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Effect of stimulation of auditory skills of speech-language pathologists to perceptual evaluation of vocal deviation



To verify if the stimulation of auditory skills of speech therapists with and without difficulty in auditory processing (CAP) interferes in performance of auditory-perceptual assessment (APA) regarding predominant vocal deviation.


Prospective, quasi-experimental study, conducted with 26 speech therapists and developed in five stages: Stage1: Pre-intervention - APA, composed of 30 samples of sustained vowel emissions /ε/, plus 20% repetition (six repeated samples) in which participants should identify the predominant vocal deviation. Stage2: Screening of CAP skills through nine tests of AudBility web platform. Stage3: Perceptual-auditory training of predominant vocal deviation and, later, second APA, identical to previous one. Stage4: Intervention - Stimulation of auditory skills (EHA) performed by 14 participants, eight of which failed the screening from Stage2 and six who passed th e screening and spontaneously performed EHA (Group G2a ). The other 12 participants did not perform EHA and formed the G2b Group. Stage5: Post-intervention - Third execution of APA, identical to previous, by all participants. Accuracy of analysis and intra-rater reliability were assessed in all APAs.


The three groups showed similar performances in the three APAs. G1 and G2a showed no improvement in the performance of the analysis of predominant vocal deviation after EHA. Pre-intervention intra-rater reliability in G1 was lower than in G2a and G2b in APA1 and APA2, and similar to them in APA3, post-intervention.


Proposed EHA had no impact on APA accuracy, but influenced in intra-rater reliability of speech therapists with difficulty in the hearing skills of CAP.

Auditory perception; Hearing tests; Voice training; Voice screening; Auditory processing

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil