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Comparison of the electric activity of the suprahyoid muscles during different lingual exercises


To analyze the electric activity of suprahyoid muscles in eight different isometric exercises and to suggest the most appropriate exercise for data normalization.


Twenty two female volunteers, ages between 19 and 38 years (Avg=24,1 and SD=3,8) participated of the study. At first, the participants underwent a clinical evaluation of the tongue. Electric activity of submental region was recorded, by means of the electromyographic assessment, with the participant keeping the tongue in rest position and accomplishing the following exercises: tongue suction on the palate; tongue pressure on the palate; tongue apex pressure against the palate; tongue apex pressure against incisive papilla; exaggerated tongue retraction; tongue lateralization; and tongue protrusion. The exercises were randomly accomplished by the participants. Collected data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. It was adopted as the significance level for all analyzes value of p≤0.05.


Electromyographic activity of all the exercises was different from the one recorded in rest position. There was no statistical significant difference between different exercises.


There was no difference in submental electrical activation in different exercises. Therefore none was more appropriate then the other for data normalization.

Electromyography; Tongue; Muscle strength; Stomatognathic system; Evaluation

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil