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Effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation on balance, dizziness, functioning, and depressive symptoms in older adults



To assess the effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation on functioning, gains in semicircular canals in the Video Head Impulse Test (v-HIT), on responses to the vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP), depressive symptoms, balance, and dizziness in older adults.


Longitudinal, quasi-experimental, analytical study conducted between December 2019 and July 2022, in 50 older adults with vestibular disorders, submitted to vestibular rehabilitation and examinations: VEMP, v-HIT, the questionnaires, visual analog scale, Dizziness Handicap Inventory, Berg Balance Scale, Pfeffer’s Functional Activities Questionnaire, and Geriatric Depression Scale. All examinations and questionnaires were applied before and after eight weekly vestibular rehabilitation sessions. Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS, with the Wilcoxon test (p<0.05).


There was a gain in the anterior right semicircular canal (0.71/0.78), reduction in dizziness discomfort (7/5) and in the impact of dizziness on the quality of life (35/15), improvement in balance (45/51) and functioning (2/1), and reduction in depressive symptoms (5/3).


Older adults with vestibular disorder submitted to vestibular rehabilitation improved their gain in vestibulo-ocular reflex, balance, and functional activities and reduced their depressive symptoms and the impact of dizziness on their quality of life.

Postural balance; Dizziness; Aged; Rehabilitation; Quality of life

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil