This research evaluated degree of clogging by Limnoperna fortunei in different materials for wire mesh fabrication, the dynamics of mollusk sealing and the cost-benefit ratio of these materials used in tank-nets. Samples of single-twist screens of 19 mm mesh were used, from five different types of coatings were placed in the Salto Caxias dam on the Iguaçu River in the Paraná state, between July 2012 and July 2014. Every six months, it was verified the weight gain of the screens due to clogging and counting of the number of mussels adhered. After the data collection was performed Kruskal-Wallis statistical test to evaluate the weight gain of the screens due to clogging. In addition, a survey was carried out with 21 companies to obtain the commercialized price of screens for the production of net tanks and to evaluate the expected durability of the materials. The different materials evaluated for the screens influenced the sealing and adhesion of the golden mussel. In addition, the most cost-per-year screen is that of plastic-coated galvanized wire and for low clogging it is the Bezinal wire.
aquaculture; clogging; Limnoperna fortunei; golden mussel; tank-net