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Unintentional injection of a dexamethasone implant into the crystalline lens: a case report

Injeção não intencional de implante de dexametasona no cristalino: relato de caso, acompanhamento e desfecho


The intravitreal dexamethasone implant is a sustained-release anti-inflammatory drug system that releases 0.7 mg of dexamethasone into the vitreous cavity. The following case report describes a rare complication: accidental injection of the dexamethasone implant into the crystalline lens. A 73-year-old woman was diagnosed with central retina vein occlusion and cystoid macular edema. Initial tSreatment included three monthly intravitreal doses of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment, which was not successful. Treatment was then modified to an intravitreal dexamethasone implant. Ten weeks later, the implant was observed in the posterior cortex of the crystalline lens. Because no improvement had occurred, the patient underwent phacoemulsification surgery, during which part of the lens migrated into the vitreous cavity. Therefore, 23-gauge pars plana complete vitrectomy was performed with trans-surgical administration of intravitreal aflibercept. Crystalline lens injury due to an intravitreal dexamethasone implant is a rare complication and typically results from the injection procedure. Immediate surgical or conservative approaches should be considered on an individual basis.

Retinal vein occlusion; Macular edema; Lens implanta tion, intraocular; Tomography, optical coherence; Dexamethasone/ administration & dosage; Drug Implants; Phacoemulsification; Humans; Case reports

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil