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Application of ultrasound biomicroscopy in the diagnosis and clinical evolution of different types of anterior scleritis

Purpose: To correlate findings on ultrasound biomicroscopy with types of anterior scleritis. Methods: Six patients with clinical findings of anterior scleritis were examined by ultrasound biomicroscopy (50 MHz transducer), performed at the Ocular Ultrasound Section of Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina for elucidation of histopathological alterations in anterior scleritis. Results: Patients with nodular scleritis had well-limited lesions, with homogeneously low reflectivity and localized increased thickness with lower reflectivity of adjacent tissues. Patients with diffuse scleritis had an heterogeneous increased thickness with heterogeneous reflectivity (a mottled appearance). Patients with necrotizing scleritis presented loss of tissue with scleral thinning and inflammatory adjacent vitreous changes. Conclusions: Ultrasound biomicroscopy is an excellent noninvasive method in identifying involved ocular tissues in anterior scleritis, helping the ophthalmologist in his/her diagnosis and treatment.

Scleritis; Scleritis; Ultrasonography; Microscopy

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil