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Waardenburg syndrome: ophthalmic findings and criteria for diagnosis: case reports

PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and imaginological features of two families with Waardenburg syndrome: type I and II, with emphasis on ophthalmic manifestations, as well as the pattern of genetic inheritance. METHODS: We conducted a clinical study involving two families affected by Waardenburg syndrome, and through the pedigree, determined the present pattern of genetic inheritance. Analyses were performed including the measurement of visual acuity, the presence of dystopia cantorum (telecanthus), evaluation of iris color and retinal mapping, as well as dermatological and otological examinations. RESULTS: The pedigree of the family affected by the Waardenburg syndrome type I showed an autosomal dominant mode of transmission. The syndrome was present at 85.71% of patients. The dystopia cantorum was the most frequent feature, followed by the white streak on the skin of the forehead, hypopigmentation of the iris and retina and deafness. The Waardenburg syndrome family type II had 33.33% of family members affected by the syndrome. No member had dystopia cantorum and hypopigmentation of the iris. Three patients had sensorineural hearing loss (12.5%), associated with white forelock and achromatic spots confluent by the body. CONCLUSION: This study shows the importance of the ophthalmologist in aiding the diagnosis of this rare genetic condition, since it includes ocular disorders such as telecanthus, hypopigmentation of the iris and retina. The cantorum dystopia is the main diagnostic criterion to differentiate type I and II syndrome and should be done by a trained ophthalmologist. The families are in medical monitoring, receiving genetic guidelines and care related to eye protection.

Waardenburg's syndrome; Iris diseases; Retinal diseases; Genetic counseling; Deafness; Eyelids; Nose; Case reports

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil