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Urban environment quality assessment using a methodology and set of indicators for medium-density neighbourhoods: a comparative case study of Lodi and Genoa

Metodologia e indicadores para avaliação da qualidade do ambiente urbano de bairros de média densidade: um estudo de caso comparativo entre Lodi e Gênova


One of the main issues in urban sustainability and environmental assessment relates to the selection of indicators (SOCCO, 2000SOCCO, C. Città, Ambiente, Paesaggio. Lineamenti di Progettazione Urbanistica. Torino: Utet Libreria, 2000.), as there are already many international and recognised core sets (DELSANTE, 2007DELSANTE, I. (Ed.). Rinnovo Urbano, Identità e Promozione Della Salute. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli Editore, 2007.; LEE; CHAN 2009LEE, G. K. L.; CHAN, E. H. W. Indicators for Evaluating Environmental Performance of the Hong Kong Urban Renewal Projects. Facilities, v. 27, n. 13/14, p. 515-530, 2009.). Nevertheless, specific local contexts are still in need of appropriate, original indicators and indices (MALCEVSCHI, 2004MALCEVSCHI, S. L'Uso Integrato Degli Indicatori Ambientali. Valutazione Ambientale, v. 5, p. 27-31, 2004.). This paper deals with the urban quality assessment of medium-density neighbourhoods, which typically include dwellings but also public functions, public spaces and urban infrastructure. The evaluation method is based on a set of 74 indicators used within a specific computational method that is based on scores and defined through pairwise comparison matrices (SOCCO, 2003SOCCO, C. et al. S.I.S.Te.R: Sistema di Indicatori per la Sostenibilità del Territorio Reggiano: valutazione della qualità ambientale dello spazio residenziale in un'area del Comune di Reggio Emilia. Reggio Emilia: Comune/OCS, 2003. Disponible: <$file/>. 16 may 2016.
) to convert qualitative and quantitative evaluations into scores (0 to +100). The assessment involved two different urban contexts in the cities of Lodi and Genoa (Italy). It tests if the set can be used in other sites and cities; the results show significant findings and potentialities, but also some limitations. As significant connections have already been found between urban quality and well-being surveys of inhabitants (ORLANDO, 2007ORLANDO P. Correlazioni Tra Qualità Urbana e Percezione Della Salute. In: DELSANTE I. (2007) Rinnovo Urbano, Identità e Promozione Della Salute. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli Editore, 2007.), the possibility to act comparatively in different contexts increases overall research potentiality.

Urban quality assessment; Neighbourhood scale; Qualitative and quantitative urban indicators; Medium-density neighbourhoods

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