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Instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde: revisão de literatura



Avaliar o letramento em saúde pode favorecer a prática clínica.


Revisar a literatura científica sobre os instrumentos e métodos para avaliação do letramento em saúde.

Estratégia de pesquisa

Foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas nas plataformas de busca PubMed, Web of Science e BVS – LILACS. Foram utilizados descritores DeCS (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde) e MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), combinados entre si por operadores booleanos.

Critérios de seleção

Artigos publicados entre 2009 e 2014, em português, inglês ou espanhol, que utilizaram instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral, ou que possibilitaram este tipo de análise. Foram excluídos os artigos que não abordaram o letramento em saúde no título ou resumo, não citaram instrumentos e resultados da avaliação do letramento em saúde, artigos repetidos, revisões, casos e série de casos. A análise e a seleção dos artigos foram realizadas por dois revisores.


Foram identificados diversos instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde, sendo o Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults e o Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy os mais adotados. A maioria dos estudos utilizou delineamento observacional transversal e a maior produção científica deu-se nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. Prevaleceu a categorização do letramento em saúde em níveis e a exposição das respectivas distribuições de frequências. São escassos estudos fonoaudiológicos que abrangem a avaliação do letramento em saúde.


Os pesquisadores têm utilizado variados instrumentos e métodos de avaliação do letramento em saúde, com predominância dos testes de triagem clínica com enfoque no letramento em saúde funcional, utilizados no contexto de ambulatórios e hospitais.

Alfabetização em saúde; Avaliação em saúde; Metodologia; Revisão; Fonoaudiologia



Assessing health literacy may favor clinical practice.


To review the scientific literature about instruments and methods to assess health literacy.

Research strategy

Bibliographic searches were performed in the electronic databases of PubMed, Web of Science and BVS – LILACS. DeCS (Health Science Descriptors) and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) descriptors were used, combined by Boolean operators.

Selection criteria

Articles published between 2009 and 2014 in Portuguese, English or Spanish, that used general health literacy assessment instruments or instruments that allow this type of analysis. Articles that did not approach health literacy in the title or abstract were excluded, as well as articles that did not cite health literacy assessment instruments and outcomes, repeated articles, reviews, case studies and series of cases. Two reviewers analyzed and selected the articles.


A variety of health literacy assessment instruments was identified. The most frequently used instruments were the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults and the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy. The design of most studies was cross-sectional observational, with greater scientific output in the United States and Europe. Categorization of health literacy into levels and presentation of the respective frequency distributions prevailed. Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences studies that include health literacy assessment are scarce.


Researchers have utilized a variety of instruments and methods to assess health literacy, with predominance of clinical screening tests focusing on functional health literacy, administered in the setting of outpatient clinics and hospitals.

Health literacy; Health evaluation; Methodology; Review; Speech, language and hearing sciences


O letramento em saúde é definido como conhecimento, motivação e competência das pessoas em ter acesso, compreender, avaliar e aplicar informações de saúde para julgar e tomar decisões no cotidiano sobre cuidados de saúde, prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde a fim de manter ou melhorar a qualidade de vida11. Kickbusch I, Pelikan JM, Apfel F, Tsouros AD, editors. Health literacy: the solid facts. Copenhagen: World Health Orgnaization; 2013 [citado 19 out 2014]. Disponível em:

Diante da relevância do letramento em saúde, a literatura desenvolveu - e continua a pesquisar - recursos para mensurá-lo22. Ishikawa H, Takeuchi T, Yano E. Measuring functional, communicative, and critical health literacy among diabetic patients. Diabetes Care. 2008;31(5):874-9.
. Os testes validados até o momento permitem classificar o grau de letramento em saúde de indivíduos e populações e, assim, determinar a intervenção mais apropriada nos casos em que há limitações das habilidades avaliadas. Esse processo é fundamental para que sejam alcançados desfechos clínicos mais favoráveis e reduzidas as iniquidades em saúde33. Santos LTM, Mansur HN, Paiva TFPS, Colugnati FAB, Bastos MG. Letramento em saúde: importância da avaliação em nefrologia. J Bras Nefrol. 2012;34(3):293-302.

O letramento em saúde é, sobretudo, um tema que congrega competências sobre a comunicação e aplicação de informações em saúde. Nessa medida, o fonoaudiólogo deve não só incorporar a temática à sua prática, mas também constituir-se como elemento estratégico na discussão sobre o letramento em saúde e na proposição de instrumentos para avaliá-lo na rede de saúde44. Hester EJ, Stevens-Ratchford R. Health literacy and the role of the speech-language pathologist. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2009;18(2):180-91.

Existem instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral e específicos. Os primeiros podem ser classificados em: 1. Testes de triagem clínica, que avaliam a compreensão de leitura, reconhecimento de palavras e numeramento, para identificar dificuldades em compreender e utilizar informações em saúde; 2. Medidas de aproximação, que utilizam pesquisas sobre o letramento e alfabetização, para estimar a proporção de pessoas com dificuldades de letramento em saúde, na população estudada; e 3.Medidas diretas do letramento em saúde, ou seja, das habilidades das pessoas em compreender, acessar, avaliar e utilizar informações e serviços de saúde. Estas medidas são o campo em maior expansão11. Kickbusch I, Pelikan JM, Apfel F, Tsouros AD, editors. Health literacy: the solid facts. Copenhagen: World Health Orgnaization; 2013 [citado 19 out 2014]. Disponível em:
. Quanto aos instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde específicos, estes são elaborados com maior detalhamento e enfoque para cada condição de saúde que se pretenda analisar, a fim de mensurar a capacidade dos pacientes em lidar com distúrbios, como asma, diabetes e hipertensão, assim como para alterações relacionadas a outras especialidades de saúde55. Baker DW. The meaning and the measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(8):878-83.

Como resultado da utilização desses instrumentos de avaliação, os indivíduos podem ser assim classificados, quanto ao nível de letramento em saúde: 1. Básico/funcional - habilidades básicas de leitura e escrita que permitem lidar com as situações cotidianas de saúde; 2. Comunicativo/interativo - habilidades cognitivas e de letramento mais avançadas, que junto às habilidades sociais, contribuem para extrair e aplicar informações e significados de diferentes meios de comunicação, a fim de modificar circunstâncias nas situações de saúde; 3. Crítico - habilidades cognitivas e de letramento ainda mais avançadas, que permitem analisar informações criticamente e utilizá-las para exercer maior controle sobre os eventos da vida e situações de saúde66. Nutbeam D. Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century. Health Promot Int. 2000;15(3):259-67.

Cabe ressaltar que, apesar da disponibilidade de diversos instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde e da sua contribuição para a prática clínica, nenhum teste abrange toda a complexidade do tema, o que se justifica pela grande variedade de contextos do domínio da linguagem escrita e oral nele envolvidos33. Santos LTM, Mansur HN, Paiva TFPS, Colugnati FAB, Bastos MG. Letramento em saúde: importância da avaliação em nefrologia. J Bras Nefrol. 2012;34(3):293-302.
,55. Baker DW. The meaning and the measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(8):878-83.

Outra característica inerente ao estudo do letramento em saúde é o fato de se constituir como conhecimento interdisciplinar77. Passamai MPB, Sampaio HAC, Dias AMI, Cabral LA. Letramento funcional em saúde: reflexões e conceitos sobre seu impacto na interação entre usuários, profissionais e sistema de saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2012;16(41):301-14.
. Nesse contexto, é necessário que o fonoaudiólogo se aproprie dos conhecimentos específicos de sua área de atuação, para contribuir, de modo diferenciado, na pesquisa, avaliação, planejamento de ações e intervenções quanto às habilidades de letramento em saúde. O importante papel do fonoaudiólogo se refere à estreita relação entre o letramento em saúde e as habilidades de falar, ouvir e compreender a linguagem oral/escrita. Assim, verifica-se que pacientes com distúrbios da comunicação claramente vivenciam desafios ainda maiores quanto ao letramento em saúde44. Hester EJ, Stevens-Ratchford R. Health literacy and the role of the speech-language pathologist. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2009;18(2):180-91.
,88. Wühlisch FS, Pascoe M. Maximising health literacy and client recall of clinical information: an exploratory study of clients and speech language pathologists. S Afr J Commun Disord. 2010;57(1):22-32.
,99. Martins-Reis VO, Santos JN. Maximização do letramento em saúde e recordação do cliente em um contexto em desenvolvimento: perspectivas do fonoaudiólogo e do cliente. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2012;17(1):113-4.
. Na atual conjuntura, em que é indispensável o aperfeiçoamento da comunicação entre o sistema de saúde, trabalhadores e usuários77. Passamai MPB, Sampaio HAC, Dias AMI, Cabral LA. Letramento funcional em saúde: reflexões e conceitos sobre seu impacto na interação entre usuários, profissionais e sistema de saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2012;16(41):301-14.
, a fonoaudiologia, enquanto ciência especialmente relacionada à comunicação, pode contribuir de forma diferenciada, no que diz respeito à fala, às competências pragmáticas da linguagem, às habilidades auditivas e de leitura e escrita44. Hester EJ, Stevens-Ratchford R. Health literacy and the role of the speech-language pathologist. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2009;18(2):180-91.
,88. Wühlisch FS, Pascoe M. Maximising health literacy and client recall of clinical information: an exploratory study of clients and speech language pathologists. S Afr J Commun Disord. 2010;57(1):22-32.
,99. Martins-Reis VO, Santos JN. Maximização do letramento em saúde e recordação do cliente em um contexto em desenvolvimento: perspectivas do fonoaudiólogo e do cliente. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2012;17(1):113-4.
. Apesar da estreita relação entre a competência e a expertise do fonoaudiólogo em reabilitar e aprimorar as habilidades comunicativas com o letramento em saúde (capacidade que depende do uso efetivo da linguagem oral e escrita nos vínculos dialógicos entre usuários e profissionais de saúde), há poucos estudos fonoaudiológicos a respeito44. Hester EJ, Stevens-Ratchford R. Health literacy and the role of the speech-language pathologist. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2009;18(2):180-91.
,88. Wühlisch FS, Pascoe M. Maximising health literacy and client recall of clinical information: an exploratory study of clients and speech language pathologists. S Afr J Commun Disord. 2010;57(1):22-32.
,99. Martins-Reis VO, Santos JN. Maximização do letramento em saúde e recordação do cliente em um contexto em desenvolvimento: perspectivas do fonoaudiólogo e do cliente. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2012;17(1):113-4.
. Conhecer os instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde é o primeiro passo para o fonoaudiólogo se capacitar e se apropriar desse importante campo de atuação.


O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura científica que trata de instrumentos e métodos utilizados para a avaliação do letramento em saúde.


A questão norteadora da revisão foi: “Quais instrumentos são utilizados para avaliar o letramento em saúde?” A fim de obter respostas para este questionamento, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas nas plataformas de busca PubMed (US National Library of Medicine), Web of Science e BVS - LILACS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde). Os dados foram coletados no período de abril a agosto de 2014.

Foram utilizados descritores MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), da US National Library of Medicine, para as plataformas PubMed e Web of Science (health literacy and questionnaires (title/abstract)). Para pesquisa na BVS – LILACS, foram utilizados DeCS (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde), bem como o termo livre “letramento”, combinados entre si com a utilização dos operadores booleanos AND e OR. Deste modo, a equação de busca foi: MH: N02.421.143.827.407.228.500$ OR Health Literacy OR Alfabetización en Salud OR Alfabetização em Saúde OR Letramento OR MH: N02.421.143.827.407.680 OR Patient Education as Topic OR Educación del Paciente como Asunto OR Educação de Pacientes como Assunto OR MH: N02.421.143.827.407.228$ OR Consumer Health Information OR Información de Salud al Consumidor OR Informação de Saúde ao Consumidor AND MH: N06.850.520.308.750$ OR Questionnaires OR Cuestionarios OR Questionários.


Foram incluídos na revisão artigos publicados entre 2009 e 2014, em português, inglês ou espanhol. Os artigos selecionados utilizaram instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral, ou seja, instrumentos para avaliar o letramento em saúde funcional, comunicativo ou crítico do indivíduo, ao lidar com o tema saúde de forma ampla, sem abordagens relativas a especialidades. Também foram incluídos estudos que empregaram instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde, desenvolvidos para área específica (como diabetes), mas que foram adaptados na literatura e aplicados em outros contextos de saúde, portanto, considerados como instrumentos que possibilitam a análise do letramento geral em saúde.

Foram excluídos os artigos que não abordaram o letramento em saúde no título ou resumo, não citaram os instrumentos e os resultados da avaliação do letramento em saúde, artigos repetidos nas plataformas de busca, revisões, casos e série de casos. Também foram excluídos os artigos que utilizaram instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde elaborados exclusivamente para áreas específicas (oncologia, saúde mental e outras).

A análise dos artigos e tomada de decisão quanto à inclusão na revisão foi realizada por dois revisores, sendo selecionados 27 artigos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão (Figura 1).

Figura 1
Seleção dos artigos


A análise dos estudos foi realizada, inicialmente, pela leitura dos títulos e resumos, seguida por leitura integral dos artigos que se enquadraram nos critérios de seleção. Para a análise dos artigos selecionados, foram utilizadas as recomendações do Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE)1010. Malta M, Cardoso LO, Bastos FI, Magnanini MMF, Silva CMFP. Iniciativa STROBE: subsídios para a comunicação de estudos observacionais. Rev Saúde Pública. 2010;44(3):559-65.
, iniciativa internacional para melhorar a qualidade da descrição de estudos observacionais. O protocolo de análise com as recomendações da iniciativa STROBE foi estruturado em um banco de dados no software Microsoft Office – Excel®, 2013 e incluiu o detalhamento dos dados de identificação do estudo, introdução, metodologia, resultados principais (descritivos e analíticos), discussão e conclusões.

Posteriormente, foi realizada análise descritiva da distribuição de frequência das seguintes variáveis: instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde, tipo de instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde (gerais, específicos de avaliação indireta), delineamento dos estudos, tipo de variável na qual o letramento em saúde foi classificado (resposta ou explicativa), local de origem do estudo, contexto do estudo (serviços de atenção primária, ambulatórios, hospitais, internet), forma de apresentação dos resultados sobre letramento em saúde (por distribuição de frequências, por medidas contínuas, por classificação de níveis de letramento em saúde) e fatores associados ao letramento em saúde. Todas as variáveis foram analisadas criticamente e discutidas. As características principais dos estudos selecionados e dos instrumentos mais frequentes de avaliação do letramento em saúde foram organizadas em quadros e tabelas.


Síntese dos estudos

Os instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral, os instrumentos de avaliação indireta do letramento em saúde (aqueles que possuem relação intrínseca com o tema, ao avaliar comportamentos promotores de saúde ou eficácia na comunicação médico-paciente, por exemplo) e a descrição dos resultados das pesquisas, no que concerne ao letramento em saúde, estão apresentados no Quadro 1.

Quadro 1
Síntese: estudos selecionados para análise de instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde (n=27)

Instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde

Nos 27 artigos analisados, foram identificados 36 instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde, sendo 17 tipos distintos. O TOFHLA (Test of Functional Health Literacy In Adults) e o REALM (Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine) foram os instrumentos mais utilizados. O TOFHLA foi escolhido por 8 artigos (29,6%)1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.

23. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
-2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
,3535. Sox CM, Gribbons WM, Loring BA, Mandl KD, Batista R, Porter SC. Patient-centered design of an information management module for a personally controlled health record. J Med Internet Res. 2010;12(3):e36.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
, sendo que 1 desses estudos utilizou as duas versões do TOFHLA (completa e abreviada)2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
. A versão abreviada - S-TOFHLA - foi a mais frequente (6 artigos) (22,2%)1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
. O TOFHLA e suas versões foram utilizados nos Estados Unidos, Sérvia, Austrália e Brasil. O REALM, empregado nos Estados Unidos, Irlanda e Brasil, foi escolhido por 8 artigos (29,6%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
,2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.,2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.

33. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
-3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
, sendo que, em 5, foi utilizada a versão completa (18,6%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.

33. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
-3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
, em 1, a versão abreviada (3,7%)1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
e em 1, a versão revisada (3,7%)3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
. Dentre esses 8 estudos, 1 (3,7%) utilizou o SAHLPA (Short Assessment of Health Literacy for Portuguese-speaking Adults)2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
, versão validada em português do SAHLSA (The Short Assessment of Health Literacy for Spanish-speaking Adults), adaptado do REALM. O MFCCHL – Ishikawa (Measure of functional, communicative and critical health literacy) foi utilizado por 4 artigos (14,8%)1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2929. Vaart R, Drossaert CH, Taal E, Laar MA. Patient preferences for a hospital-based rheumatology interactive health communication application and factors associated with these preferences. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(9):1618-26.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
, no Japão e na Holanda, e o SBSQ (Set of Brief Screening Questions), por 2 artigos (7,4%)1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
, no estudo que realizou avaliações em 15 países da Europa1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
e no que envolveu países da Europa, Oceania, América do Norte e do Sul1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
. Os demais 13 instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde identificados foram utilizados por 1 artigo cada (3,7%).

Dentre os 13 instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde que apresentaram ocorrência em apenas um artigo (n=13), 7 (53,8%) referiam-se a instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
,1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
,1515. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34.,2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
,3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
: o NVS (Newest Vittal Sign)2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
, o MHLS (Mandarin Health Literacy Scale)1515. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34. e o Health LiTT3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
(Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology) (n=3, 23,1%) que dizem respeito à compreensão de informações textuais e numéricas, sendo, portanto, relativos ao letramento em saúde funcional; o METER (Medical Term Recognition Test)3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
e o THLS (Taiwan Health Literacy Scale)1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
- versão modificada (n=2, 15,3%), que são do tipo reconhecimento de termos em saúde, também restritos ao letramento em saúde funcional; o Graphical Literacy Scale1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
(n=1, 7,7%), que refere-se à compreensão de representações gráficas comuns de informações numéricas em saúde, portanto, também relacionado ao letramento em saúde funcional; o questionário inspirado no eHEALS (eHealth Literacy Scale)2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
(n=1, 7,7%), que avalia o letramento informacional em saúde, ou seja, letramento em saúde funcional, por meio de enunciados que são julgados pelos pacientes (se concordam ou não com as afirmativas – respostas em escala Likert de 5 pontos). Os outros 6 instrumentos (46,2%)1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
foram considerados como de avaliação indireta do letramento em saúde e abordavam os seguintes temas: sensação de confiança do paciente na interação com o médico (1 instrumento relacionado ao letramento em saúde comunicativo)1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
; comportamentos promotores de saúde em adultos1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
; percepção do paciente sobre a própria participação no atendimento de saúde3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
; percepção do paciente sobre a explicação do médico3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
; percepção do paciente quanto à clareza das explicações médicas2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
e desconfiança do indivíduo quanto ao sistema de saúde3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
(5 instrumentos relacionados ao letramento em saúde funcional, comunicativo e crítico).

Em 14 artigos (51,9%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.

18. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.

19. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.

20. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
-2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
, houve utilização associada de instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral e específicos, sendo que as especialidades abordadas foram: Reumatologia1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
Endocrinologia2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
, Cirurgia3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
(cada área abordada em 2 artigos, 7,4%), Oftalmologia1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
, Farmácia1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
, Cardiologia1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
, Nutrição e Educação Física2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
, Pneumologia2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
, Urologia e Uroginecologia2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
, Fonoaudiologia2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
, Ortopedia e Fisioterapia3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
(cada área abordada em 1 artigo, 3,7%).

As características principais dos instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde mais frequentemente utilizados nos artigos selecionados estão apresentadas no Quadro 2.

Quadro 2
Síntese das características dos instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde

Características metodológicas e contextuais dos estudos selecionados

Quanto ao delineamento, a maioria dos estudos foi observacional transversal (n= 22; 81,5%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
,1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.

15. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34.

16. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.

17. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
-1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
,2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.

25. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.

26. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.

27. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.

28. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.

29. Vaart R, Drossaert CH, Taal E, Laar MA. Patient preferences for a hospital-based rheumatology interactive health communication application and factors associated with these preferences. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(9):1618-26.

30. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.

31. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
-3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
,3535. Sox CM, Gribbons WM, Loring BA, Mandl KD, Batista R, Porter SC. Patient-centered design of an information management module for a personally controlled health record. J Med Internet Res. 2010;12(3):e36.

36. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
-3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
, sendo que alguns receberam especificações adicionais: 3 do tipo piloto (11,1%)2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.; 4 multicêntricos (14,8%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
e 5 se referiram à validação de instrumentos de avaliação (18,5%)2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
. Os ensaios clínicos randomizados, estudos que apresentam maiores níveis de evidência científica, totalizaram apenas 4 ocorrências (14,8%)1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
, com 2 destas, estudos multicêntricos (7,4%)3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
. Somente 1 estudo apresentou delineamento pré-teste/pós-teste (3,7%)1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.

Entre os estudos de validação de instrumentos, 3 (60,0%) traduziram e adaptaram testes de avaliação do letramento em saúde para idiomas locais na Sérvia e no Brasil: TOFHLA e STOFHLA em sérvio2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
; STOFHLA em português3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
; SAHLSA (teste em espanhol adaptado do REALM) para o português, originando o SAHLPA-50 e o SAHLPA-182626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
. Os outros 2 estudos (40,0%) se propuseram a desenvolver novos instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde, ambos nos Estados Unidos: Health LiTT3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
e METER (este inclui muitas palavras do REALM)3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.

O letramento em saúde foi considerado como variável explicativa na maioria dos artigos (n=16, 59,3%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.

12. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
-1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
,1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.

19. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
-2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.

24. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
-2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.

29. Vaart R, Drossaert CH, Taal E, Laar MA. Patient preferences for a hospital-based rheumatology interactive health communication application and factors associated with these preferences. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(9):1618-26.
-3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.

34. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
-3535. Sox CM, Gribbons WM, Loring BA, Mandl KD, Batista R, Porter SC. Patient-centered design of an information management module for a personally controlled health record. J Med Internet Res. 2010;12(3):e36.
. Dentre os artigos que tomaram o letramento em saúde como variável resposta (n=11, 40,7%)1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
,1515. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34.,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
,3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
, incluíram-se os 5 estudos de validação de instrumentos (18,5%)2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
, 4 estudos de bases populacionais (14,8%), sendo 2 em Taiwan1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
,1515. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34., 1 na Finlândia2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
e 1 intercontinental1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
e 2 estudos com pacientes diabéticos (7,4%), no Japão2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.

No que se refere ao local de origem, houve predomínio de estudos realizados na América do Norte (n=13; 48,1%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
,1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.

19. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
-2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.

31. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.

32. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.

33. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.

34. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
-3535. Sox CM, Gribbons WM, Loring BA, Mandl KD, Batista R, Porter SC. Patient-centered design of an information management module for a personally controlled health record. J Med Internet Res. 2010;12(3):e36.
, todos nos Estados Unidos. Foram identificados 6 estudos europeus (22,2%), sendo 2 da Holanda (7,4%)1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,2929. Vaart R, Drossaert CH, Taal E, Laar MA. Patient preferences for a hospital-based rheumatology interactive health communication application and factors associated with these preferences. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(9):1618-26.
, 1 da Irlanda (3,7%)2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50., 1 da Finlândia (3,7%)2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
, 1 da Sérvia (3,7%)2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
e 1 elaborado em conjunto por 15 países da Europa (3,7%)1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
. Quatro estudos foram realizados na Ásia (14,8%), sendo 2 no Japão (7,4%)2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
e 2 em Taiwan (7,4%)1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
,1515. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34.. Dois estudos foram produzidos na América Latina, ambos no Brasil (7,4%)2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
, e 1 na Oceania (Austrália) (3,7%)2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
. Um estudo intercontinental contou com a participação de países da Europa, Oceania, América do Norte e do Sul (3,7%)1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.

A maioria dos estudos foi realizada em clínicas ou centros de referência, localizados em ambulatórios ou hospitais (n=17; 63,0%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.

12. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
-1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.

24. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.

25. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.
-2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.

29. Vaart R, Drossaert CH, Taal E, Laar MA. Patient preferences for a hospital-based rheumatology interactive health communication application and factors associated with these preferences. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(9):1618-26.
-3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.

33. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.

34. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.

35. Sox CM, Gribbons WM, Loring BA, Mandl KD, Batista R, Porter SC. Patient-centered design of an information management module for a personally controlled health record. J Med Internet Res. 2010;12(3):e36.

36. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
-3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
. Sete pesquisas se referiram ao contexto da atenção primária (25,9%)1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
,1515. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34.,2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
,3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
e 1 envolveu avaliações, tanto em ambiente de atenção primária, quanto hospitalar (3,7%)1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
. Dois estudos (os multinacionais) realizaram a coleta de dados via internet (7,4%)1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.

Formas de apresentação e análise dos resultados sobre o letramento em saúde

No que se refere à apresentação dos resultados, a maioria dos estudos categorizou o letramento em saúde e apresentou distribuição de frequências (n=13, 48,1%)1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.

15. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34.

16. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
-1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.

23. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.

24. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.

25. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.
-2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.

Muitos pesquisadores optaram por analisar os resultados por meio da média das pontuações, sem realizar categorizações (n=11, 40,7%)1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
,1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
,2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.

29. Vaart R, Drossaert CH, Taal E, Laar MA. Patient preferences for a hospital-based rheumatology interactive health communication application and factors associated with these preferences. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(9):1618-26.

30. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.

31. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
-3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
. Outras abordagens dos resultados ocorreram em 3 estudos (11,1%) e se referiram à apresentação da pontuação mínima e máxima3535. Sox CM, Gribbons WM, Loring BA, Mandl KD, Batista R, Porter SC. Patient-centered design of an information management module for a personally controlled health record. J Med Internet Res. 2010;12(3):e36.
, análise da proporção de respostas corretas3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
e de pontos em cada item, sem média, nem frequência por categorias2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.

Dentre os artigos nos quais os resultados de letramento em saúde foram categorizados, as classificações utilizadas se apresentaram de formas variadas: letramento em saúde inadequado, marginal ou adequado1515. Wei MH. The associations between health literacy, reasons for seeking health information, and information sources utilized by Taiwanese adults. Health Educ J. 2014;73(4):423-34.,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
(n=5, 18,5%); inadequado, limitado ou adequado1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
(n=3, 11,1%); baixo, médio ou alto1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
(n=2, 7,4%); rudimentar, básico ou avançado2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
(n=1, 3,7%); inadequado ou inadequado1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
(n=um, 3,7%) e baixo ou adequado2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
(n=1, 3,7%). É importante destacar que houve estudos nos quais os autores modificaram o esquema de análise do teste original, avaliando o resultado como média, numa escala contínua, enquanto o teste original se estruturava em categorias1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
, ou, então, alterando a escala de pontuação de 1 a 4 - calculada pela média – para 14 a 56 – pela soma da pontuação1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.

Considerando-se as classificações apresentadas, a prevalência de letramento em saúde adequado entre os artigos variou de 44,0%, em idosos com idade ≥ 60 anos, avaliados pelo SAHLPA-50, no Brasil2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
, a 92,7%, em mulheres de 42 a 94 anos, avaliadas pelo TOFHLA, nos Estados Unidos2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
. Para esta análise, concebeu-se o letramento em saúde de forma dicotômica: adequado, quando descrito pelos pesquisadores como adequado, alto ou avançado, e inadequado, quando referido nas pesquisas como inadequado, limitado, marginal, baixo, médio, rudimentar ou básico.

Foi identificada associação com significância estatística entre os resultados de letramento em saúde e diversos aspectos avaliados nos 27 estudos: escolaridade2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.,2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
,3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
; idade2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
; autopercepção da saúde2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
; raça3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
; renda3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
, uso prévio de computador3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
, autorrelato de habilidades de leitura3131. Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): a new item response theory-based measure of health literacy. J Health Commun. 2011;16(Suppl 3):150-62.
; comportamentos promotores de saúde1414. Tsai HM, Cheng CY, Chang SC, Yang YM, Wang HH. Health literacy and health-promoting behaviors among multiethnic groups of women in Taiwan. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2014;43(1):117-29.
; comunicação paciente - médico e percepção do paciente do processo de comunicação3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
; sexo e presença de doença crônica2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
; tabagismo durante a gravidez1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
; não adesão à medicação, percepção de risco e crenças sobre a medicação em gestantes1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.
; acesso a portal para visualização de prontuário eletrônico1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
; discrepâncias em avaliações verbais e escritas na área de artrite reumatoide1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
; compreensão e gerenciamento do diabetes2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
; autogestão em técnica de inalação2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
; proatividade na busca de informações em saúde2727. Eriksson-Backa K, Ek S, Niemelä R, Huotari ML. Health information literacy in everyday life: a study of Finns aged 65–79 years. Health Informat J. 2012;18(2):83-94.
e conclusão da tarefa de montagem de aparelho auditivo2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
. Observou-se maior ocorrência de associação do letramento em saúde com a escolaridade (6 artigos - 22,2%), idade e autopercepção da saúde (2 artigos - 7,4%).


A variabilidade de objetivos e métodos nos artigos e o fato de a variável ser, frequentemente, do tipo explicativa1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1212. Izard J, Hartzler A, Avery DI, Shih C, Dalkin BL, Gore JL. User-centered design of quality of life reports for clinical care of patients with prostate cancer. Surgery. 2014;155(5):789-96.
,1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1616. Smedberg J, Lupattelli A, Mårdby AC, Nordeng H. Characteristics of women who continue smoking during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women and new mothers in 15 European countries. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14:213-28.
,1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2020. Riebl SK, Paone AC, Hedrick VE, Zoellner JM, Estabrooks PA, Davy BM. The comparative validity of interactive multimedia questionnaires to paper-administered questionnaires for beverage intake and physical activity: pilot study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2013;2(2):1-16.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,2525. Coughlan D, Sahm L, Byrne S. The importance of health literacy in the development of ‘Self Care’ cards for community pharmacies in Ireland. Pharm Pract (Granada). 2012;10(3):143-50.,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
,2929. Vaart R, Drossaert CH, Taal E, Laar MA. Patient preferences for a hospital-based rheumatology interactive health communication application and factors associated with these preferences. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011;50(9):1618-26.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
,3535. Sox CM, Gribbons WM, Loring BA, Mandl KD, Batista R, Porter SC. Patient-centered design of an information management module for a personally controlled health record. J Med Internet Res. 2010;12(3):e36.
posicionam o letramento em saúde e sua avaliação como de grande relevância em países e contextos diversos.

Os instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde que apresentaram maior ocorrência nesta revisão foram o TOFHLA e o REALM. Tais achados confirmam os de outros estudos88. Wühlisch FS, Pascoe M. Maximising health literacy and client recall of clinical information: an exploratory study of clients and speech language pathologists. S Afr J Commun Disord. 2010;57(1):22-32.
,2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3232. Rawson KA, Gunstad J, Hughes J, Spitznagel MB, Potter V, Waechter D et al. The METER: a brief, self-administered measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(1):67-71.
. Inclusive, a maioria das pesquisas de validação de instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde foi composta por traduções e adaptações do TOFHLA e REALM2222. Jović-Vraneš A, Bjegović-Mikanović V, Marinković J, Vuković D. Evaluation of a health literacy screening tool in primary care patients: evidence from Serbia. Health Promot Int. 2014;29(4):601-7.
,2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
, o que foi observado também no Brasil2626. Apolinário D, Oliveira RC, BragaI P, Magaldi RM, BusseI AL, CamporaI F et al. Short assessment of health literacy for portuguese-speaking adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2012;46(4):702-11.
,3737. Carthery-Goulart MT, Anghinah R, Areza-Fegyveres R, Bahia VS, Brucki SMD, Damin A et al. Performance of a Brazilian population on the test of functional health literacy in adults. Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(4):631-8.
. A escolha desses testes pode ser justificada por serem triagens, rápidas, disponíveis em cada vez mais idiomas e adaptáveis a diversos contextos clínicos. Dentre as limitações, os dois instrumentos avaliam apenas o nível funcional do letramento em saúde, possível motivo pelo qual o TOFHLA1818. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
,1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
e o REALM1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
foram, por vezes, associados a outros instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde (em cinco (18,5%) e quatro (14,8%) dos artigos, respectivamente).

Apesar de os objetos de análise da presente revisão terem sido os instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral, é necessário destacar que há empenho das diversas especialidades em utilizar e desenvolver instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde relativos a temas específicos. Essa constatação foi evidenciada, por exemplo, pelo número de artigos excluídos por abordarem somente o letramento em saúde específico (n=40). Dentre os artigos selecionados, foi possível observar, de forma frequente, a associação entre instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral e específicos1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.

18. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
-1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.
. Essa estratégia reforça o fato de não haver, na atualidade, instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde suficientemente abrangentes para analisar o tema33. Santos LTM, Mansur HN, Paiva TFPS, Colugnati FAB, Bastos MG. Letramento em saúde: importância da avaliação em nefrologia. J Bras Nefrol. 2012;34(3):293-302.
,55. Baker DW. The meaning and the measure of health literacy. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(8):878-83.
. Logo, justifica-se a opção de alguns pesquisadores em utilizar mais de um instrumento de avaliação do letramento em saúde1111. Sleath BL, Blalock SJ, Muir KW, Carpenter DM, Lawrence SD, Giangiacomo AL et al. Determinants of self-reported barriers to glaucoma medicine administration and adherence: a multisite study. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(7):856-62.
,1313. Vaart R, Drossaert CHC, Taal E, Drossaers-Bakker KW, Vonkeman HE, Laar MJAF. Impact of patient-accessible electronic medical records in rheumatology: use, satisfaction and effects on empowerment among patients. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014;15:102-10.
,1717. Lupattelli A, Picinardi M, Einarson A, Nordeng H. Health literacy and its association with perception of teratogenic risks and health behavior during pregnancy. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;96(2):171-8.

18. Nesbitt T, Doctorvaladan S, Southard JA, Singh S, Fekete A, Marie K et al. Correlates of quality of life in rural heart failure patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7(6);882-7.
-1919. Hirsh JM, Davis LA, Quinzanos I, Keniston A, Caplan L. Health literacy predicts discrepancies between traditional written patient assessments and verbally administered assessments in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41(2):256-64.
,2121. Inoue M, Miyako Takahashi M, Kai I. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on understanding of diabetes care and self-efficacy in diabetes management: a cross-sectional study of primary care in Japan. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:40-8.
,2323. Kiser K, Jonas D, Warner Z, Scanlon K, Shilliday BB, DeWalt DA. A randomized controlled trial of a literacy-sensitive self-management intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(2):190-5.
,2424. Anger JT, Lee U, Mittal BM, Pollard M, Tarnay C, Maliski S, Rogers RG. Health literacy and disease understanding among aging women with pelvic floor disorders. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2012;18(6):340-3.
,2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
,3030. Myaskovsky L, Burkitt KH, Lichy AM, Ljungberg IH, Fyffe DC, Ozawa H et al. The association of race, cultural factors, and health-related quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(3):441-8.
,3333. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Enhancement of surgical informed consent by addition of repeat back: a multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial. Ann Surg. 2010;252(1):27-36.
,3434. Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Henderson WG, Bartenfeld D, Nyirenda C, Webb A et al. Predictors of comprehension during surgical informed consent. J Am Coll Surgeons. 2010;210(6):919-26.
,3636. Ishikawa H, Yano E, Fujimori S, Kinoshita M, Yamanouchi T, Yoshikawa M et al. Patient health literacy and patient-physician information exchange during a visit. Fam Pract. 2009;26(6):517-23.

Cabe ressaltar que a opção metodológica do presente estudo por destacar os instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral foi necessária, devido ao volume e variedade de estudos e instrumentos de avaliação do assunto. Além disso, a escolha teve o objetivo de contribuir para uma abordagem global do letramento em saúde e que fosse aplicável de forma mais adequada ao contexto da atenção primária à saúde. Acredita-se que o presente estudo possa favorecer o esclarecimento do panorama atual das pesquisas sobre o letramento em saúde. Outra contribuição foi o detalhamento dos instrumentos de maior ocorrência na avaliação do letramento em saúde geral e, principalmente, a análise das associações entre instrumentos gerais, específicos e indiretos é uma interpretação que, segundo a pesquisa realizada, não estava disponível na literatura científica, até o momento.

No contexto brasileiro, os estudos sobre a avaliação do letramento em saúde têm priorizado o nível funcional, em ambiente clínico, por meio de instrumentos de triagem originários de outros países e idiomas, validados para o português. Há lacunas na avaliação do letramento em saúde comunicativo e crítico. A presente revisão sobre os instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde, bem como a elaboração e análise de novos instrumentos aplicáveis à realidade brasileira são passos necessários para identificar indivíduos e populações em dificuldades quanto ao letramento em saúde. Além disso, favorecem a prática clínica e a educação em saúde.

Ressalta-se que apenas um estudo fonoaudiológico, na área de Audiologia, incluiu a avaliação do letramento em saúde e constatou associação positiva deste com o desempenho em ajustar e inserir aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI). Foi enfatizada a função do fonoaudiólogo em utilizar e organizar recursos diversos, como textos com linguagem clara e simples, figuras e orientações verbais, a fim de possibilitar o letramento em saúde específico em saúde auditiva, para a adesão e sucesso no uso dos AASI2828. Convery E, Keidser G, Hartley L, Caposecco A, Hickson L, Meyer C. Management of hearing aid assembly by urban-dwelling hearing-impaired adults in a developed country: implications for a self-fitting hearing aid. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(4):196-208.
. Assim, o fonoaudiólogo deve atuar junto com os demais profissionais de saúde, auxiliando a identificar pacientes com dificuldades de letramento em saúde. Todavia, destaca-se que, por meio de suas competências exclusivas quanto à fala, audição, linguagem verbal e escrita, o fonoaudiólogo tem funções únicas e diferenciadas para avaliar e intervir no desenvolvimento da efetiva comunicação entre usuários e profissionais da saúde e, assim, aprimorar o letramento em saúde44. Hester EJ, Stevens-Ratchford R. Health literacy and the role of the speech-language pathologist. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2009;18(2):180-91.


Existe grande variedade de instrumentos e métodos para avaliação do letramento em saúde. Dentre os instrumentos de avaliação do letramento em saúde geral predominaram os testes de triagem clínica TOFHLA e REALM, utilizados no contexto de ambulatórios e hospitais, com enfoque no letramento em saúde funcional. A maioria dos estudos apresentou delineamento observacional transversal, com maior produção científica nos Estados Unidos e países europeus.


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  • Recebido
    22 Jul 2016
  • Aceito
    24 Abr 2017
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil