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Oral feeding performance in premature infants stimulated by swallowing technical training



Prematurity can affect proper development of a newborn.


To evaluate performance of oral feeding in preterm infants stimulated by the swallowing training technique.


The study was conducted in a neonatal intensive care unit from March to August 2015. The study was developed as a Times Series Quasi Experiment with 14 preterm newborns (PTNB) with corrected gestational age between 30-36 weeks. The readiness to feed orally protocol for preterm infants (pre and post-swallowing training) was applied. Swallowing exercises were conducted once a day and on average for six consecutive days.


Improvement post-stimulation was observed, comparing the pre-intervention and post-intervention protocol data. Regarding oral feeding skills, 50% of preterm infants were classified as level 4. Oral feeding commenced, on average, 1 day after the end of swallowing training; the gastric tube was removed approximately 7 days after beginning oral feeding. There was a borderline inverse relationship between improvement in the readiness score and transition time from tube to full oral feeding and an inverse relationship between improvement in the readiness score and corrected gestational age.


The intervention with swallowing training made it possible to improve feeding skills in 50% of the sample population, starting oral feeding and obtaining exclusive oral feeding in a short period of time, with oral readiness at early gestational ages.

Infant, Newborn; Infant, Premature; Deglutition; Intensive Care Units, Neonatal; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences



A prematuridade pode afetar o desenvolvimento adequado do recém-nascido.


Avaliar o desempenho para a alimentação via oral em recém-nascidos prematuros, estimulados pela técnica treino de deglutição.


A pesquisa ocorreu em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, no período de março a agosto de 2015. Trata-se de um estudo Quase Experimento de Série Temporal com 14 recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT), com idade gestacional corrigida entre 30-36 semanas. Foi aplicado o protocolo de avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral (pré e pós-treino de deglutição). O treino de deglutição ocorreu uma vez ao dia e, em média, durante seis dias consecutivos.


Verificou-se melhora pós-estimulação, comparando-se os dados do protocolo pré-intervenção e pós-intervenção. Quanto aos níveis de habilidades de alimentação por via oral, 50% dos prematuros foram classificados como nível 4. A alimentação via oral foi iniciada, em média, 1 dia após o término do treino de deglutição; a sonda alimentar foi retirada em, aproximadamente, 7 dias após o início da via oral. Houve associação inversa limítrofe entre melhora no escore de prontidão e tempo de transição da via alternativa para a via oral total e associação inversa entre melhora no escore de prontidão e idade gestacional corrigida.


A intervenção com treino de deglutição possibilitou melhora na habilidade de alimentação em 50% da amostra, com início da alimentação via oral e obtenção da alimentação exclusiva via oral em um curto período de tempo, com prontidão para via oral em idades gestacionais precoces.

Recém-nascido; Prematuro; Deglutição; Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal; Fonoaudiologia


Prematurity is one of the main triggers for neonatal complications, since it may affect the proper development of the newborn (NB)11. Lemes EF, Silva THMM, Correr AMA, Almeida EOC, Luchesi KF. Estimulação sensoriomotora intra e extra-oral em neonatos prematuros: revisão bibliográfica. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):945-55.
. According to the World Health Organization, preterm infants (PTI) are those who have less than 37 full weeks of gestation, counted from the first day of the last menstrual cycle22. Organização Mundial da Saúde. The incidence of low birth weight: a critical review of available information. World Health Stat Q. 1980;33(3):197-224..

Suction is an important physiological function, which depends on coordination with swallowing and breathing, for safe and successful feeding33. Gewolb IH, Vice FL. Maturational changes in the rhythms, patterning, and coordination of respiration and swallow during feeding in preterm and term infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006;48(7):589-94.
. Together, these functions make up the “nutritional pathway” and are responsible for the rapid and safe transport of milk from the oral cavity to the stomach44. Lau C. Development of suck and swallow mechanisms in infants. Ann Nutr Metab. 2015;66(Suppl 5):7-14.
. The PTIs present these functions still immature and/or uncoordinated, requiring parenteral or enteral nutrition until they are adequately prepared for effective oral feeding (OF)55. Thomas JA. Guidelines for bottle feeding your premature baby. Adv Neonatal Care. 2007;7(6):311-8.
,66. Boiron M, Nobrega LD, Roux S, Heront A, Saliba E. Effects of oral stimulation and oral support on non-nutritive sucking and feeding perfomance in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;49(6):439-44.
. As a consequence of immaturity, preterm infants are deprived of oral experiences that favor their ability to co-ordinate suction–swallowing–breathing (SSB), since they feed by parenteral means or by gastric feeding tube66. Boiron M, Nobrega LD, Roux S, Heront A, Saliba E. Effects of oral stimulation and oral support on non-nutritive sucking and feeding perfomance in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;49(6):439-44.

In this context, PTIs need a specialized multi-professional team. By means of orofacial stimuli, speech therapist can aid in the transition from tube feeding to total oral feeding safely and efficiently, reducing hospitalization time with full oral feeding abilities acquired at the time of discharge11. Lemes EF, Silva THMM, Correr AMA, Almeida EOC, Luchesi KF. Estimulação sensoriomotora intra e extra-oral em neonatos prematuros: revisão bibliográfica. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):945-55.
, that is, exclusive and safe oral feeding. Some techniques for intervention in PTIs are described in the literature: non-nutritive sucking (NNS)77. Neiva FCB, Leone CR. Sucção em recém-nascidos pré-termo e estimulação da sucção. Pro Fono. 2006;18(2):141-50.
, sensory-motor-oral stimulation (SMOS)66. Boiron M, Nobrega LD, Roux S, Heront A, Saliba E. Effects of oral stimulation and oral support on non-nutritive sucking and feeding perfomance in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;49(6):439-44.
,88. Fucile S, Gisel E, Lau C. Oral stimulation accelerates the transition from tube to oral feeding in preterm infants. J Pediatr. 2002;141(2):230-6.
,99. Hwang YS, Vergara E, Lin CH, Coster WJ, Bigsby R, Tsai WH. Effects of prefeeding oral stimulation on feeding performance of preterm infants. Indian J Pediatr. 2010;77(8)83:869-73.
and swallowing exercises (SE)1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
, among others. There are variations in the methods of application for all techniques and scarce scientific evidence in the comparison between them66. Boiron M, Nobrega LD, Roux S, Heront A, Saliba E. Effects of oral stimulation and oral support on non-nutritive sucking and feeding perfomance in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;49(6):439-44.
,77. Neiva FCB, Leone CR. Sucção em recém-nascidos pré-termo e estimulação da sucção. Pro Fono. 2006;18(2):141-50.
,88. Fucile S, Gisel E, Lau C. Oral stimulation accelerates the transition from tube to oral feeding in preterm infants. J Pediatr. 2002;141(2):230-6.
,99. Hwang YS, Vergara E, Lin CH, Coster WJ, Bigsby R, Tsai WH. Effects of prefeeding oral stimulation on feeding performance of preterm infants. Indian J Pediatr. 2010;77(8)83:869-73.
,1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
,1111. Tian X, Yi LJ, Zhang L, Zhou JG, Ma L, Ou YX, et al. Oral motor intervention improved the oral feeding in preterm infants: evidence based on a meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis. Medicine. 2015;94(31): e1310.
,1212. Lessen B.S. Effect of the premature infant oral motor intervention on feeding progression and length of stay in preterm infants. Adv Neonatal Care. 2011;11(2):129-39.
. Moreover, there is a lack of systematic and scientific data on the benefit or harm of these techniques, during the period of hospitalization of PTNB and after hospital discharge11. Lemes EF, Silva THMM, Correr AMA, Almeida EOC, Luchesi KF. Estimulação sensoriomotora intra e extra-oral em neonatos prematuros: revisão bibliográfica. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):945-55.

NNS consists of the insertion a gloved finger (5th digit) into the oral cavity of the newborn, touching the incisive papilla, where the suction reflex is triggered77. Neiva FCB, Leone CR. Sucção em recém-nascidos pré-termo e estimulação da sucção. Pro Fono. 2006;18(2):141-50.
,88. Fucile S, Gisel E, Lau C. Oral stimulation accelerates the transition from tube to oral feeding in preterm infants. J Pediatr. 2002;141(2):230-6.
. This stimulus is maintained prior to oral feeding, or concomitant to gavage feeding, to promote coordination of sucking and swallowing and to accelerate maturation of the reflexes involved. Studies point to an improvement on the onset and duration of the first nutritive suction, as well as weight gain, due to better efficiency and reduction of the transition time from tube to OF66. Boiron M, Nobrega LD, Roux S, Heront A, Saliba E. Effects of oral stimulation and oral support on non-nutritive sucking and feeding perfomance in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;49(6):439-44.
,1313. Premji SS, McNeil DA, Scotland J. Regional neonatal oral feeding protocol: changing the ethos of feeding preterm infants. J Perinat Neonat Nurs. 2004;18(4):371-84.

SMOS consists of slow and deep touches and motions, with a gloved finger along the cheeks, lips and gums for approximately one minute in each structure, with the implementation of NNS at the end of the procedure88. Fucile S, Gisel E, Lau C. Oral stimulation accelerates the transition from tube to oral feeding in preterm infants. J Pediatr. 2002;141(2):230-6.
. This stimulation helps in the activation of the muscles involved in the suction process, improving its efficiency1414. Fucile S, Gisel EG, Lau C. Effect of an oral stimulation program on sucking skill maturation of preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005;47(3):158-62.. As a result, the suckling rate and the volume of ingested milk increase, favoring weight gain and reducing the transition time from tube to OF, which decreases hospitalization time66. Boiron M, Nobrega LD, Roux S, Heront A, Saliba E. Effects of oral stimulation and oral support on non-nutritive sucking and feeding perfomance in preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2007;49(6):439-44.

Swallowing exercises consist of oral administration of a minimal volume of gustatory stimulus (0.05 ml) with a 1.0 ml syringe, directly to the medial posterior part of the tongue, prompting the swallowing reflex1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
. This type of intervention has not yet been studied in the literature for the evaluation of oral feeding performance and progression. A prospective study compared the application of SE in a group of PTIs with a group without intervention. The authors verified acceleration in exclusive OF, as well as changes in OF skills, with improvements in the transition from tube to OF in very low birth weight infants1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
. However, this technique was poorly evaluated, despite the good results presented1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
. In this context, the present study aimed to analyze the OF performance of PTIs stimulated by swallowing exercises. For that, the oral feeding skills were evaluated using the parameters of proficiency and milk transfer rates during the first oral feeding.


This is a Time Series Quasi Experiment, which included 14 PTIs admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of a public maternity hospital in Porto Alegre (RS). Data collection took place in the period of March to August 2015, with consecutive convenience samples, as approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, under Protocol No. 39742014.0.0000.5335. All those responsible for the subjects signed the Free and Informed Consent Term (FICT).

The inclusion criteria incorporated: clinical evaluation performed by the medical team with available medical records; clinical stability, characterized by the neonatologist’s evaluation of oxygen saturation (SPO2), heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequencies (RF); infants were released for initiation of oral stimulation, when in stable clinical condition (defined by the medical team); corrected gestational age (CGA) between 30-36 weeks; term of informed consent signed by a legal guardian. The exclusion criteria comprised of: CGA <30 or ≥37 weeks; neuropaths; genetic syndromes; craniofacial malformations; use of tracheostomy; intracranial hemorrhage to any degree; neonatal asphyxia; unresolved respiratory disease; unresolved neonatal sepsis; PTIs who were not granted permission to participate by legal guardians.

After the clearance from the medical team for oral stimulation, the PTIs that met the inclusion criteria previously described were included in the study. Data from the electronic records was collected for the newborns and the mothers to characterize the sample. Data such as gestational age (GA), CGA, birth weight, APGAR in the first and fifth minutes of life, maternal age, type of delivery, days of life and gender of the NB were collected.

For evaluation procedures and speech-language intervention, materials such as gloves, syringes and catheters were used, these items was readily available in the unit and commonly used by the teams. The formulas (milk) used for swallowing exercises were in accordance with the one prescribed for each patient by the medical team, ranging from maternal milk to milk formula.

During the speech-language evaluation, the readiness protocol to start oral feeding1515. Fujinaga CI, Scochi CGS, Santos CB, Zamberlan NE, Leite AM. Validação do conteúdo de um instrumento para avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2008;8(4):391-9.
was conducted by a speech therapist with experience in this evaluation and without knowledge of the future intervention, in order not to influence the pre and post-intervention scores. The protocol evaluated the categories of CGA at the time of evaluation, state of behavioral organization (assessment of state of consciousness, tonus and body posture), oral posture, oral reflexes and NNS characteristics (strength, rhythm, tongue and jaw movement), as well as observation of signs of stress (crying, skin coloration, body movement among others). Each category consisted of items with performance variations, which received scores of 0 to 2, with the total sum of the protocol ranging from 0 to 36. The items, with their respective variations of performance, are defined in the instructional guide of the Protocol, standardizing the assessment1515. Fujinaga CI, Scochi CGS, Santos CB, Zamberlan NE, Leite AM. Validação do conteúdo de um instrumento para avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2008;8(4):391-9.

SE commenced soon after the inclusion and evaluation of PTIs. The PTIs received the stimulus (SE) once a day for at least five days and at most ten (a method adapted from that established in the research of Lau & Smith, 2012)1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
. Follow-up was performed by another speech therapist, who was unaware of the results of the initial and final evaluation of the PTIs.

SEs were performed 15 minutes before the scheduled administration of the prescribed diet for the PTNBs, in the incubator, or heated crib. The initial technique consisted of NNS stimulation (suction using a gloved fifth digit) for two minutes. Based on an earlier study1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
, the SE was carried out as follows: the PTNB was offered a volume of 0.05-0.2 ml of the type of milk prescribed by the medical team through a syringe of 1.0 ml directly on the posterior-medial part of the tongue, approximately at the junction of the palate (hard and soft). Infants were initially offered 0.05 ml and the volume was increased in 0.05 ml increments to a maximum of 0.2 ml, or until the swallowing reflex was observed without adverse events. Once the minimum volume needed to start the swallowing reflex was identified, this volume was used for the entire duration of the exercise and noted as a reference for each newborn, as standardized in a previous study1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
. The SE was conducted every 30 seconds of the 15 minute program, or as tolerated. After the intervention, the PTI was left under the supervision of the nursing team to be fed according to medical prescription.

When the infant was cleared for full OF, the evaluation of prematurity protocol was reapplied1515. Fujinaga CI, Scochi CGS, Santos CB, Zamberlan NE, Leite AM. Validação do conteúdo de um instrumento para avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2008;8(4):391-9.
, by a speech therapist with no prior knowledge of the intervention. After the protocol was applied, the direct score calculation was done. The protocol establishes that a score ≥28 indicates PTNB eligibility for the initiation of OF1515. Fujinaga CI, Scochi CGS, Santos CB, Zamberlan NE, Leite AM. Validação do conteúdo de um instrumento para avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2008;8(4):391-9.
,1616. Moreira CMD. Influência da estimulação da sucção não nutritiva na transição alimentar da via gástrica para via oral em recém-nascido prematuro de muito baixo peso [tese]. Curitiba, PR: Universidade Federal do Paraná; 2009..

The feeding skills assessment was performed at the time of the first feeding, using the “finger-feeding” technique. A short gastric tube attached to the examiner’s gloved fifth digit was attached to a 20 ml disposable syringe with a plunger. The tube was placed in the newborns oral cavity, who sucked the examiner’s finger, extracting the milk1616. Moreira CMD. Influência da estimulação da sucção não nutritiva na transição alimentar da via gástrica para via oral em recém-nascido prematuro de muito baixo peso [tese]. Curitiba, PR: Universidade Federal do Paraná; 2009.,1717. Fujinaga CI, Duca AP, Petroni RACL, Rosa CH. Indicações e uso da técnica “sonda-dedo”. Rev CEFAC. 2012;14(4):721-4.
,1818. Calado DFB, Souza R. Intervenção fonoaudiológica em recém-nascido pré-termo: estimulação oromotora e sucção não-nutritiva. Rev CEFAC. 2012;14(1):176-81.

Feeding performance was assessed by overall transfer (OT,% ml taken during a prescribed feeding / ml), proficiency (PRO,% ml taken during the first 5 min/ml prescribed) and milk transfer rate (TR, ml/min)1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
, verified at the time of the first oral feeding, with premature infants being monitored for SpO2, HR and RF, all remaining stable.

From these variables, four levels of OF feeding skills were delineated by PRO (≥30% or <30%) and TR (≥1.5 or <1.5 ml/min): level 1, most immature, defined by PRO <30% and TR <1.5 ml/min; level 2, PRO <30% and TR ≥1.5 ml/min; level 3, PRO ≥30% and TR <1.5 ml/min and level 4, most mature, PRO ≥30% and TR ≥1.5 ml/min1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.

The following aspects regarding the evolution of feeding skills were observed and recorded: how many days did the infants take to start OF after the intervention period (SE), how long did total OF take after the end of SE (or the removal of the gastric tube) and the transition time for tube to total/exclusive OF. The weight of the infants during the transition was also verified in the records of the nursing staff.

Statistical analysis

The collected data was entered into a database in Microsoft Excel 2010 program and forwarded for statistical analysis. Continuous variables were summarized using mean and standard deviation, or median and interquartile range. Categorical variables were expressed using absolute and relative frequencies.

In the comparisons of the categorical parameters before and after the intervention, the McNemar chi-square test was applied. For the continuous variables, the Student’s t-test was used for paired samples.

The association between continuous variables was assessed by the Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficients.

The significance level adopted was 5% (p£0.05) and all analysis was performed using the SPSS program, version 21.0.


The mean weight of NBs at the time of the evaluation was 1,564 (±285) grams and, in the reevaluation, was 1,765 (±260) grams. In this period, weight gain (201±111 grams) was considered statistically significant (p<0.001). The characterization of the sample is described in Table 1.

Table 1
Analysis of the PTNB sample population

In the analysis of the pre-stimulation and post-stimulation data, post-stimulation improvement (p<0.001) was observed. There was evolution in the readiness score, starting from no PTNB with a score ≥28 before SE, to 78.6% of preterm infants with a score ≥28 (cut-off point) at the end of SE.

Regarding the evaluation of the total protocol score, there was a general positive progression after stimulation, with an increase of 11.3 points (95% CI: 8.1 to 14.5).

The preterm infants took, on average, 1 (1-3) days to initiate OF after the intervention (SE) and 7 (5-11) days for the withdrawal of the gastric tube after the commencement of the OF, obtaining full OF.

In the analysis of the preterm readiness protocol1515. Fujinaga CI, Scochi CGS, Santos CB, Zamberlan NE, Leite AM. Validação do conteúdo de um instrumento para avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2008;8(4):391-9.
, there was improvement after intervention in 8 parameters (44.4% of the variables analyzed), as shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Behavioral comparisons to evaluate the readiness of the preterm infants to begin oral feeding pre and post-intervention in the total sample

Regarding oral feeding performance, 9 patients presented TR ≥1.5 ml (64.3%). The mean OT was 27.7% (SD=13.4%). Seven subjects (50%) had PRO ≥30%.

From these parameters, the following findings were obtained regarding the levels of oral feeding abilities: 5 (35.7%) preterm infants classified as level 1 (most immature); 2 (14.3%), level 2; 7 (50%), level 4 (most mature). No premature infants presented level 3.

The median volume that triggered the swallowing reflex was 0.1 ml (Percentis 25-75: 0.1-0.15).

There was an inverse association (rs=-0.592, p=0.026) between improvement in the readiness score and CGA, that is, patients who were stimulated with a lower CGA showed a marked improvement in the readiness score (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Association between the improvement in the readiness score for oral feeding and corrected gestational age

There was an borderline inverse association (rs=-0.474; p=0.087) between improvement in the readiness score and transition time from tube to full OF, that is, the more accentuated the improvement in the readiness score, the shorter the transition time from tube to full OF (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Association between the improvement in the readiness score for commencement of oral feeding and the transition time from the gastric tube feeding to the total oral feeding


Oral feeding is a complex physiological process for NBs, requiring efficient coordination of the S-S-B sequence33. Gewolb IH, Vice FL. Maturational changes in the rhythms, patterning, and coordination of respiration and swallow during feeding in preterm and term infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006;48(7):589-94.
. For preterm infants before 34 weeks of gestation, this sequence is more complex, difficult and uncoordinated, they tend to suck and breathe with an irregular deglutition pattern55. Thomas JA. Guidelines for bottle feeding your premature baby. Adv Neonatal Care. 2007;7(6):311-8.
. Consequently, the intervention of a speech therapist with specific therapeutic techniques is necessary to assist in the maturation of the sensorimotor-oral system in PTNB11. Lemes EF, Silva THMM, Correr AMA, Almeida EOC, Luchesi KF. Estimulação sensoriomotora intra e extra-oral em neonatos prematuros: revisão bibliográfica. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):945-55.
. The current study evaluated SE as a form of oral stimulation and the performance of oral feeding in PTNB, analyzing the oral feeding abilities presented.

Weight gain is relevant for the progression to OF in PTNBs, and it is important that the speech therapist is aware of the medical and nutritional prescriptions in relation to the energy needs of this group1919. Medeiros AMC, Sá TPL, Alvelos CL, Novais DSF. Intervenção fonoaudiológica na transição alimentar de sonda para peito em recém-nascidos do Método Canguru. Audiol Commun Res. 2014;19(1):95-103.
. Also, weight gain is one of the criteria adopted by neonatologists for the discharge of PTNB, and oral feeding may promote greater weight gain1414. Fucile S, Gisel EG, Lau C. Effect of an oral stimulation program on sucking skill maturation of preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005;47(3):158-62.. In the current study, the PTNB presented weight gain when comparing the evaluation and reevaluation phases, confirming findings from the literature and showing that stimulation does not negatively interfere in this parameter, until total OF is reached1414. Fucile S, Gisel EG, Lau C. Effect of an oral stimulation program on sucking skill maturation of preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005;47(3):158-62.,2020. Bauer MA, Prade LS, Keske-Soares M, Haëffner LSB, Weinmann ARM. The oral motor capacity and feeding performance of preterm newborns at the time of transition to oral feeding. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2008;41(10):904-7.

The term “oral feeding readiness” is best related to the ability of the PTNB to coordinate suctioning, swallowing and breathing, in a safe and efficient way2121. Lau C. Development of infant oral feeding skills: what do we know? Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;103(2):616S-21S.
. The protocol for assessing the readiness of PTIs is a validated instrument to verify the readiness for the transition from tube to OF, the cut-off point being defined at 28 points1515. Fujinaga CI, Scochi CGS, Santos CB, Zamberlan NE, Leite AM. Validação do conteúdo de um instrumento para avaliação da prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2008;8(4):391-9.
. Analyzing the pre-stimulation and post-stimulation data, post-stimulation improvement was observed, with increase in the total score and overall improvement observed in the sample, which was 11.3 points. In a previous study, the pre-term readiness score was lower in the control group (CG), when compared to the stimulation group (SG) (NNS) at the beginning of the OF2222. Moreira CMD, Cavalcante-Silva RPGV, Miyaki M, Fujinaga CI. Efeitos da estimulação da sucção não nutritiva com dedo enluvado na transição alimentar em recém-nascido prematuro de muito baixo peso. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(4):1187-93.
. Another study verified a statistically significant difference between the scores of the first and second evaluation of PTNBs2323. Rossarolla C, Menon MU, Scochi CGS, Fujinaga CI. Validade discriminatória do instrumento de avaliação da prontidão para início da alimentação oral de bebês prematuros. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2009;14(1):106-14.
. Speech therapy intervention through different stimuli, assist in the readiness of the PTNB for the commencement of OF. In the same study, improvement was also observed after the intervention in eight parameters, favoring the readiness to initiate OF. In a study that compared the behavior of PTNBs in the first and second applications of the readiness assessment protocol, behavioral variation was verified in 11 parameters2323. Rossarolla C, Menon MU, Scochi CGS, Fujinaga CI. Validade discriminatória do instrumento de avaliação da prontidão para início da alimentação oral de bebês prematuros. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2009;14(1):106-14.

The PTIs of this study stimulated by SE took on average, one day to initiate OF and seven days to remove the gastric tube after the start of OF, these findings were similar to those of other studies1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
,2424. McCain GC, Gartside PS, Greenberg JM, Lott JW. A feeding protocol for healthy preterm infants that shortens time to oral feeding. J Pediatr. 2001;139(3):374-9.
. In a study performed with PTNBs divided into three groups, the time (in days) for the transition from initial OF to total OF was similar for the CG (21±2) and the SG (NNS) (19±2) and lower for the EG (SE) (15±2)1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
. The experimental protocol of another study reduced the time for PTNBs to reach full OF (5±4.2 days), compared to 10±3.1 days for the CG2424. McCain GC, Gartside PS, Greenberg JM, Lott JW. A feeding protocol for healthy preterm infants that shortens time to oral feeding. J Pediatr. 2001;139(3):374-9.
. These findings show how much stimulation assists in obtaining OF safely and efficiently. The early introduction of oral feeding accelerates the transition from tube to total OF, which allows early OF to be performed and also offers practice opportunities that improve oral motor skills necessary for safe and successful feeding2525. Simpson C, Schanler RJ, Lau C. Early introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2002;110(3):517-22..

In the present study, regarding the performance of oral feeding, the OT average was 27.7%; nine PTNBs presented TR ≥1.5 ml and seven obtained PRO ≥30%. Some studies have used similar parameters for OF performance evaluation1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
,2020. Bauer MA, Prade LS, Keske-Soares M, Haëffner LSB, Weinmann ARM. The oral motor capacity and feeding performance of preterm newborns at the time of transition to oral feeding. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2008;41(10):904-7.
,2525. Simpson C, Schanler RJ, Lau C. Early introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2002;110(3):517-22.,2626. Vargas CL, Berwig LC, Steidl EMS, Prade LS, Bolzan G, Keske-Soares M et al. Prematuros: crescimento e sua relação com as habilidades orais. CoDAS. 2015;27(4):378-83.
,2727. Prade LS, Bolzan GP, Weinmann ARM. Influência do estado comportamental nos padrões de sucção de recém-nascidos pré-termo. Audiol Commun Res. 2014;19(3):230-5.
. One study published results with a significant increase in OT and TR, within the SG and the CG, from the introduction of OF to the first successful OF (p≤0,03)2525. Simpson C, Schanler RJ, Lau C. Early introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2002;110(3):517-22.. Another study found an average feeding competence of 1.7 (±1.3) ml/min2020. Bauer MA, Prade LS, Keske-Soares M, Haëffner LSB, Weinmann ARM. The oral motor capacity and feeding performance of preterm newborns at the time of transition to oral feeding. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2008;41(10):904-7.

Oral feeding skills are measured by proficiency (PRO) and transfer rate (TR), which reflect, respectively, the minimum fatigue/ability to feed orally in the first five minutes of feeding and the resistance to OF of the prescribed volume. From these two variables (PRO and TR), four levels of oral feeding skills are defined44. Lau C. Development of suck and swallow mechanisms in infants. Ann Nutr Metab. 2015;66(Suppl 5):7-14.
,2626. Vargas CL, Berwig LC, Steidl EMS, Prade LS, Bolzan G, Keske-Soares M et al. Prematuros: crescimento e sua relação com as habilidades orais. CoDAS. 2015;27(4):378-83.
,2828. Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70.
,2929. Lau C, Bhat K, Potak D, Schanler RJ. Oral feeding assessment predicts length of hospital stay in late preterm infants. J Pediatr Mother Care. 2015;1(1):102.. Our findings were favorable to an adequate level of feeding skills, compared to those found in the literature. There was a higher occurrence of PTNBs classified as level 4 (most mature), when compared to previous studies, which presented a frequency between 16% and 31% of the sample population at this level1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
,2626. Vargas CL, Berwig LC, Steidl EMS, Prade LS, Bolzan G, Keske-Soares M et al. Prematuros: crescimento e sua relação com as habilidades orais. CoDAS. 2015;27(4):378-83.
,2828. Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70.
. This fact can be explained by the fact that the study sample of this study had a larger CGA (30-36 weeks) than that identified in the other studies (28-36 weeks)1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
,2626. Vargas CL, Berwig LC, Steidl EMS, Prade LS, Bolzan G, Keske-Soares M et al. Prematuros: crescimento e sua relação com as habilidades orais. CoDAS. 2015;27(4):378-83.
,2828. Lau C, Smith EO. A novel approach to assess oral feeding skills of preterm infants. Neonatology. 2011;100(1):64-70.

However, there was an inverse association between improvement in the readiness score and CGA. Indicating that patients who were stimulated with a lower CGA, had a marked improvement in the readiness score. Previous studies have shown an increase in the readiness score in the SG, regardless of the progression of CGA, with an increase in this score, even in early CGAs1616. Moreira CMD. Influência da estimulação da sucção não nutritiva na transição alimentar da via gástrica para via oral em recém-nascido prematuro de muito baixo peso [tese]. Curitiba, PR: Universidade Federal do Paraná; 2009.. In another study, subjects who received early OF were able to reach oral feeding milestones significantly earlier than their control group peers (34.5±1.6 vs. 36.0±1.5 weeks, respectively)2525. Simpson C, Schanler RJ, Lau C. Early introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2002;110(3):517-22..

In the present study, the median volume that triggered the swallowing reflex was 0.1 ml, this was in agreement with the literature findings1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
,3030. Lau C, Smith EO, Schanler RJ. Coordination of suck-swallow and swallow respiration in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr. 2003;92(6):721-7.
. In a previous study, the PTNBs of the swallowing group received a standardized volume of 0.05-0.2 ml, and it was verified that the efficiency of OF improved with the increase of the bolus size and frequency of swallowing1010. Lau C, Smith EO. Interventions to improve the oral feeding performance of preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(7):e269-74.
. Another study found that the mean volume for the swallowing reflex in PTNBs was 0.14 (±0.06) ml while the volume for full-term infants was 0.22 (±0.07) ml3030. Lau C, Smith EO, Schanler RJ. Coordination of suck-swallow and swallow respiration in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr. 2003;92(6):721-7.
. The frequent administration of a minimum OF volume by trained professional can help to elicit the swallowing reflex in PTNB and, consequently, may influence S-S-B coordination.

The borderline inverse association between improvement in the readiness score and the transition time from tube to full OF showed that PTIs who showed marked improvement in the readiness score took less time to transition from tube to full OF. This is interesting and may influence hospitalization time, but should be compared to a control group. A study, for example, randomized PTNBs for SG and CG, verifying that the transitional time from tube to OF was 26.8 (±12.3) days for SG and 38.4 (±14.0) days for the CG2525. Simpson C, Schanler RJ, Lau C. Early introduction of oral feeding in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2002;110(3):517-22.. Another study observed that the OF readiness score was lower in the CG when compared to the SG (NNS), and the transition time from the gastric tube to OF was lower in the SG (three days) when compared to the CG (five days)2222. Moreira CMD, Cavalcante-Silva RPGV, Miyaki M, Fujinaga CI. Efeitos da estimulação da sucção não nutritiva com dedo enluvado na transição alimentar em recém-nascido prematuro de muito baixo peso. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(4):1187-93.
. In a previous study, the SG (NNS) presented a mean of readiness for OF of 32.8 (±1.0) and median time of transition from the gastric to OF of three (2-5) days1616. Moreira CMD. Influência da estimulação da sucção não nutritiva na transição alimentar da via gástrica para via oral em recém-nascido prematuro de muito baixo peso [tese]. Curitiba, PR: Universidade Federal do Paraná; 2009..

The limitations of this study were the reduced number of PTNBs included in the intervention, the lack of comparison with a control group or with other stimulation techniques, and the adaptation of the materials to evaluate feeding skills. This last limitation can be justified by the fact that the neonatal unit has the title of “Hospital Amigo da Criança”, in which the use of feeding bottles and pacifiers for the evaluation of feeding abilities is prohibited. As a result, attention should be paid to the generalization of the findings of the present study, which are preliminary and require further study.


Intervention with swallowing training allowed good performance in oral feeding skills, as well as aiding the commencement of oral feeding and obtaining exclusive oral feeding in a short period of time, with oral readiness at early corrected gestational ages. Although swallowing exercises have shown good results, more research is still needed, with larger samples, comparing this intervention with other already established techniques.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    5 May 2016
  • Accepted
    23 Nov 2016
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