The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical picture caused by Tityus fasciolatus and its action reflected in mouse blood profile. To study the blood profile, 54 Swiss CF1 mice, male, 30g, distributed into three groups (G) (n= 18) and inoculated subcutaneously with: 50µl PBS (G1), 24µg of venom of T. fasciolatus (G2) and 8µg venom T. serrulatus (G3) were used. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups (n= 6) according to the time of blood collection that was set at 1h, 8h and 24h after inoculation of the venom, and blood profile, total protein and fractionated were evaluated. The venom of T. fasciolatus at a dose of 24µg caused piloerection, behavior pain, nasal and oral sharp, dyspnea, rash on the face and exaggerated reflexes. In blood profile were observed relative polycythemia, leukocytosis with lymphocytosis.
scorpion; Tityus fasciolatus; blood profile; clinical alterations; mice