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What are the best words to compose an evaluation phonological instrument?

PURPOSE: To judge what kind of words would be more appropriate to the social and/or linguistic reality to compose an instrument of phonological evaluation to Brazilian Portuguese children. METHODS: From an initial list of 722 words of the lexicon child and phonological assessments currently used, examined judged the best words to compose the instrument according to its theoretical and practical knowledge. A new list was formed with 316 selected words, these were illustrated and analyzed by specialists as judges not to familiarity and proper elicitation through Likert scale. RESULTS: Analysis of expert judges had a weak agreement with Kappa value equivalent to 0.378 resulting in 316 selected words. The trial judges not experts resulted in the list of words to compose the most appropriate assessment tool by phonological criteria as the percentage of correct familiarity and elicitation. CONCLUSION: There were selected considering the analyzes of the judges 116 words, with its illustration, to compose the phonological assessment tool.

Speech; Speech disorders; Child language; Articulation disorders; Speech articulation tests

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil