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Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, Volume: 88, Número: 1, Publicado: 2025
  • Night-time blood pressure dipping, but not 24-h blood pressure level, is linked to increased 24-h ocular volume slope Original Article

    Skrzypecki, Janusz; Szymański, FM; Przybek-Skrzypecka, J.; Izdebska, Justyna; Ryś-Czaporowska, A.; Filipiak, KJ; Szaflik, Jacek P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study investigated the relationship between blood pressure and intraocular pressure in treatmentnaive, non-glaucoma patients with different blood pressure statuses, focusing on the 24-h ocular volume and nocturnal blood pressure decline. Methods: Treatment-naive, non-glaucoma patients undergoing hypertension evaluation were enrolled as study participants. Simultaneous 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurement and 24-h ocular volume recording with a contact lens sensor. We also compared ocular volume curve parameters between normotensive and hypertensive patients, as well as between those with and without nocturnal blood pressure decline. Results: A total of 21 patients, including 7 normotensive and 14 treatment-naive hypertensive individuals, were included in the study. of them, 11 were dippers and 10 were non-dippers. No significant difference in the 24-h ocular volume slope was observed between the hypertensive and normotensive patients (p=0.284). However, dippers had a significantly higher 24-h ocular volume slope (p=0.004) and nocturnal contact lens sensor output (p=0.041) than non-dippers. Conclusion: Nocturnal blood pressure decline, rather than the blood pressure level, is associated with the increased 24-h ocular volume slope and nocturnal ocular volume. Further studies are required to determine whether the acceleration of glaucoma progression in dippers is primarily due to low blood pressure, high intraocular pressure, or a combination of both.
  • Protein profile of purified plasma- and aqueous humor-derived extracellular vesicles from patients with ocular toxoplasmosis Original Article

    Costa, Deise F.; Pessuti, Carmen Luz; Tsering, Thupten; Abdouh, Mohamed; Ribeiro, Kleber; Nascimento, Heloisa; Commodaro, Alessandra G.; Burnier, Julia V.; Belfort Jr, Rubens; Burnier Jr, Miguel N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To characterize the extracellular vesicle protein cargo in the aqueous humor and plasma of patients with ocular toxoplasmosis. Methods: Aqueous humor and plasma were collected from six patients with active ocular toxoplasmosis and six patients with cataract. Extracellular vesicles were isolated, and western blotting and mass spectrometry were performed for protein analysis. Results: All plasma samples from patients with ocular toxoplasmosis and cataract were positive for the tetraspanins CD63 and TSG101. However, the aqueous humor from patients with ocular toxoplasmosis was positive only for CD63. Sixty-seven new unreported proteins were identified in the aqueous humor and plasma of patients with the ocular toxoplasmosis and cataract. Of the 67 proteins, 10 and 7 were found only in the cataract and ocular toxoplasmosis groups, respectively. In general, these proteins were involved in immune system activation and retina homeostasis and were related to infections and retina-associated diseases. Conclusion: The distinct protein signatures between ocular toxoplasmosis and cataract may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis. However, more studies are needed to better understand the role of these proteins in the pathogenesis of ocular toxoplasmosis.
  • Evaluation of perioperative pachymetry of thin corneas during corneal crosslinking using hypo-osmolar riboflavin and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Original Article

    Matsumoto, Fábio Kenji; Tojar, Marcelo; Souza, Luciene Barbosa de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to analyze variations in intraoperative corneal thickness during corneal cross-linking in patients with keratoconus and to investigate its possible correlation with presurgical maximal keratometry (Kmax) and pachymetry. Methods: This was a prospective case series. We used a method similar to the Dresden protocol, with the application of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 0.1% hypo-osmolar riboflavin in corneas between 330 and 400 µm after epithelium removal. Corneal thickness was measured using portable calipers before and immediately after epithelium removal, and 30 and 60 min after the procedure. Results: The 30 patients in this study were followed up for one year. A statistically significant difference was observed in pachymetry values during the intraoperative period (p<0.0001) and an increase of 3.05 µm (95%C1: 0.56-5.54) for each diopter was seen after epithelium removal (p0.019). We found an average Kmax difference of —2.12 D between men and women (p0.013). One year after treatment, there was a statistically significant reduction in pachymetry (p<0.0001) and Kmax (p0.0170) values. Conclusions: A significant increase in pachymetry measurements was seen during the procedure, and most patients showed a regression in Kmax and pachymetry values one year after surgery.
  • Clinical, epidemiological, and care profile of hospitalized patients with retinoblastoma in Brazil Original Article

    Barbosa, Annamaria Ciminelli; Magalhães-Barbosa, Maria Clara de; Colombini, Giovanni Nicola Umberto Italiano; Prata-Barbosa, Arnaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe the epidemiological and clinical profile of hospitalized patients with retinoblastoma in Brazil. Methods: Using data from the Hospital Cancer Registry of the Instituto Nacional de Câncer, patients with the morphological codes of retinoblastoma who were diagnosed between 2000 to 2018, aged 0–19 years, and followed up in registered hospitals (analytical cases) were selected. The relative and absolute frequencies of demographic, clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and outcome variables were described. Hospital performance indicators were calculated and compared between hospitals qualified and not qualified to treat pediatric oncology cases and between hospitals with different case volumes (<20, 20-75, >75 cases). Results: Of the 2,269 identified analytical cases from 86 institutions, 48% were from the Southeast, 54% were male, and 66% were aged <4 years. The proportion of missing data (NA) was too high for several variables. Approximately 84% of the patients were from the public health system, 40% had a positive family history, and 88% had unilateral involvement. The first treatment included surgery in 58.3% of the patients (NA=2), Approximately 36.6% of these patients achieved complete remission, 10.8% achieved partial remission, and 12.7% died (NA=59%). Hospital performance indicators were within the target in >90% of the patients. The median time between the first appointment and diagnosis (6 days, interquartile range [IQR] 1–14) was significantly lower and the median time to death was longer (343 days, IQR, 212-539) in high-volume hospitals (>75 cases) than in medium- and low-volume hospitals. Conclusions: Despite the high proportion of missing data, we found that the delay in diagnosis is due to prehospital factors. Additionally, there is a need for educational programs for healthcare professionals and families that emphasize early identification and referral to specialized centers. Future studies should focus on the impact of Hospital Cancer Registry data completeness on outcomes, causes of delay in diagnosis, regional inequalities, and barriers to accessing specialized services.
  • Intraocular pressure modulation with thermal stimuli Original Article

    Oliveira, Thiago Carvalho Barros de; Ferreira, Juliana de Lucena Martins; Lima, Hissa Tavares de; Bezerra Filho, Carlos Otávio de Arruda; Ribeiro, Joao Crispim

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to determine whether early-stage intraocular pressure can be modulated using a thermal face mask. Methods: In this prospective clinical study, healthy participants were randomized on a 1:1:1 allocation ratio to three mask groups: hypothermic (G1), normothermic (G2), and hyperthermic (G3). After randomization, 108 eyes from 108 participants were submitted to clinical evaluations, including measurement of initial intraocular pressure (T1). The thermal mask was then applied for 10 minutes, followed by a second evaluation of intraocular pressure (T2) and assessment of any side effects. Results: The hypothermic group (G1) showed a significant reduction in mean intraocular pressure between T1 (16.97 ± 2.59 mmHg) and T2 (14.97 ± 2.44 mmHg) (p<0.001). G2 showed no significant pressure difference between T1 (16.50 ± 2.55 mmHg) and T2 (17.00 ± 2.29 mmHg) (p=0.054). G3 showed a significant increase in pressure from T1 (16.53 ± 2.69 mmHg) to T2 (18.58 ± 2.95 mmHg) (p<0.001). At T1, there was no difference between the three study groups (p=0.823), but at T2, the mean values of G3 were significantly higher than those of G1 and G2 (p<0.00). Conclusion: Temperature was shown to significantly modify intraocular pressure. Thermal masks allow the application of temperature in a controlled, reproducible manner. Further studies are needed to assess the duration of these effects and whether they are reproducible in patients with pathologies that affect intraocular pressure.
  • Comparison of safety and effectiveness of micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation and “slow cook” diode laser transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in patients with refractory open-angle glaucoma Original Article

    Russ, Heloisa Helena Abil; Seixas, Regina Cele Silveira; Maestrini, Heloísa Andrade; Balbino, Marcos; Fernandes, Thatiana Almeida Pereira; Lima, Núbia Vanessa dos Anjos; Lopes, Nara Lídia Vieira; Rodrigues Neto, Taurino dos Santos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to compare the safety and effectiveness of intraocular pressure reduction between micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in patients with refractory primary open-angle glaucoma. Methods: We included patients with primary open angle glaucoma with at least 12 months of follow-up. We collected and analyzed data on the preoperative characteristics and postoperative outcomes. The primary outcomes were a reduction of ≥20% of the baseline value (criterion A) and/or intraocular pressure between 6 and 21 mmHg (criterion B). Results: We included 128 eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma. The preoperative mean intraocular pressure was 25.53 ± 6.40 and 35.02 ± 12.57 mmHg in the micropulse- and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The mean intraocular pressure was reduced significantly to 14.33 ± 3.40 and 15.37 ± 5.85 mmHg in the micropulse- and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups at the last follow-up, respectively (p=0.110). The mean intraocular pressure reduction at 12 months was 11.20 ± 11.46 and 19.65 ± 13.22 mmHg in the micropulse- and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The median preoperative logMAR visual acuity was 0.52 ± 0.69 and 1.75 ± 1.04 in the micropulse- and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The mean visual acuity variation was −0.10 ± 0.35 and −0.074 ± 0.16 in the micropulse- and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation, respectively (p=0.510). Preoperatively, the mean eye drops were 3.44 ± 1.38 and 2.89 ± 0.68 drugs in the micropulse- and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p=0.017), but those were 2.06 ± 1.42 and 1.02 ± 1.46 at the end of the study in the “slow cook” and micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The success of criterion A was not significant between both groups. Compared with 11 eyes (17.74%) in the “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation group, 19 eyes (28.78%) in the micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation group showed complete success (p=0.171). For criterion B, 28 (42.42%) and 2 eyes (3.22%) showed complete success after micropulse- and “slow cook” transscleral cyclophotocoagulation, respectively (p<0.001). Conclusion: Both techniques reduced intraocular pressure effectively.
  • Meibography health score: a simple grading system for isotretinoin-induced meibography alterations on patients with acne vulgaris Original Article

    Andrade, Fabio Mendonça Xavier; Hirai, Flavio; Wakamatsu, Tais Hitomi; Medina, Rebecca Ignacio Subira; Freitas, Denise de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop a simple, subjective, and reliable grading scale for isotretinoin-induced meibography changes. Methods: After analyzing meibography images obtained from systemic isotretinoin users, a grading scale was proposed and named “meibography health score.” The score ranged from 1 to 3, with decreasing gland reflectivity and identifiable margins. A total of 11 medical professionals were asked to grade 10 meibography images obtained from isotretinoin users using the proposed scale and were divided into three groups: (A) ophthalmologists with experience with meibography, (B) ophthalmologists with no experience with meibography, and (C) radiologists. The kappa statistic was determined to test interrater reliability. Results: The overall kappa was approximately 0.64. The kappa scores for Groups A, B, and C were 0.78, 0.59, and 0.90, respectively. Grade 2 had the lowest kappa scores (0.62, 0.35, and 0.82 for A, B, and C, respectively) and grade 3 the highest (0.78, 0.90, and 1.0 for A, B and C, respectively). Furthermore, Group C had the highest kappa scores and Group B the lowest. Conclusion: The meibography health score exhibited good interrater reliability, particularly in severe cases.
  • Clinical outcomes and significance of postoperative ultrasound biomicroscopy in patients with Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis Original Article

    Tas, Ayse Yildiz; Abay, Berk; Muftuoglu, Orkun

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: To determine the clinical outcomes in patients after type 1 Boston keratoprosthesis surgery and the significance of ultrasound biomicroscopy imaging for postoperative follow-up. Methods: This retrospective analysis included 20 eyes of 19 patients who underwent corneal transplantation with type 1 Boston keratoprosthesis between April 2014 and December 2021. Data on patient demographics, preoperative diagnosis, visual acuity, and postoperative clinical findings were analyzed. Results: Type 1 Boston keratoprosthesis implantation resulted in intermediate- and long-term positive outcomes. However, blindness and other serious complications such as glaucoma, retroprosthetic membrane formation, endophthalmitis, or retinal detachment also occurred. The use of ultrasound biomicroscopy imaging allowed for better evaluation of the back of the titanium plate, anterior segment structures, and the relationship of the prosthesis with surrounding tissues, which provided valuable postoperative information. Conclusion: Regular lifetime monitoring and treatment are necessary in patients who undergo Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis implantation for high-risk corneal transplantation. ultrasound biomicroscopy imaging can be a valuable imaging technique for the evaluation of patients with Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis, providing important information on anterior segment anatomy and potential complications. Further studies and consensus on postoperative follow-up protocols are required to optimize the management of patients with Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis.
  • Hyaluronic acid-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition of human lens epithelial cells via CD44 and TGF-β2 Original Article

    Gui, Yumin; Peng, Jianjun; Jiang, Shuanghong

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: The epithelial–mesenchymal transition of human lens epithelial cells plays a role in posterior capsule opacification, a fibrotic process that leads to a common type of cataract. Hyaluronic acid has been implicated in this fibrosis. Studies have investigated the role of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β2 in epithelial–mesenchymal transition. However, the role of TGF-β2 in hyaluronic acid-mediated fibrosis of lens epithelial cell remains unknown. We here examined the role of TGF-β2 in the hyaluronic acid-mediated epithelial–mesenchymal transition of lens epithelial cells. Methods: Cultured human lens epithelial cells (HLEB3) were infected with CD44-siRNA by using the Lipofectamine 3000 transfection reagent. The CCK-8 kit was used to measure cell viability, and the scratch assay was used to determine cell migration. Cell oxidative stress was analyzed in a dichloro-dihydro-fluorescein diacetate assay and by using a flow cytometer. The TGF-β2 level in HLEB3 cells was examined through immunohistochemical staining. The TGF-β2 protein level was determined through western blotting. mRNA expression levels were determined through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: Treatment with hyaluronic acid (1.0 μM, 24 h) increased the epithelial–mesenchymal transition of HLEB3 cells. The increase in TGF-β2 levels corresponded to an increase in CD44 levels in the culture medium. However, blocking the CD44 function significantly reduced the TGF-β2-mediated epithelial–mesenchymal transition response of HLEB3 cells. Conclusions: Our study showed that both CD44 and TGF-β2 are critical contributors to the hyaluronic acid-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition of lens epithelial cells, and that TGF-β2 in epithelial-mesenchymal transition is regulated by CD44. These results suggest that CD44 could be used as a target for preventing hyaluronic acid-induced posterior capsule opacification. Our findings suggest that CD44/TGF-β2 is crucial for the hyaluronic acid-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition of lens epithelial cells.
  • Prevalence of myopic eyes in private practice and public care services in Brazil: 11 years of retrospective analysis Original Article

    Jorge, André A. Homsi; Bicas, Harley E. A.; Silva, Bruno Henrique; Paula Filho, João A. de; Boschetti, Graziela; Sunti, Marina R. de; Moura, Renata J. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to examine the prevalence of myopic eyes over 11 years (2008-2018) in a private clinic and a public assistance service. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 6332 individuals (12,664 eyes) between 5 and 25 years old, seen at a private clinic-CEMO (2,663 individuals) and a public service-HOIP (3,669 individuals) from 2008 to 2018. We evaluated the prevalence of myopic eyes (EE ≤-0.50) and high myopic eyes (EE ≤-6.00). Results: Sex and services did not show statistical differences. The variation in the prevalence of myopic and high myopic eyes showed a random pattern during the study period (this prevalence could not be increased). Prevalences ranged from 20.7% (in 2017) to 32.4% (in 2015) for myopic eyes and from 1.6% (in 2009 and 2016) to 3.3% (in 2015) for eyes with high myopia. The prevalence of myopia showed a statistically significant increase based on the age group. Conclusion: The prevalence of myopic eyes did not increase in our study. The mean prevalence of myopic eyes was similar in the private clinic and public service.
  • Early visual intervention, visual function analysis, and grating visual acuity outcomes in children with congenital Zika syndrome Original Article

    Tartarella, Marcia Beatriz; Braga, Ana Paula; Borges, Jean Hipolito M.; Furtado, Rosana S.A. S.; Diogo, Natalia Gomes; Verçosa, Islane M. C.; Tartarella-Nascimento, Eduarda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to assess grating visual acuity and functional vision in children with congenital Zika syndrome. Methods: Initial and final grating visual acuity was measured using Teller acuity cards. Cerebral vision impairment standardized tests were used to assess functional vision. Patients were referred to the early visual intervention program for visually disabled children. Neuroimaging was performed. Results: In this study, 10 children were included with an age range of 1-37 months. Eight patients presented with macular atrophic scars. Neuroimaging revealed microcephaly and cerebral abnormalities in all patients. Low vision and cerebral vision impairment characteristics were observed in all children. The final grating visual acuity in this group varied from 3.00 to 0.81 logMAR. Conclusions: The grating visual acuity test revealed low vision in all children with congenital Zika syndrome. Functional vision evaluation revealed cerebral vision impairment characteristics in all patients, who were referred to the early visual intervention program. Visual acuity improved in six children.
  • Anterior lamellar corneoscleral keratoplasty for the management of corneal thinning following treatment with mitomycin-C and interferon to treat highly suspected ocular surface squamous neoplasia: a case report Case Report

    Moreira, Paulo Phillipe do Vale Ricardo; Longo, Daniele; Polisuk, Marcella; Carmona, Tamires Able; Ambrosio Jr, Renato

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A patient presented with corneoscleral thinning five months after the treatment of suspected ocular squamous surface neoplasia with mitomycin-C and interferon. For tectonic and aesthetic purposes, we decided to perform lamellar corneoscleral transplantation. The approach used established new tectonic support and corneal homeostasis. This technique might be an option in similar cases.
  • Choroiditis following severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection in unvaccinated identical twins Case Report

    Mello, Luiz Guilherme Marchesi; Lubiana, Lara Guedes; Hirata, Carlos Eduardo; Monteiro, Mário Luiz Ribeiro; Yamamoto, Joyce Hisae

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Unvaccinated identical twins developed bilateral anterior uveitis soon after the onset of coronavirus disease 2019 symptoms. During follow-up, both patients developed choroiditis, and one twine developed posterior scleritis and serous retinal detachment. Prompt treatment with oral prednisone ameliorated the lesions, and no recurrence was observed at the 18-month follow-up. Choroiditis may rarely be associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, and it responds well to corticosteroid therapy. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, we hypothesize that the virus may act as an immunological trigger for choroiditis.
  • Rare case of mantle cell lymphoma of the lacrimal sac Case Report

    Özen, Mehmet Can; Özgür, Özlen Rodop; Kocabaş, Seyhan

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Mantle cell lymphoma of the ocular and periorbital regions is extremely rare but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lesions affecting the periorbital tissues. In this study, we present a rare case of mantle cell lymphoma of the lacrimal sac in a 65-year-old male presenting with a mass in the lacrimal sac region and epiphora. After clinical examinations and imaging studies, the mucocele was misdiagnosed. Considering the unexpected findings during external dacryocystorhinostomy, a frozen biopsy was performed, which confirmed the diagnosis of lymphoma.
  • Unilateral hemi-central retinal artery occlusion as a presenting sign of Susac syndrome Case Report

    Hokazono, Kenzo; Fagundes, Marília da Cruz; Silva, Alessandra Filpo Ferreira da; Minku, Camila Feijó; Teixeira, Bernardo Corrêa de Almeida; Monteiro, Mário Luiz Ribeiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A young woman presented at our clinic with sudden visual loss in the right eye, recurrent vertigo, and right-sided tinnitus. We performed a complete ophthalmological evaluation. This revealed effects of the condition on the small arterioles of the peripheral retina. Susac syndrome is characterized by the clinical triad of retinal arteriolar occlusions, cochleovestibular manifestations, and encephalopathy (which can be identified by neuroimaging abnormalities). Early diagnosis and immunosuppressive therapy improved the patient's visual acuity and the remission of her other symptoms. Hemi-central retinal artery occlusion is an atypical neuro-ophthalmological finding in this disease. However, its identification as a sign of Susac syndrome may facilitate timely diagnosis and accurate treatment.
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