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Content analysis and appearance of the speech therapy protocol of accompanying – breastfeeding



Analyse the content and the appearance of the Speech Therapy monitoring protocol of breastfeeding; elaborating an instructional guide for it.


Exploratory type quantitative study. Five evaluators participated in the study, with a broad experience in Speech Therapy related to Neonatology, who analyzed the content and appearance of the protocol that addresses maternal, neonatal and mother-infant dyad aspects, as well as general and Speech Language Therapy specific guidelines related to Breastfeeding. Statistical analysis was performed using the Validity and Content Index, with concordance level of 70%. In the second round, the instrument was analyzed by the same evaluators, using the Likert scale, with five positions (I fully agree, agree, disregard, disagree and totally disagree).


There were fifteen items added, seven modified, five excluded, and one added topic. A high level of agreement was obtained, with the answers distributed in agreed and fully agreed (92% -content and 100% - appearance). The description of the instructional guide was made from the analyzes version of the protocol.


The content analysis and appearance of the protocol, as well as the elaboration of its instructional guide, intend to use in a consistent and systematic way in the speech-therapy field related to breastfeeding, addressing both the evaluation recording and the monitoring of the mother-infant dyad - born in the breastfeeding situation. It is important to carry out the next steps of protocol validation.

Breast feeding; Speech-language therapy; Data accuracy; Validation studies; Health promotion



Analisar conteúdo e aparência do Protocolo de Acompanhamento Fonoaudiológico – Aleitamento Materno e elaborar um guia instrucional para o instrumento.


Estudo do tipo exploratório, de natureza quantitativa. Participaram cinco avaliadores especialistas, com ampla experiência em atuação fonoaudiológica relacionada à Neonatologia, que analisaram conteúdo e aparência do protocolo, que abordam aspectos maternos, neonatais e da díade mãe/recém-nascido, além de orientações gerais e específicas da Fonoaudiologia, relacionadas à amamentação, A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo, com nível de concordância de 70%. Na segunda rodada, o instrumento foi analisado pelos mesmos especialistas, por meio da escala de Likert, com cinco posições (concordo plenamente, concordo, indiferente, discordo e discordo totalmente).


Foram 15 itens acrescentados, sete modificados, cinco excluídos e um tópico adicionado. Obteve-se alto nível de concordância, sendo as respostas distribuídas em “concordo” e “concordo plenamente” (92% - conteúdo e 100% - aparência). A descrição do guia instrucional foi realizada a partir da versão analisada do protocolo.


A análise do conteúdo e aparência do protocolo, bem como a elaboração do seu guia instrucional, pretendem possibilitar sua utilização de modo consistente e sistemático no campo fonoaudiológico relacionado ao aleitamento materno, abordando tanto o registro da avaliação, como do acompanhamento da díade mãe/recém-nascido, na situação de amamentação. Ressalta-se a importância de serem realizadas as próximas etapas da validação do protocolo.

Aleitamento materno; Fonoaudiologia; Confiabilidade dos dados; Estudos de validação; Promoção em Saúde


Actions on the mother / newborn dyad that provide care in the early hours of lactation are necessary to address the benefits of breastfeeding (BF), to establish early breastfeeding and its maintenance, as BF involves biological, physical and social, providing benefits for the newborn development (NB)(11 Medeiros AMC, Batista BG, Barreto IDC. Aleitamento materno e aspectos fonoaudiológicos: conhecimento e aceitação de mães de uma maternidade. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(3):183-90.

2 Leahy-Warren P, Mulcahy H, Phelan A, Corcoran P. Factors influencing initiation and duration of breast feeding in Ireland. Midwifery. 2014;30(3):345-52. PMid:23473933.
-33 Al-Sahab B, Lanes A, Feldman M, Tamim H. Prevalence and predictors of 6-month exclusive breastfeeding among Canadian women: a national survey. BMC Pediatr. 2010;10:20. PMid:20377899.

The speech therapist role in maternity wards has been fundamental for the dyad well-being promotion and BF effectiveness, providing guidance to the infants on the impact that the suction in the mother's breast (MB) exerts on the orofacial development (44 Silveira LM, Prade LS, Ruedell AM, Haeffner LS, Weinmann AR. Aleitamento materno e sua influência nas habilidades orais de crianças. Rev Saude Publica. 2013;47(1):37-43. PMid:23703128.
), besides being a moment to orient on the stimulation of the language, care with the NB hearing, as well as the bond mother/NB establishment during the BF(55 Xavier A, Kusiak SM. Uma análise da comunicação mãe-bebê em Rousseau e Winnicott. Revista Eletrônica de Ciências da Educação. 2012;11(1):102-11. ).

The Protocol of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology - Breastfeeding(66 Pivante CM, Medeiros AMC. Intervenções fonoaudiológicas no aleitamento materno junto às mães de paridade zero. Mundo Saúde. 2006;30(1):87-95. ) makes it possible to record the longitudinal monitoring of the binomial, during the hospital stay. It contemplates three observations: mother, NB and situation of BF. It also addresses general and speech-language interventions, as fundamental tools in the transfer of information, through the assistance of professionals(77 Beake S, Rose V, Bick D, Weavers A, Wray J. A qualitative study of the experiences and expectations of women receiving in-patient postnatal care in one English maternity unit. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2010;10(1):70. PMid:20979605.
). However, although it is already used in some hospital routines, it has not yet been validated and does not have an instructional guide.

The validation of instruments is becoming an important factor in the research, in the sense of evidencing the capacity that the measure has to capture or reveal a certain phenomenon (88 Jesus EMS, Onozato T, Cardoso AV, Santana RS, Santos A, Silva DT, et al. Desenvolvimento e validação de um instrumento avaliativo da Assistência farmacêutica hospitalar. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saúde. 2015;6(4):6-11. ). Content analysis is characterized by the determination of the representativeness of items that a content expresses, based on the judgment of experts in a specific area. This determines if the content of an instrument effectively explores the requirements for measuring a particular phenomenon to be investigated(99 Rubio DM, Ber-Weger M, Tebb SS, Lee ES, Rauch S. Objectifying content validity: conducting a content validity study in social work research. Soc Work Res. 2003;27(2):94-111. ...
). The analysis of appearance or face allows to identify if the instrument items encompass the proposed terms clearly and correctly and if the format is appropriate(88 Jesus EMS, Onozato T, Cardoso AV, Santana RS, Santos A, Silva DT, et al. Desenvolvimento e validação de um instrumento avaliativo da Assistência farmacêutica hospitalar. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saúde. 2015;6(4):6-11. ).

Considering the scarcity of validated instruments that intend to evaluate and monitor the situation of BF and, above all, that they consider aspects inherent in Speech Therapy, the present study had the objective of analyzing the Protocol of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology - Breastfeeding (66 Pivante CM, Medeiros AMC. Intervenções fonoaudiológicas no aleitamento materno junto às mães de paridade zero. Mundo Saúde. 2006;30(1):87-95. ) content and the appearance in addition to developing an instructional guide for the instrument.


Exploratory study, of a quantitative nature, inserted in the project “Breastfeeding and Health and Speech-Language Pathology”, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal de Sergipe under n°. 45411315.6.0000.5546/2016. There was prior authorization for the use of the protocol “Speech-Language Pathology - Breastfeeding”, by the authors, for validation purposes, which, in the present work, covered the content analysis and protocol appearance, besides the elaboration of its instructional guide.

The selection of the expert evaluators, for the content analysis and the protocol appearance, was carried out from the Lattes Curriculum survey of each possible candidate. As an inclusion criterion, the evaluator should be a speech therapist, with a minimum degree of master, a period of performance of more than five years, a teaching activity in Speech-Language Pathology and BF issue. The exclusion criterion was related to the professional's inability to participate in the research (rejecting the invitation and / or not fulfilling the requested deadlines).

The identification of the possible participants resulted in the construction of a framework that met the established criteria. Of seven professionals who initially agreed to participate, two did not deliver the requested material, and then, composed of five experts, the final framework.

The present study was carried out in three stages:

Stage I: Instrument Analysis (first round) - Submission of the original protocol(66 Pivante CM, Medeiros AMC. Intervenções fonoaudiológicas no aleitamento materno junto às mães de paridade zero. Mundo Saúde. 2006;30(1):87-95. ) (Annex 1 Annex 1. Original protocol extracted from Pivante and Medeiros(6) ) to the group of expert evaluators in the field of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, to analyze content and appearance.

This stage exposed the protocol to subjective judgments, using the Delphi technique, to analyze the contents covered, to update the nomenclatures adopted and to measure the capacity of its use to evaluate and follow the BF situation. The Delphi technique consists of a methodological research strategy that seeks to obtain the maximum consensus of a group of experts on a given topic, when unanimity of opinion does not exist due to the lack of scientific evidence or when there is contradictory information(1010 Geist MR. Using the Delphi method to engage stakeholders: a comparison of two studies. Eval Program Plann. 2010;33(2):147-54. PMid:19581002.

11 Scarparo AF, Ferraz CA, Chaves LDP, Gabriel CS. Tendências da função do enfermeiro auditor no mercado em saúde. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2010;19(1):85-92.
-1212 Jones J, Hunter D. Consensus methods for medical and health services research. BMJ. 1995;311(7001):376-80. PMid:7640549.
). It is also considered an appropriate technique for establishing content analysis of instruments(1313 Almeida MHM, Spínola AWP, Lancman S. Técnica Delphi: validação de um instrumento para uso do terapeuta ocupacional em gerontologia. Rev Ter Ocup Univ Sao Paulo. 2009;20(1):49-58.
), by systematically listening and analyzing expert opinions, with the possibility of generating, at the end of the analysis, a validated product(1010 Geist MR. Using the Delphi method to engage stakeholders: a comparison of two studies. Eval Program Plann. 2010;33(2):147-54. PMid:19581002.
). Validity measures exactly what the instrument proposes to measure(1414 Alexandre NMC, Coluci MZO. Validade de conteúdo nos processos de construção e adaptação de instrumentos de medidas. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(7):3061-8. PMid:21808894.

The opinion of the first round was expressed in an evaluation sheet prepared by the researchers, sent to the electronic address of each of the experts, containing dichothetic questions (yes/no) to be indicated, as well as fields to justify the answers. There was also a brief questionnaire at the end, to characterize the judges, covering identification data and professional performance. Based on the responses received, the content validity index (CVI) was applied and the level of agreement was measured.

Stage II: Reformulation of items (protocol adequacy) - Reformulation and / or exclusion of items that obtained low concordance index in the first round.

All opinions obtained in the first round were tabulated in Microsoft Excel 2013®. Afterwards, a descriptive analysis of the responses was performed, and the items that had agreement below 70% (<0.7) were altered or excluded, through the pertinence of the judgments described by the reviewers and with the consent of the authors.

The data analysis was established by the application of the CVI, which aims to establish consensus among a group of experts regarding a specific area (1515 Giovizazzo RA. Modelo de aplicação da metodologia Delphi pela internet- vantagens e ressalvas. Administração online [Internet], 2000 [citado em 2017 Mar 1];2(2). Disponível em:
), based on the structured use of their knowledge, experience and ability. These characteristics, when properly organized, predict that collective judgment is better than individual opinion(1515 Giovizazzo RA. Modelo de aplicação da metodologia Delphi pela internet- vantagens e ressalvas. Administração online [Internet], 2000 [citado em 2017 Mar 1];2(2). Disponível em:

The closer the agreement approaches 100%, the higher the compliance rate. To be considered satisfactory, the CVI should be greater than 0.7 (> 0.7).

Stage III: Revaluation of the instrument (second round) – Submission of the reformulated instrument to the group of evaluators for a new content analysis and appearance.

The instrument was sent back to the evaluators, with the adjustments suggested in the first evaluation round. A new evaluation sheet was sent, with the Likert scale, to obtain the final opinion, presenting five positions: 1 - fully agree; 2 - agree; 3 - indifferent; 4- disagree; 5 - fully disagree.

An instructional guide for application of the protocol was also elaborated, aiming at standardization in the registry, through the descriptions of each instrument item.


The panel of experts was composed of five Speech Therapy professionals, with experience in encouraging BF and teaching in the area, adding to the study a vast amount of experience.

All the evaluators were female, over 50 years of age, mostly with teaching and acting time in the incentive to the BF superior to 30 years, holding titles of doctor and postdoctor, distributed among Brazilian states. All the specialists have already performed in a hospital environment, evidencing, besides the academic knowledge, assistance routine knowledge.

Based on the valid answers of each specialist, the results were organized regarding the maternal, neonatal and mother / newborn dyad aspects, as well as general and specific guidelines of Speech-Language Pathology, related to breastfeeding.

Regarding the mother’s identification data, clinical history, prenatal follow-up, NB characterization and general data, all items obtained agreement less than 70%, CVI <0.7.

Regarding the mother’s observation data, several items obtained agreement less than 70%, CVI <0.7, as far as the aspects related to the availability and conditions for the BF, as well as the breasts and nipples conditions, as presented in Table 1 .

Table 1
Agreement percentage between specialists and Content Validity Index referring to the mother’s observation data: availability and conditions for breastfeeding; breast conditions; nipples conditions

In the second round of protocol evaluation, containing the reformulated items, a high level of agreement was obtained from the experts, and responses were distributed almost entirely (92%) in the “agree” and “fully agree” options, such as detailed in Table 2 .

Table 2
Agreement percentage issued by the evaluators, referring to the changes made in the Speech-Language Pathology Protocol

All reviewers agreed with the instrument's appearance regarding the items’ formatting, distribution and clarity, with all responses (100%) positive (I fully agree = 40% and agree = 60%).

The finished version of the content and appearance (Annex 2 Annex 2. Version reviewed and updated by the authors Medeiros, Nascimento and Santos (2017) ) is presented, followed by the instructional guide that was prepared.

The instructional guide provides guidance on the items in the protocol. It aims to guide the aspects involved in the instrument observation and recording, minimizing errors during the application (1616 Fujinaga CI. Prontidão do prematuro para início da alimentação oral: proposta de um instrumento de avaliação [tese]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2002. ).

Instructional Guide: Speech Therapy Follow-up Protocol - Breastfeeding

Identification data and clinical history

Identification data and clinical history should be collected in medical records and / or direct interview with the mother.

The identification data aim to characterize the dyad profile, including the language to be used. They also aim to recover gestational history and postpartum and / or prepartum intercurrences that may interfere with breastfeeding (MA)

Mothers’s observational data

Availability and conditions for breastfeeding

Attentive to the guidelines / explanations: Shows interest. It maintains visual contact with the examiner and presents facial expressions of acceptance. Eventually, talks about experiences, knowledge and beliefs about the CRC and / or explicit their doubts;

Indifferent to guidelines / explanations: Not interested. Does not make verbal and / or visual contact with the examiner. It does not express any comments about the guidelines and / or doubts;

General well-being / healthy: It does not mention physical, global and / or generalized pains for surgical reasons;

With pain: It refers to physical, global and / or generalized pain, for surgical reasons;

Requested aid: Request intervention (evaluation or help in the feeding) of its own free will.

Breast conditions

Suitable: Soft to the touch, no pain and nipple traumas;

Sore: Spontaneous pain and / or to the touch of the examiner, being uncomfortable during the suctioning of NB in the breast;

Ingurged: They are presented with excess milk, hardened, quite voluminous, with bright and / or touch sensitive skin;

Febrile: They are presented with high temperature (perceptible to the touch) and / or reddish, with sensation of burning.

Nozzles conditions (nipples)

Suitable: They are able to handle by NB, do not present injuries and do not require maneuvers for adequacy;

Flat: Slightly evident. NB may cause difficulty to achieve or maintain the handle;

Very prominent: Evident, well salient, elastic. Allow easy grip by NB;

Inverted: Nozzles do not protrude, are turned inward, need stimulation (maneuvers of adequacy);

Cracking process: Presence of wounds and / or bleeding.

Milk caracteristics

Colostrum: Clear and small amount of coloring (usually produced during gestation and the first postpartum days);

Milk ejection: Intense flow of milk, whitish and / or yellowish color;

Without milk descent: There is no milk production, even after breast stimulation.

Newborn’s observational data

Behaivorial state

Deep sleep: Regular breathing; eyes closed, without presence of nystagmus; absence of spontaneous motor activity(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Light sleep: Irregular breathing; eyes closed, with movement; occurrence of eye opening; low level of motor activity(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Sleepy: Eyes generally open (blurred), with heavy, trembling and / or closed eyelid; level of spontaneous and soft motor activity(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Alert: Eyes open (bright eyes) or closed, with clear concentration activity; low level of global motor activity(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Angry: Eyes open or closed (tight), with high level of motor activity. Grunts and vocalizations may occur(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Crying: Eyes closed (tight); high level of motor activity; presence of startle and / or tremors; intense cry(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Reediness for breastfeeding

Pursuit reflex: When the lips and/or cheeks are stimulated, NB moves the face towards the stimulus, with mouth opening(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Suction movement: Visualization of retraction and rhythmic movements in the buccal region (cheeks);

Palmar grip: Firm hand-closing movements;

Take your hands to the midline: NB takes one or both hands toward the body midline;

Bring your hands to the face: NB places and / or supports the hand (s) on the face.

Observation of the breastfeeding situation

The times (initial and final) where the NB has been placed in MB must be recorded. The time spent with breaks and breaks should be deducted from the feed total duration. Duration refers to the actual time of breastfeeding.


Sitting, lying or standing: Positions taken by the mother (both in the bed and in the chair/armchair);

Relaxed: The mother remains apparently without tension in the shoulders and/or arms, when holding / supporting the NB;

Tense: Shoulders erect, arms flexed, with upper limb tension, when holding/supporting NB;

Body contact (belly with belly): NB belly in direct contact with the mother's belly;

NB Head raised in relation to the body: The head of the NB is higher than the trunk, and may be supported on the mother's arm, or on some raised surface;

NB Head aligned, relative to the body: The head of the NB should be centered in the same direction of the trunk and buttocks, without rotation towards the sides.


Effective handle: NB keeps chin against breast, lower lips slightly inverted and lip seal around nipple. Absorption of the nipple-areolar complex.

Uneffective handle: Loosening of the nipple occurs during breastfeeding;

Snap part of the areola: The NB grazes the nipple along with part of the areola (area corresponding to the mammary ducts);

Nipple only: NB does not pinch the nipple-areolar region and usually maintain suction in the beak.

Suction pattern

Effective sucking: Harmonic suction, with rhythm, strength and support. Mandible performs coordinated posteroanterior movements.

Suction with long breaks: Suction groups with visualization of buccinator activation muscles, pauses lasting more than 7 seconds(1717 Medeiros AMC, Alvelos CL, Sá TPL, Barros AD, Raposo OFF. Investigação de um sistema de alimentação em recém-nascidos prematuros a partir de estimulação gustativa. Rev CEFAC. 2014;3(3):929-40.

Sucks and soon falls asleep: Small sucking groups and NB progression to sleep behavioral status, making feeding ineffective due to short duration;

Does not suck: No activation of the buccinator muscles is observed and no suction movement.

Coordinated movements of mandible: NB performs coordinated rhythmic movement, posteroanterior of mandible.

Slow sucking: NB sucks at slow and slow pace, usually with long pauses (longer than 7 seconds).

Does not suck: It is not possible to visualize jaw and cheek movements (region corresponding to buccinator muscles), even if the NB is performing the correct handle.

Suction/Swalowing/Breathing (S/S/B)

Coordenation S/S/B: NB sucks, swallows and breathes in the time of one suction per second, in coordinated pattern. The tongue assumes a more anterior position to perform the swallowing movements and, upon reaching the soft palate, the milk deflagrates the swallowing reflex, synchronized with the respiratory pauses(1818 Neiva FCB, Cattoni DM, Issler H, Ramos JLA. Desmame precoce: implicações para o desenvolvimento motor-oral. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2003;79(1):7-12. PMid:12973504. ...

Incoordination S/S/B: NB does not present the S/S/B standard coordination. Usually interruption of the feeding takes place, with long pauses to breathe / swallow and may present, sobs, gagging and / or movements of head extension, causing the grip;

Choking: NB presents gagging during breastfeeding, followed or not by the cough reflex. They may be accompanied by other clinical signs such as changes in color and heart rate.

Mother/newborn bond

Keeps eye contact: Mother looks at the NB continuously, during the blowjob;

Smile: Mother explains positive reactions and / or smiles, during breastfeeding;

Touch / caring / body contact: There are caresses of the mother in NB and / or there is body contact between both during breastfeeding;

Conversation: Mother speaks spontaneously with NB and / or makes use of affective language (gestural or not) and peculiar between the two.

General interventions

There was necessity of awakes NB: NB is awakened from sleep, to be able to start or continue the feeding. Usually remove your clothes, make firm touches on body parts (abdominal region and extremities - feet and hands);

Could not wake up the NB: Even with strategies to wake NB, it does not wake up from sleep and does not change its behavioral state;

Mother positioning aid: Postural adjustment performed with the mother, such as putting support on the back and / or arms and / or adjusting the way of holding NB more comfortably;

NB positioning aid: Postural adequacy performed with the NB, such as positioning the NB with belly body contact with the belly and / or lifting the NB head with respect to the body;

Aid in the handle adequacy: Perform maneuvers to the NB perform the correct handle (snatch the nipple-areolar complex);

Suitability / nipple training (nipple): Massages with the fingers tip (thumb and forefinger), starting in the areola region until reaching the nipple;

Maneuvers for the descent of milk: Performing massages in circular and firm movements with the fingers, from the region closest to the areola to the most distant of the breast, for lactiferous channels stimulation;

Guidance on the exchange of breasts: NB should completely empty one breast before being put in the other, because the posterior milk assists in the weight gain of NB, because it is rich in fat;

Guidance on cracking prevention: Guidance is on the correct handle. The incorrect grip (nipple only) may be associated with cracking.

Orientation on NB positioning: The NB should preferably be facing the mother, maintaining body contact belly with belly, head raised and supported on the puerpera’s arm;

Guidance on the mother’s position: The mother should feel comfortable and be seated, with her feet flat on the floor and the upright spine.

Speech-language interventions

Language (relationship development and importance): The act of talking, singing, or telling stories must occur from the gestation. At birth, highlight the moment of breastfeeding importance to strengthen the bond between mother and child, as well as for the construction and child's language development in the first years of life;

Orofacial motricity (development of orofacial structures): The act of sucking favors the growth and adequate development of stomatognathic system structures (cheeks, tongue, jaw, lips and dental arch);

Oral functions: Breastfeeding is important for the development of oral functions: chewing, sucking, swallowing, speaking, and breathing.

Nasal breathing: The lip seal made during breastfeeding promotes the development of nasal breathing, fundamental for the harmonious growth of orofacial structures (1919 Casagrande L, Ferreira FV, Hahn D, Unfer DT, Praetzel JR. Aleitamento natural e artificial e o desenvolvimento do sistema estomatognático. Rev Fac Odontol Porto Alegre. 2008;49(2):7-11. ).

Use of artificial nipples (pacifier and bottle): NBs who are breastfed in MB do not need to use dummies and / or artificial nozzles. Bottles are carefully prescribed (orthodontic nipples, silicone material and size compatible for each age group), when breastfeeding is not possible, or is contraindicated;

Hearing: Clarify about prevention of otitis by keeping the NB head elevated relative to the body during breastfeeding. Auditory stimulation, through conversation, songs and stories;

Specific doubts about the: Registration of subjects / aspects addressed with the mother, which have not been contemplated elsewhere in the protocol.


Return to:

First evaluation, because: Usually occurs from medical request, or from the interdisciplinary team (describe the reason);

New evaluation, because: When there is a need to reassess the aspects that were not possible to be observed at the first visit (describe the reason);

Follow-up, because: When the dyad presents behaviors indicative of difficulty, or to verify the orientations effectiveness carried out in the first moment (always to emphasize the reason). Follow-up follow-up is recommended between 18 and 24 hours after the first evaluation (interval considered relevant for interventions to have an effect);

Others: Note some aspect that has been observed / evaluated and is not located elsewhere in the protocol.

Do not return, then:

Orientation occurred in an effective way: Breastfeeding is established. The evaluated aspects are adequate and the mother is oriented on the benefits of BF;

Not available for guidance: Mother and / or NB are absent from the bed, at the time of the visit (in clinical procedure, mother feeding time, among others). It may happen that the mother has already breastfed the NB immediate moments before the health professional visit;

Exhausted the possibilities of orientation: When there is hospital discharge and / or when there is (medical) contraindication to the MB offer.

Follow-up of the case: VISIT nº

Space destined to control the interventions, where the date and time of visits are recorded, by the health professional, the professionals name and any trainees involved in the intervention. The legend shows that the records involve the observation of breastfeeding before direct intervention with the dyad (indicating the square) and soon after the intervention (indicating the circle), and each visit is contemplated with registration in different colors. If it is difficult to indicate, in the same item, four different visits, the professional can choose to open a instrument new sheet, to better visualize the record of his intervention.


The protocol content analysis allowed the inclusion and reformulation of items, which are still evident, discussing the aspects that were altered. The points covered in the instructional were established from the practice and bibliographical reference, being considered of great importance so that the professional can use the protocol in a full and consistent way, in the evaluation and monitoring of the BF situation.

Regarding identification data and clinical history, there was inclusion of schooling to complement the mothers profile characterization, as well as the items related to the clinical status of NB as Apgar, birth weight, respiratory intercurrences and malformations.

Schooling is considered important to understand the sociodemographic context in which the puerperal woman is inserted and to adapt the language used in the intervention(2020 Moura ERBB, Lopes FEC, Barros BME, Gomes MAL. Investigação dos fatores sociais que interferem na duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Revinter. 2015;8(2):94-115. ). Studies(2020 Moura ERBB, Lopes FEC, Barros BME, Gomes MAL. Investigação dos fatores sociais que interferem na duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Revinter. 2015;8(2):94-115. ,2121 França GVA, Brunken GS, Silva SM, Escuder MM, Venâncio I. Determinantes da amamentação o primeiro ano de vida em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso. Rev Saúde Pública. 2007;41(5):711-5.
) emphasized that the highest maternal education level is a good predictor of the success of exclusive breastfeeding, since mothers with little schooling introduce their children's diet early in the diet, leading to early weaning.

The collection of gestational antecedents, such as vices, maternal diseases and the accomplishment of breast surgeries are fundamental to justify possible problems that may interfere with the success of exclusive breastfeeding (EB) (2020 Moura ERBB, Lopes FEC, Barros BME, Gomes MAL. Investigação dos fatores sociais que interferem na duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Revinter. 2015;8(2):94-115. ).

The items that addressed the availability and conditions for BF were reduced, becoming more objective, since, although the majority of those who referred to the conditions for breastfeeding had a concordance greater than 70%, it was evidenced by the evaluators, the fact that they involve subjective professional interpretation.

Regarding the mothers breasts condition, the only item that obtained lower concordance than the established one was “adequate”, being, then, reformulated, according to the judges' considerations. The term “suitable” was replaced by “healthy”, and the breasts were considered healthy when they did not have anomalies that interfere with the pathophysiology of lactation and / or nipple traumas that obstruct correct handling by NB (2222 Puccini FRS. Anatomofisiologia da sucção e deglutição do bebê em computação gráfica 3D como instrumento educacional [tese]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2016.

Regarding the conditions of puerperal nipples, some items were reformulated and others excluded, using the CVI presented. The term “evertido” was reformulated to “inverted”, following the precepts of updating the nomenclature in the area(2323 Jaldin MGM, Santana RB. Anatomia e fisiologia da lactação. In: Rego JD, organizador. Aleitamento materno. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2009. p. 42-54. ).

The term “nipple” was added next to the nipple “beak”, since the nipple is located at the height of the areola, with cylindrical, pigmented form, of varied size, forming part of the areolopapillary complex (composed of two structures: areola and papilla), which better encompasses the aspect being proposed(2323 Jaldin MGM, Santana RB. Anatomia e fisiologia da lactação. In: Rego JD, organizador. Aleitamento materno. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2009. p. 42-54. ).

Regarding NB's readiness to breastfeed, only “pursuit movement” had to be replaced by “pursuit reflex”. Reflexes are considered to be present in NBs during breastfeeding, although they may be weak or absent in those who have presented a variety of events, such as prematurity, low birth weight, or pathologies(2424 Teruya K, Bueno LGS, Serva V. Manejo clínico. In: Rego JD, organizador. Aleitamento materno. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2009. p. 137-57. ).

Regarding the suckling situation observation, the items on positioning, handling, sucking pattern and bonding obtained satisfactory indexes. There was only the insertion of an item: “orientation regarding the time / duration of the feeding”, agreeing with the literature that refers to duration as a parameter of feeding effectiveness(2424 Teruya K, Bueno LGS, Serva V. Manejo clínico. In: Rego JD, organizador. Aleitamento materno. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2009. p. 137-57. ).

In relation to the general interventions / guidelines, the experts considered the subjects covered sufficient. All items had levels of agreement and CVI higher than acceptable as appropriate. With regard to speech and language measures, the level of agreement and the CVI were higher than the established as acceptable. However, in order to better organization and dissemination of speech therapy-related content, suggestions of experts were accepted, some reformulated items, with the inclusion of content in orofacial motricity (development of orofacial structures), oral functions (sucking, chewing, swallowing and speaking) and nasal breathing aspects.

The topic related to the content conducts and records of the obtained a good level of agreement and CVI, above that established. However, the terms “speech therapist” and “trainee” were presented in the masculine, seeking to generalize information for both sexes, since the grammatical gender does not refer to biological sex.

The present study, however, was based on the speech-language pathology protocol analysis for a low-risk neonatal population, which may be a limitation to the applicability in the observation of breastfeeding of newborns at risk.

In short, in the content analysis and protocol appearance, there were 15 items added, seven modified, five excluded, and one added topic. A high level of agreement was obtained, with the answers distributed in the “agree” and “fully agree” options (92% in relation to content and 100% in appearance). It should also be noted that the instructional guide was developed, which aims to guide the applicability of this instrument.


The content analysis and appearance of the Speech-Language Pathology-Breastfeeding Monitoring Protocol, as well as the instructional guide preparation, were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and are intended to enable the understanding of its use in the speech-language field related to breastfeeding, addressing both the assessment, as well as the mother / newborn dyad monitoring in the breastfeeding situation.

The study later stages should have professionals with different experiences from those presented by the current evaluators. It is considered the performing of instrument applicability in clinical practice, as the next and important step for the validation process of the instrument.

Annex 1. Original protocol extracted from Pivante and Medeiros(66 Pivante CM, Medeiros AMC. Intervenções fonoaudiológicas no aleitamento materno junto às mães de paridade zero. Mundo Saúde. 2006;30(1):87-95. )

Annex 2. Version reviewed and updated by the authors Medeiros, Nascimento and Santos (2017)

  • Study carried out at Speech and Language Therapy course, Speech and Language Therapy Department, Universidade Federal de Sergipe – UFS – São Cristóvão (SE), Brasil.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 Oct 2018
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    04 Sept 2017
  • Accepted
    06 May 2018
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil