Open-access Visual alterations due to Rathke's cleft cyst: case report

Rathke's cleft cysts are parasellar lesions, which are usually asymptomatic and found in 12 to 33% of autopsies done on patients with normal pituitary gland. Occasionally, the cysts can swell up to the point of putting pressure on the suprasellar and intrasellar structures, which provoke the symptoms. Clinically, the patients complain about blurred vision and they also present hemianopsia deficiency. M.A.S.R., 47 years old, female, white, born in Pelotas/RS, complained about progressive vision reduction in the right eye for 2 months. During the examination, loss of vision and bitemporal hemianopsia were discovered. Computerized tomography highlighted a rounded hypodense image with clear borders, in sellar topography, determining remodeling and enlarging of the sella turcica. Magnetic resonance showed expansive cystic injury located in the sella turcica with suprasellar growth. The mentioned injury presented obliteration in the suprasellar cistern and an important compression on the optic chiasm. The surgical approach confirmed the presence of extensive cystic injury compressing the optic chiasm, and the anatomicopathological examination of the material diagnosed Rathke's cleft cyst. The ophthalmic examination three months after the surgery showed improvement in visual accuracy and total recovery of defects of the visual field. Rathke's cleft cyst must be included in the differential diagnosis of parasellar tumors which may cause compression of optical pathway, and the importance of the diagnosis and immediate treatment with the purpose of avoiding structural damages with unreversible losses of visual function, as well as endocrine disorders are emphasized.

Hemianopsia; Visual field; Cysts; Sella turcica; Pituitary diseases; Tissue cultures; Magnetic resonance imaging

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