ASLE shows the material's functional characteristics.

Table 1
FT-IR for the extract of A. sieberi leaves

Figure 2
Methanolic extract of the A. sieberi plant leaves contains flavonoids and total polyphenols.

Cell viability was affected by the highest concentrations of ASLE, whereby the concentrations of 125, 250 and 100μg/mL showed toxicity against 60, 70, 75, % of A549 (Figure 3). Additionally, this extract was shown to be safe for normal cells up to a concentration of 62.5μg/mL with LC50 attributed at 98.6±1.8μg/mL. ASLE demonstrated clear cytotoxic effects on the MCF-7 cell line, at a high concentration only of 500, causing cell death at a rate of 70%, and LC50 at 253.9±4.4μg/mL.

Figure 3
(MTT) assay for tested Cytotoxicity of ASLE at various concentrations (µg/mL) against breast (MCF-7) cancer cell lines and Lung (A549) after 48 h of incubation. A549 (98.6 ± 1.8 g/mL) and MCF-7 (253.9±4.4g/mL) cancer cell growth inhibition at 50% of the studied plant extract dose is indicated by the (LC50).

In vitro studies on ASLE and a few other materials revealed sporulation of the oocyst (%) and sporulation inhibition (%) for E. papillata at 72 and 96h. A significant degree of oocyst sporulation (%) in distributed H2O was found to be (66.6%) when compared to the ASLE, which had sporulation levels of 0%, 12.1%, 61.4%, and 80.5% at 72h (Figure 4), while at 96h, were 2.4%, 80.3%, 89.5%, and 93.7% at concentrations of 300, 200, 100, and 50mg/mL, respectively (Figure 5) also, the rate of sporulation (%) varied in each of the DettolTM, phenol, and formalin 5% were 23.08%, 7.7%, and 0 %, respectively, at 72 h (Figure 4), while at 96h, were 18.67%, 10.67%, and 0%, respectively (Figure 5).

On the other hand, the highest sporulation inhibition (100 %) was obtained for ASLE at a concentration of 300 mg in 72 h and 96h (Figures 6 and 7, respectively). While the levels of sporulation inhibition for amprolium, DettolTM, phenol, and formalin 5% were 37. 33 %, 81.33 %, 89.33 %, and 100 %, respectively, at 96 h (Figure 7), while, at 72 h it was 34.61%, 76.92%, 92.30%, and 100% (Figure 6).


In this work, we reported that A. sieberi is a promising source of phenolic and flavonoid chemicals. Our findings are consistent with previous research that found same elements in the same species cultivated in different parts of the world (Azimian and Roshandel, 2015AZIMIAN, F.; ROSHANDEL, P. Magnetic field effects on total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in Artemisia sieberi under salinity. Indian J. Plant Physiol., v.20, p.264-270, 2015.; Ranjbar et al., 2020RANJBAR, M.; NAGHAVI, M.R.; ALIZADEH, H. Chemical composition of the essential oils of Artemisia species from Iran: a comparative study using multivariate statistical analysis. J. Essential Oil Res., v.32, p.361-371, 2020.). Also, Previous research has shown total phenolics and flavonoids in various Artemisia species (Erel et al., 2012EREL, Ş.B.; REZNICEK, G.; ŞENOL, S.G et al. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of Artemisia L. species from western Anatolia. Turk. J. Biol., v.36, p.75-84, 2012.; Iqbal et al., 2012IQBAL, S.; YOUNAS, U.; CHAN, K.W.; ZIA-UL-HAQ, M.; ISMAIL, M. Chemical composition of Artemisia annua L. leaves and antioxidant potential of extracts as a function of extraction solvents. Molecules, v.17, p.6020-6032, 2012.; Singh et al., 2009SINGH, H.P.; MITTAL, S.; KAUR, S.; BATISH, D.R.; KOHLI, R.K. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of essential oil from residues of Artemisia scoparia. Food Chem., v.114, p.642-645, 2009.). Numerous in vitro studies have established the phenolic and flavonoid compounds' ability to act as antioxidants, and they have also demonstrated their potent capacity of scavenging a number of non-physiological radicals, including DPPH and ABTS (Cai et al., 2006CAI, Y.Z.; SUN, M.; XING, J.; LUO, Q.; CORKE, H. Structure-radical scavenging activity relationships of phenolic compounds from traditional Chinese medicinal plants. Life Sci., v.78, p.2872-2888, 2006.; Kosar et al., 2003KOSAR, M.; DORMAN, H.; BACHMAYER, O.; BASER, K.; HILTUNEN, R. An improved on-line HPLC-DPPH method for the screening of free radical scavenging compounds in water extracts of Lamiaceae plants. Chem. Nat. Compounds, v.39, p.161-166, 2003.; Kumar and Pandey, 2013KUMAR, S.; PANDEY, A.K. Chemistry and biological activities of flavonoids: an overview. Sci. World J., v.2013, art.162750, 2013.; Payet et al., 2005PAYET, B.; SHUM CHEONG SING, A.; SMADJA, J. Assessment of antioxidant activity of cane brown sugars by ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging assays: Determination of their polyphenolic and volatile constituents. J. Agric. Food Chem., v.53, p.10074-10079, 2005.; Pietta, 2000PIETTA, P.G. Flavonoids as antioxidants. J. Nat. Prod., v.63, p.1035-1042, 2000.). It is generally known that phenolic compounds, including phenol, flavonoid, and flavanol, have antioxidant action and benefit human health. The total phenolics and flavonoids in various Artemisia species have already been described in previously reported (Erel et al., 2012; Iqbal et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2009). According to a number of research, phenol concentration and antioxidant activity are related (Khezrilu and Heidari, 2014KHEZRILU, B.J.; HEIDARI, R. The evaluation of antioxidant activities and phenolic compounds in leaves and inflorescence of Artemisia dracunculus L. by HPLC. J. Med. Plant., v.13, p.41-50, 2014.; Kiselova et al., 2006KISELOVA, Y.; IVANOVA, D.; CHERVENKOV, T et al. Correlation between the in vitro antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of aqueous extracts from Bulgarian herbs. Phytother. Res., v.20, p.961-965, 2006.). The presence of reductions has been demonstrated to have reducing capabilities, which have been linked to their ability to act as antioxidants by donating an atom of hydrogen to break the chain of free radicals (Geckil et al., 2005GECKIL, H.; ATES, B.; DURMAZ, G.; ERDOGAN, S.; YILMAZ, I. Antioxidant, free radical scavenging and metal chelating characteristics of propolis. Am. J. Biochem. Biotechnol., v.1, p.27-31, 2005.).

This study assessed the number of total phenols and flavonoids in the aerial section of A. sieberi. Additionally, different species of Artemsia varied in their ability to act as antioxidants (Lopes-Lutz et al., 2008), which can be ascribed to the presence of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids, and climate and edaphic properties of the geographical regions.

Figure 4
Effects of A. sieberi leaves extract (ASLE) on the anticoccidial of E. papillata oocyst sporulation at 72 hours. *Significance compared to the Potassium dichromate (2.5%) group (p ≤ 0.01).

Figure 5
Effects of A. sieberi leaves extract (ASLE) on the anticoccidial of E. papillata oocyst sporulation at 96 hours. *Significance compared to the Potassium dichromate (2.5%) group (p ≤ 0.01).

Figure 6
Anti-coccidial effects of A. sieberi leaves extract (ASLE) on the sporulation Inhibition (%) of E. papillata oocysts at 72 h. *Significance compared to the Potassium dichromate (2.5%) group (p ≤ 0.01).

Figure 7
Anti-coccidial effects of A. sieberi leaves extract (ASLE) on the sporulation Inhibition (%) of E. papillata oocysts at 96 h. *Significance compared to the Potassium dichromate (2.5%) group (p ≤ 0.01).

Figure 8
Changes observed after exposure of E. papillata oocytes to different treatment. (a) normal nonpopulated oocysts in H2O; (b) normal sporulated oocysts in K2Cr2O7; (c-h) abnormal oocytes in the ASLE (300 mg/mL). Scale bar = 12.5µm.

Sesquiterpene lactones, tocopherols, flavonoids, polyphenols, and sulfoxide are examples of biological chemicals that have showed substantial anticoccidial activities, both in vitro and in vivo, and can therefore be utilized as alternatives to commercial disinfectants (Alhotan and Abudabos, 2019ALHOTAN, R.A.; ABUDABOS, A. Anticoccidial and antioxidant effects of plants derived polyphenol in broilers exposed to induced coccidiosis. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., v.26, p.14194-14199, 2019.; Allen et al., 1997ALLEN, P.C.; LYDON, J.; DANFORTH, H.D. Effects of components of Artemisia annua on coccidia infections in chickens. Poult. Sci., v.76, p.1156-1163, 1997.; Mo et al., 2014MO, P.; MA, Q.; ZHAO, X.; CHENG, N.; TAO, J.; LI, J. Apoptotic effects of antimalarial artemisinin on the second generation merozoites of Eimeria tenella and parasitized host cells. Vet. Parasitol., v.206, p.297-303, 2014.; Nahed et al., 2022NAHED, A.; ABD EL-HACK, M.E.; ALBAQAMI, N.M et al. Phytochemical control of poultry coccidiosis: a review. Poult. Sci., v.101, p.101542, 2022.).

The methanol extracts of A. sieberi in this study shown cytotoxic efficacy against all examined cancer cell lines. The Lung (A549) cell line's IC50 for ASLE was found to be 98.6 1.8g/mL, whereas the MCF-7 cell line's IC50 was 253.9 4.4g/mL (Figure 3). in the vitro cytotoxicity of A. sieberi was examined against the breast cancer (MCF-7) and lung (A549) cell lines at various concentrations. Our results supported the notion that cell viability is directly dose dependent. The results demonstrated that, when compared to untreated cells, the viability of (A549) and (MCF-7) cells were significantly reduced after 48 hours of incubation with different concentrations of A. sieberi. Also, the methanolic extract of A. sieberi displayed the activity was stronger against HepG2, followed by MCF-7 and finally LoVo (Nasr et al., 2020NASR, F.A.; NOMAN, O.M.; MOTHANA, R.A.; ALQAHTANI, A.S.; Al-MISHARI, A.A. Cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and phytochemical analysis of Artemisia judaica and A. sieberi in Saudi Arabia. Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., v.14, p.278-284, 2020.). Further, exposure of the HUVEC cell line to ethanolic extract of A. sieberi (concentration-dependent) resulted in a significant decrease in the number of viable cells (Abdolmaleki et al., 2015ABDOLMALEKI, Z.; ARAB, H.A.; AMANPOUR, S et al. Assessment of anticancer properties of artemisia sieberi and its active substance: an in vitro study. Basic Clin. Cancer Res., v.7, p.16-23, 2015.). This may be a result of the presence of sesquiterpene lactones, which have previously been documented for this species (Abbas et al., 2012ABBAS, R.; COLWELL, D.; GILLEARD, J. Botanicals: an alternative approach for the control of avian coccidiosis. World's Poult. Sci. J., v.68, p.203-215, 2012.; Arab et al., 2006ARAB, H.; RAHBARI, S.; RASSOULI, A.; MOSLEMI, M.; KHOSRAVIRAD, F. Determination of artemisinin in Artemisia sieberi and anticoccidial effects of the plant extract in broiler chickens. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., v.38, p.497-503, 2006.).

After 72 and 96 hours, the in vitro anticoccidial activity of ASLE against coccidial oocysts was evaluated and the results are shown in (Figures 4 - 7), respectively. The outcomes demonstrated that the ASLE prevented sporulation of coccidia oocysts at the highest concentration levels. After 72 and 96 hours of incubation, the highest dose (300 mg/mL) completely prevented the oocysts from sporulating (Figure 4,5). However, after 72 and 96 hours of incubation, respectively, sporulation increased in the negative controls and lowest concentration (50mg/mL) (Figures 3, 4). After coccidia were exposed to ASLE, it was found that the shell weakened, the oocyst burst at its weakest location, and the central cytoplasmic mass oocyst was destroyed, these results similar to what was reported by (Daiba et al., 2023DAIBA, A.R.; NGOTHO, M.; KAGIRA, J.M et al. Assessment of anticoccidial efficacy of chitosan nanoencapsulated bromelain against coccidia in naturally infected goats in Kenya. Afr. J. Biotechnol., v.22, p.19-25, 2023.). Oocysts subjected to negative controls and the lowest concentration (50mg/mL) showed normal sporulation. Our research demonstrated that ASLE had an impact on the development of coccidia spores; the extract significantly altered the morphology of coccidia oocysts. As shown by the abnormal sporocysts in oocysts subjected to higher concentrations, the ASLE would have harmed the oocyst shell wall, weakening it and damaging the core cytoplasmic mass (sporont) in the current study figure 8.

The results of this experiment demonstrated that the methanol leaf extract of ASLE has an in vitro anticoccidial effect on unsporulated oocysts of E. papillata in a concentration dependent manner, which is attributable to numerous bioactive phytochemical constituents studied (Abdulrahman et al., 2023ABDULRAHMAN, I.; JAMAL, M.T.; PUGAZHENDI, A et al. Antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of extracts from sponge-associated bacterial endophytes. Prep. Biochem. Biotechnol., v.53, p.1143-1153, 2023.; Salih et al., 2023SALIH, A.M.; QAHTAN, A.A.; Al-QURAINY, F. Phytochemicals identification and bioactive compounds estimation of Artemisia species grown in Saudia Arabia. Metabolites, v.13, 443. 2023.). ASLE inhibited oocyst sporulation which was similar to what was reported by Fatemi et al (Fatemi et al., 2015FATEMI, A.; RAZAVI, S.M.; ASASI, K.; TORABI GOUDARZI, M. Effects of Artemisia annua extracts on sporulation of Eimeria oocysts. Parasitol. Res., v.114, p.1207-1211, 2015.). One of the most significant elements impacting the epidemiology of coccidiosis is oocyst sporulation. According to Fatemi et al (Fatemi et al., 2015), the petroleum ether and ethanol extract of Artemisia annua not only prevents oocyst sporulation but also alters the shape and size of specific morphological components. The mechanism is unknown, however at concentrations of 2 and 5 ppt, the plant extracts may pierce the oocyst membrane and harm the sporont.

It is also shown that the regularly used disinfectant formalin (5%) is the most efficient in inhibiting E. papillata oocyst sporulation, which agrees with Thagfan et al. (2020THAGFAN, F.A.; Al-MEGRIN, W.A.; Al-QURAISHY, S.; DKHIL, M.A.M. Mulberry extract as an ecofriendly anticoccidial agent: in vitro and in vivo application. Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet., v.29, p.e009820, 2020.). DettolTM and Phenol inhibited sporulation by 81.33%, 89.33% respectively, which is consistent with (Mai et al ., 2009MAI, K.; SHARMAN, P.A.; WALKER, R.A et al. Oocyst wall formation and composition in coccidian parasites. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, v.104, p.281-289, 2009.) and Gadelhaq et al. (2018GADELHAQ, S.M; ARAFA, W.M.; ABOLHADID, S.M. In vitro activity of natural and chemical products on sporulation of Eimeria species oocysts of chickens. Vet. Parasitol., v.251, p.12-16, 2018.) that reported that the oocyst wall is impermeable to water-soluble component and resistant to proteolysis.


The use of herbal formulas containing the most potent alcoholic plant extracts is required to achieve the strongest anticoccidial effect. Statistical analysis revealed that the highest concentration levels of plant extracts were effective in inhibiting the sporulation of E. papillata oocysts as well as destroying them. It could be concluded that ASLE has cytotoxicity and anticoccidial efficacy in vitro. More research should be done to determine the in vivo effectiveness of ASLE where the results of these investigations indicate that herbal drugs have a substantial amount of promise for innovative medication development to treat parasite illnesses and that the derivatives of these plants are advantageous structures for drug synthesis and bioactivity optimization. This will inform ongoing studies geared toward the development of ASLE as a novel drug that can be used to manage coccidian diseases that affect animals.


This work was supported by the Researchers Supporting Project (RSP2024R3) at King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue
    Nov-Dec 2024


  • Received
    16 Nov 2023
  • Accepted
    10 Jan 2024
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária Caixa Postal 567, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2041, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2042 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil