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Differences in pregnancy rate of beef heifers mating at 18 and 24 months of age

The effects of the mating age and weight class on the pregnancy rate (PR) of Hereford heifers (n=119) at 18 (18M) or 24 months (24M) of age were evaluated. The heifers were divided into classes as light (18ML=260kg; 24ML=280kg) or heavy (18MP=300kg; 24MP=330kg). The breeding seasons were: 18M: 04/05 - 05/21 (fall) and 24M: 11/04 - 12/21 (spring). The traits analyzed were live weight (LW) and body condition score (BCS) at the beginning of the mating season and the average daily gain (ADG) on the pregnancy rate (PR). The PR were 73.3% (18MP), 72.4% (24ML), 83.3% (24MP) (P>0.05) and the 18ML heifers have shown lower PR (26.7%) (P<0.05). The 24M heifers showed higher ADG (0.664 vs 0.537kg/d) than the 18M heifers and in this group the open heifers had lower ADG (0.429 vs 0.621kg/d) than the pregnant heifers. The BCS were higher (P<0.10) for the pregnant heifers (3.50) than the open (3.24) heifers. A quadratic effect of LW on the PR (Y= -993.03 + 6.4543LW - 0.0097LW²; R²=0.98) was observed.

heifer; Hereford; fall mating; breeding age; live weight

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária Caixa Postal 567, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2041, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2042 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil