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A comparison of the dry matter yield and nutritional value of different corn hybrids for silage production

[Comparação do rendimento de matéria seca e do valor nutricional de diferentes híbridos de milho para produção de silagem]


The aim of this study was to evaluate the forage yield and nutritional value of eight corn hybrids for silage production: P3565 PWU (Pioneer®), CERES 310, CERES 312, CERES 405, CERES 412 (Nova Ceres Sementes®), 2A521 PW, 2B533 PW and FS620 PWU (Forseed®), with 4 repetitions each. The plants were harvested at the dough grain phenological stage (R4). Hybrid CERES 312 showed higher dry biomass production, however, with no significant difference from CERES 310 (30,919 and 27,662kg ha-1, respectively), and higher grain yield (14,365 kg ha-1). The participation of stem and leaves of hybrid CERES 405 was higher than the other hybrids (22.3% and 20.2%). Hybrid CERES 405 presented higher CP content (8.38%) however, it did not differ from CERES 310, CERES 312 and 2B533 PW. The 2B533 PW hybrid had lower LDA content (2.94%). Hybrids P3565 PWU and 2B533 PWU presented higher values of NEl (1.511 and 1.499 Mcal kg DM-1, respectively) and the hybrid CERES 312 presented lower value (1.412 Mcal kg DM-1). Differences in the participation of plant components were inconsistent on the nutrients obtained, proving that structural and nutritional evaluations of corn hybrids should be complementary.

bromatology; digestibility; productivity; preserved feed; silage

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária Caixa Postal 567, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2041, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2042 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil