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Associated tools to support the social housing design process


A number of research studies have analysed the production of social housing (SH) in Brazil, verifying its poor performanc, and its inability to satisfy residents’ needs, particularly if we consider the total time of permanence in the housing units. The designs lack both diversity and flexibility, having serious functional problems due to the lack of small dimensions of the different areas. Hence, the aim of this study is to develop a practical method to support decision making in SH projects. The investigation adopted the Design Science Research approach and was structured in five main steps: (1) identifying the problem, (2) understanding the theme, (3) proposition of tools, (4) evaluation of tools, and (5) organisation of the contributions. The conceptual method is oriented to decision making in projects developed with the BIM (Building Information Modeling), focusing on functionality and flexibility. The method consists of a set of articulated instruments that allow the evaluation and guidance of the designers so that they comply with the criteria of functionality and flexibility. The device demonstrated to be effective in use when applied in a design workshop with professionals. It was also evaluated by researchers specialised in the subject. The research contributed to a review and systematisation of functionality and flexibility requirements and, in the practical field, to a set of operational instruments intended for the use of social housing architecture professionals.

Social housing design; Design process; Spatial quality

Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído - ANTAC Av. Osvaldo Aranha, 93, 3º andar, 90035-190 Porto Alegre/RS Brasil, Tel.: (55 51) 3308-4084, Fax: (55 51) 3308-4054 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil