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Ocular ultrasound in Sturge-Weber syndrome



This article intended to show the ultrasound findings in eyes of patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome, since ultrasound examination permits to evaluate the presence of choroidal hemangioma which is associated with this syndrome.

Patients and Methods:

Ten patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome were examined by ocular 1O MHz transducer ultrasound. The vertical axial, logitudinal and transversal ultrasound scans were used to evaluate choroidal thickening and/or tumor height, optic nerve cup and comparative axial length of eyes with ipsilateral facial hemangioma.


Of ten patients, only one showed a circunscribed hemangioma, with 8.O mm thickening. Three of them had choroidal thickening above 2.5 mm, and all others had normal choroidal thickening, though one of these had exhibited an increase of choroidal thickening in a period ofone year. It was possible to detect increased optic nerve cup in four patients.


About 40% of the patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome exhibited choroidal hemangioma. By ocular ultrasound, we could observe the choroidal thickening, and differentiate the diffuse and circunscribed types of the typically highly reflective choroidal hemangiomas. Some malignant tumors, at an early stage, can simulate choroidal hemangioma. Therefore, it is important to use all the available methods to distinguish them. In general, ocular ultrasound seemed to be a good method for evaluation and jàllow-up of our Sturge-Weber patients with choroidal hemangioma suspicion.

Sturge-Weber syndrome; Choroidal hemangioma; Ultrasound

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil