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Design patterns and visual methods POEs: study in two schools in the UK


The architectural programme process includes a data-gathering phase that assists in the development of design propositions. Numerous methods exist for the collection and analysis of this data, related to Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE), with observations and measurements by the designer/researcher and perceptions by users about places. POE in schools seeks to understand these environments, which impact the quality of teaching/learning activities. Educational dynamics demand the consideration of the concept of 21st-century design patterns (DPs). This exploratory study evaluated two visual methods in POE, in schools of the UK, for design feedback, which include DPs as evaluation criteria. The methods evaluated were: diamond ranking, for image analysis, and floor plans analysis, with observations indicated by users, with stickers. The results showed these visual methods to be effective for briefing and POE. The methods provide better information, and users demonstrate greater interest in participating. The selection of images and the application of the visual tools are based on DPs, validated by the analysis and response comprehension. The development of visual methods for school POEs, with DPs insertion, is a methodological and conceptual contribution that discusses essential characteristics for 21st-century school architecture.

Post-occupancy evaluation; School architecture; Architectural programming; Design patterns; Visual methods

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