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Impact of hearing aids on the quality of life of adults with adult disabilities: scope review



To verify the benefits of hearing aids in the quality of life of adults with hearing loss.

Research strategy

Scoping review guided by PRISMA recommendations.

Selection criteria

with the help of the keywords “hearing aids”, “hearing aid”, “cochlear implant”, “speech therapy”, “hearing impairment”, “hearing loss”, “quality of life”, and their respective in English and Spanish in the virtual databases: LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and Open Grey. Qualitatively analyzed.


1,312 records were identified and six articles were selected, with a hearing aided population from 18 to 92 years old, from both genders, cochlear implant and individual sound amplification device users. Questionnaires were used (assessment of expectations of adults/elderly users of hearing aids, International Outcome Inventory For Hearing Aids, Nijmegen Cochlear Implant, Satisfaction, Caregiver Strain Questionnaire, Relative to the Index, World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref, Glasgow Health Status Inventory, Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit, Cochlear Implant Quality of Life and scales (Care Giving Burden Scale), Denver Quantified and visual analog). The results indicated a better quality of life in the domains tested, both in the view of deaf adults and their partners.


Despite the heterogeneity of the quality of life protocols used in the selected studies, it was possible to verify that hearing aids increase the quality of life of adults with hearing loss.

Hearing aids; Hearing aid; Cochlear implant; Speech therapy; Hearing impairment; Hearing loss; Quality of life



Verificar os benefícios da protetização auditiva na qualidade de vida do adulto com deficiência auditiva.

Estratégia de pesquisa

Revisão de escopo, guiada pelas recomendações PRISMA.

Critérios de seleção

A busca foi realizada com o auxílio dos unitermos “auxiliares de audição”, “aparelho auditivo”, “implante coclear”, “fonoaudiologia”, “deficiência auditiva”, “perda auditiva”, “qualidade de vida”, e seus respectivos em inglês e espanhol, nos bancos virtuais de dados: LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science e OpenGrey. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente.


Foram identificados 1.312 registros e selecionados 6 artigos, com população protetizada auditivamente, dos 18 aos 92 anos, de ambos os gêneros, usuários de implante coclear e aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Questionário de avaliação das expectativas do adulto/idoso novo usuário de próteses auditivas, International Outcome Inventory For Hearing Aids, Questionário Nijmegen de Implantes Cocleares, Questionário de Satisfação do Cliente, Caregiver Strain Questionnaire, Formulário de Questionário Relativo ao Índice, World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref, Glasgow Health Status Inventory, Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit, Cochlear Implant Quality of Life, Caregiver Burden Scale, Escala Quantificada de Denver e Escala Visual Analógica. Os resultados indicaram melhor qualidade de vida nos domínios testados, tanto na visão dos adultos surdos quanto na de seus parceiros.


Apesar da heterogeneidade dos protocolos de qualidade de vida utilizados nos estudos selecionados, foi possível verificar que a protetização auditiva melhora a qualidade de vida do adulto com deficiência auditiva.

Auxiliares de audição; Aparelho auditivo; Implante coclear; Fonoaudiologia; Deficiência auditiva; Perda auditiva; Qualidade de vida


The hearing is the sensorial function that allows us to captivate the sounds, analyze them and attribute meaning. It is the fundamental part of the complete development of the human race and, when modified, affects the basis of oral communication. Therefore, the hearing impairment (HI) results from the decreased ability to hear sounds, which can affect the subject to different degrees(11 Ribeiro UASL, Souza VC, Lemos SMA. Qualidade de vida e determinantes sociais em usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. CoDAS. 2019;31(2):e20170287.

According to Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), in 2013, approximately 2,2 millions of people had hearing impairment in Brazil, which is equivalent to 1,1% of the population, with 0.2% having the disability since birth(22 IBGE: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Censo demográfico. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE; 2010.). As a consequence of hearing loss, the individuals can show communication difficulties, social isolation, depression and negative feelings that directly impacts the quality of life and the perception of their health condition(11 Ribeiro UASL, Souza VC, Lemos SMA. Qualidade de vida e determinantes sociais em usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. CoDAS. 2019;31(2):e20170287.

The impacts of the hearing loss still suffer the influences of aspects related to health assistance, to socio demographics factors and clinical. The use of hearing aids is one of the ways to reduce the impacts caused by hearing loss on a individuals’ life. The sound amplification is not restricted to making speech sounds audible and satisfactory, but also provides the perception of environmental, danger and warning signs, essential for independence in everyday life and improving quality of life(33 Russo ICP, Almeida K, Freire GMF. Seleção e adaptação da prótese auditiva para a idoso. In: Almeida K, Iório MCM, editores. Próteses auditivas: fundamentos teóricos e aplicações clinicas. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Lovise; 2003. p. 385-410.).

A resource that seeks to minimize the damage of hearing loss is a hearing aid (HA), an electronic mini amplifier, whose purpose is to compensate for the limitations and impediments caused by reducing hearing acuity, improving the speech comprehension in many situations. Its goal is to maximize the auditory residual through the capture of environmental and speech sounds, with increased sound intensity(44 Pereira RC. Prótese auditiva. Rio de Janeiro: Revinter; 2015. Molde auricular; cap. 3.), making the auditory residue more functional and providing better quality of life and user protection. Another resource that seeks to minimize the damage of hearing loss is cochlear implant (CI), which acts to transform sound into an electrical impulse, transmitting it directly to the cochlear nerve. This way, it benefits people with severe and profound neurosensorial hearing loss that present little or no use of conventional hearing aids(55 Angelo TCS, Bevilacqua MC, Moret ALM. Percepção da fala em deficientes auditivos pré-linguais usuários de implante coclear. Pró-Fono R Atual Cient. 2010;22(3):275-80.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defined, in 1998, the quality of life as the individual’s perception about their position of life, in cultural context, values system and related to their purposes, expectations, standards and worries. Furthermore, it established that the health’s social determinants are related to the conditions in which a person lives and works, impacting health status and quality of life. According to WHO, it should be considered the social, economics, cultural, racial, psychological and behavioral factors which influence the occurrence of health problems and risk factors for the population, such as living, food, education, income and employment. To evaluate the quality of life of HA and CI users is an important indicator of the benefits of hearing aids, because it allows defining the implications of best auditory capacity in daily activities, leisure and communication.

Believing in the negative interference of hearing impairment in the quality of life and the importance of auditory rehabilitation, more specifically the use of hearing aids and cochlear implants for adequate interaction of the deaf individual in the environment and the consequent improvement in quality of life, it chose for carrying out this scope review work.


To verify the benefits of hearing aid in the quality of life of adults with hearing impairment.


This scoping review was carried out in accordance with data of PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Re- views and Meta-Analyses)(66 Peters MD, Godfrey CM, Khalil H, McInerney P, Parker D, Soares CB. Guidance for conducting systematic scoping reviews. Int J Evid-Based Healthc. 2015;13(3):141-6. PMid:26134548.
) and registered on PROSPERO database under ID: CRD42022363325. The Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) was dismissed by the Institution Ethics Committee, since this is a scope review, that is, the research is based on data that has already been collected by another work and arranged in a database. The research was made in the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, considering only the published studies in the last ten years.


The research was carried out using the strategy P.C.O. (P-patients; C-context; O-outcome) to elaborate the question: “What are the impacts of hearing aids (O) in the quality of life (C) in deaf adult individuals (P)?”

It included descriptive and observational studies, without language restriction, with a hearing aided population from 18 to 92 years old, cochlear implant (CI) and personal sound amplification product (PSAP) user, from both genders.

It excluded out-of-scope studies, hearing impairment with associated comorbidities studies, case studies, clinical trials, articles that it was not clear the impacts on the quality of life of the hearing aided, review articles and letters/editorials. Studies that contained hearing impairment with associated comorbidities were excluded because the impacts on the quality of life of the person with a hearing aid could be biased due to the comorbidities.


The research was made by four authors, in an independent way. A systematic search was carried out in the following databases: LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. The “gray literature” search occurred on the OpenGrey platform.

The descriptors was selected through the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS). The research was made in the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, considering only the published studies in the last ten years, using the Boolean Operators “AND” and “OR” for better and comprehensive search strategy. The uniterms used were: “auxiliares de audição”, “aparelho auditivo”, “implante coclear”, “fonoaudiologia”, “deficiência auditiva”, “perda auditiva” e “qualidade de vida”, “hearing aids”, “hearing aid”, “cochlear implant”, “speech therapy”, “hearing impairment”, “hearing loss” and “quality of life. The research was developed between November and December in 2022. In order to identify additional studies, a manual search was carried out in the reference of those considered eligible for this review.

The studies selection process occurred in two steps. In the first step, two reviewers analized, independently, the titles and summary. The work that did not attend the purposes of this review were excluded. In the next step, the previously selected articles were submitted to a complete analysis of the text, in order to verify if the contents contemplated the eligibility criteria. In cases in which there were discrepancies between the two reviewers, third and fourth reviewers were consulted for the final decision. The excluded articles were registered and the reasons for exclusion were defined.

The datas were extracted for four authors independently and the record was made in two standardized tables, in which contained the following datas: author; year; language; sample (number of subjects, age and gender); used protocols, main results (CI or HA, bilateral or unilateral) and the conclusion of the studies.

Risk of bias analysis

The Risk of Bias was analyzed by the device Joanna Briggs Institute - JBI(77 JBI: Joanna Briggs Institute. Lista de verificação para estudos transversais analíticos [Internet]. 2017 [citado em 2023 Mai 8]. Disponível em:
), using a free translation from English to Portuguese. The assessment questions (Q) were: Q.1 Were the sample inclusion criteria clearly defined? Q.2: Were the study subjects and scenarios described in detail? Q.3: Was exposure measured validly and reliably? Q.4: Were objective, standardized criteria used to measure the condition? Q.5: Have confounding factors been identified? Q.6: Have strategies been established to deal with confounding factors? Q.7: Were the results measured validly and reliably? Q.8: Was appropriate statistical analysis used?

The questions presented four categories of possible answers: yes (1 point), no (0 point), uncertain (0,5 point) and not applicable. The Risk of Bias was considered high if the study obtain until 49% of “yes” answers (0 to 3,5 points), moderate 50% to 69% (4 to 5,5 points) and low when it obtains results equal or higher than 70% of “yes” (6 to 8 points). The device was not used as an exclusion criteria, but to an article quality evaluation. The results obtained were analyzed qualitatively, due to the heterogeneity of studies.


Studies selection

The Figure 1 shows the steps of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion of the articles during the research. Initially, 1.312 articles were identified in the 6 databases. Of these, 7 studies were duplicated and, because of that, were removed. After the removal of the duplicated studies, 1.305 studies were analyzed based on the title and summary. Afterwards, 1.285 were excluded, leaving 20 possibly eligible articles. A manual search was also carried out, however it was not found any article that fit the research criteria. Therefore, 20 articles were submitted to full reading. Of those, 14 did not contemplate the eligibility criteria established by the research.

Figure 1
Data from the identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion stages of articles during the research

Studies characteristics

6 articles(11 Ribeiro UASL, Souza VC, Lemos SMA. Qualidade de vida e determinantes sociais em usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. CoDAS. 2019;31(2):e20170287.
,88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.

9 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.

10 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.

11 Sousa AF. Qualidade de vida e implante coclear: resultados em adultos com deficiência auditiva pós-lingual [dissertação]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. .
-1212 McRackan TR, Reddy P, Costello MS, Dubno JR. Role of preoperative patient expectations in adult cochlear implant outcomes. Otol Neurotol. 2021;42(2):e130-6. PMid:33229876.
) were included in this scope review that reported the presence of benefits of hearing aids on the quality of life. In Table 1 and Table 2 it is possible to notice the total sample was composed by participants of both genders, HA and CI users, ages between 18 and 92 years old (average age: 55 ± 37 years old).

Table 1
Description of the characteristics of the study, sample and type of hearing aid performed in the selected studies
Table 2
Description of study identification data, protocols and questionnaires used, main results and conclusion of selected studies

Risk of bias

The 6 articles(11 Ribeiro UASL, Souza VC, Lemos SMA. Qualidade de vida e determinantes sociais em usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. CoDAS. 2019;31(2):e20170287.
,88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.

9 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.

10 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.

11 Sousa AF. Qualidade de vida e implante coclear: resultados em adultos com deficiência auditiva pós-lingual [dissertação]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. .
-1212 McRackan TR, Reddy P, Costello MS, Dubno JR. Role of preoperative patient expectations in adult cochlear implant outcomes. Otol Neurotol. 2021;42(2):e130-6. PMid:33229876.
) included in this scope review contemplated every JBI(77 JBI: Joanna Briggs Institute. Lista de verificação para estudos transversais analíticos [Internet]. 2017 [citado em 2023 Mai 8]. Disponível em:
) verification criteria and obtained a score sufficient to qualify for a low risk of bias.


This scope review tried to bring data about the impacts of hearing aids in the quality of life in deaf adult individuals.

During the research it was possible to notice that half of the selected studies(11 Ribeiro UASL, Souza VC, Lemos SMA. Qualidade de vida e determinantes sociais em usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. CoDAS. 2019;31(2):e20170287.
,88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.,1111 Sousa AF. Qualidade de vida e implante coclear: resultados em adultos com deficiência auditiva pós-lingual [dissertação]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. .) are from Brazil. The presence of hearing impairment can lead to serious consequences to speech and learning development. It impacts the quality of life, being determined by the age of the acquisition of the loss, nature, hearing loss degree, lifestyle, occupation and perception of social and emotional disadvantages(1313 Cavalcante MV, Bittencourt IGS, Vieira ACS, Carneiro J, Teixeira LM. The scenario of researches regarding life experiences with cochlear implants: an integrative literature review. Rev CEFAC. 2020;22(1):e15818.
,1414 Silva JCGS, Paulino VC, Costa MDPR. Impactos sociais na vida da pessoa com implante coclear: uma revisão sistemática. Rev. Educ. Espec. 2020;33:e5.

15 Fetterman BL, Domico EH. Speech recognition in background noise of cochlear implant patients. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002;126(3):257-63. PMid:11956533.
-1616 Martins MBB, Lima FVF, Santos RC Jr, Santos ACG, Barreto VMP, Jesus EPF. Implante coclear: nossa experiência e revisão de literatura. Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Out;16(4):476-81. PMid:25991976.). Therefore, it ratifies, in this study, the worry of researchers and clinicians from Brazil and the world about the quality of hearing aid in deaf adult individuals.

The included studies were published between 2013 and 2021, with greater concentration in 2016, showing that the last two decades have been the subject of research on the subject.

The results obtained in the present study pointed to greater use of the instrument World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref (WHOQOL-bref)(1717 Gaylor JM, Raman G, Chung M, Lee J, Rao M, Lau J, et al. Cochlear implantation in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;139(3):265-72. PMid:23429927.
,1818 WHOQOL Group. Study protocol for the World Health Organization project to develop a Quality of Life assessment instrument (WHOQOL). Qual Life Res. 1993;2(2):153-9. PMid:8518769.

19 Fleck MPA. O instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de vida da Organização Mundial da Saúde (WHOQOL-100): características e perspectivas. Cien Saude Colet. 2000;5(1):33-8.
-2020 WHO: World Health Organization. WHOQOL and Spirituality, Religiousness and Personal Beliefs (SRPB) [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 1998 [citado em 2023 Mai 8]. Disponível em:
) (abbreviated version) to the quality of life scale (QOLS) of HA and CI users, used in two articles(11 Ribeiro UASL, Souza VC, Lemos SMA. Qualidade de vida e determinantes sociais em usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. CoDAS. 2019;31(2):e20170287.
,1111 Sousa AF. Qualidade de vida e implante coclear: resultados em adultos com deficiência auditiva pós-lingual [dissertação]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. .). The questionnaire is composed of 26 questions, with scores that vary between 1 to 5 points, distributed across the domains: perception of quality of life, satisfaction with general health, physical, psychological, environment and social relationships. The WHOQOL-bref, an abbreviated version of WHOQOL-100, developed and recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) values the individual perception, being able to evaluate the QOLS in different groups and situations, regardless of education level. The WHOQOL-bref questions are formulated for scales answers like Likert, including intensity (“nothing” to “extremely”), capacity (“nothing” to “completely”), frequency (“nothing” to “always”) e evaluation (“unsatisfied” to satisfied”; “very bad” to “very good”). The scores in each domain are transformed in a scale from 0 to 100 and expressed in average terms, as recommended in the manual produced by the WHOQOL team, considering that higher averages suggest better QOLS perception. Therefore, the instrument presents satisfactory psychometric properties, demands less application time, being able to describe an individual's subjective perception of their physical and psychological health, social relationships and the environment in which they live. However, it does not specifically measure QOLS through the use or not of hearing aids.

Other instruments were used, described and discussed below:

The questionnaire to the evaluation of expectation of an adult/elderly hearing aid user(88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.), consists of an instrument that allows the professional to know the adult/elderly patient about their expectations regarding the use of hearing aids and their rehabilitation. It has 12 questions, divided in two scales or dimensions, in which, one refers to the expectations and the other to the concerns of these patients, englobing main aspects involved in the moments preceding the first experience with the personal sound amplification product. The questionnaire was applied in only one(88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.) of the included studies in this scope review and, for that reason, the comparison with others became limited.

The International Outcome Inventory For Hearing Aids - IOI - HA(88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.) was developed as a product of an international workshop (Self Report Outcome Measures in Audiological Rehabilitation) about measures of auto evaluation in auditory rehabilitation, with translation to 21 languages, including portuguese. It is an instrument that makes it possible to measure the degree of subjective benefit of the hearing aid user in relation to their hearing aid and their environment, in addition to being a simple tool, easy to apply and serving as a facilitating instrument during the hearing aid acclimatization period. It evaluates seven domains considered important for the success of auditory rehabilitation: use, benefit, residual activity limitation, satisfaction, residual participation restriction, impact on others and quality of life. Despite its cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese, one study(88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.) used it, making a more in-depth discussion about the instrument difficult.

The Nijmegen Cochlear Implants Questionnaire - NCIQ(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
) is characterized by being specific to QOLS evaluation in adult users of CI and with high internal consistency. It is composed of 60 questions divided in three general domains, with its respective domains: physic (basic perception of sound, advanced perception of sound and speech production), psychologic (self-esteem) and social (activity and social operation). It was only used in one study(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
), making it difficult to compare with others studies.

The Cochlear Implant Satisfaction Questionnaire - CISQ(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
) evaluates demographic, physical, psychosocial domains and QOLS charts of the CI recipient. It was only used in one study(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
), contributing to another limitation to be highlighted.

The Glasgow Health Status Inventory - GHSI(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.
) is a questionnaire of 18 items filled by the patient, evaluating the state of health, measuring the effects of a health problem (in this case, the hearing loss) in the quality of life of a person. It allows cross comparison among many health conditions, different health interventions and demographics and cultural subgroups. The GHSI can be used any time and measures the general quality of life of a person and how the health problems affect them. It was also used by a single study(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.
) in the selected sample.

The Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit - APHAB(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.
) questionnaire, an abbreviated version of Profile of Hearing Aid Performance - PHAP and Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit - PHAB questionnaires, is composed of 24 items divided in four subscales of communication evaluation, including situations in favorable environment, the situations in the presence of noise, reverberant rooms and intense ambient sounds. It was also developed a software to analyze the obtained results in different subscales. This questionnaire offers informations that facilitates adaptation success perception, assisting the patient in analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of using amplification, helping them to understand its performance in certain situations, helping to adjust the hearing aid and evaluating the adaptation of the device, quantifying the benefit of amplification. The auto evaluation PHAP(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.
) has the purpose of quantifying the support provided by the use of hearing aids in different daily life situations and evaluate the patient’s opinion regarding the use of amplification. Different everyday communication situations and reactions to intense environmental sounds are covered. This questionnaire was expanded, creating a new questionnaire, PHAB(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.
), that has the same instructions, items and answer alternatives of PHAP, adding two answer moments: with or without hearing aid. This questionnaire offers datas to measure the benefit of amplification, comparing the answers in both situations, and it was only used in one study(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.

The Glasgow Health Status Inventory - GHSI(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.
) has as main focus the auditory difficulties and its impacts in daily life (via interviewer's report), meanwhile the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit - APHAB questionnaire addresses the auditory ability in different everyday situations, however both are auto evaluations. It was also used by a single study(1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.
) in the selected sample.

The instrument Cochlear Implant Quality of Life - CIQOL-35 ProfileI, used in one of the studies(1212 McRackan TR, Reddy P, Costello MS, Dubno JR. Role of preoperative patient expectations in adult cochlear implant outcomes. Otol Neurotol. 2021;42(2):e130-6. PMid:33229876.
), was developed according to Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement Instruments (COSMIN). CIQOL-35 consists of 35 items in six domains constructs (communication, emotional, entertainment, environmental, auditory and social effort), that provide psychometrically sound and efficient measures, that can be used to evaluate the quality of life in adult CI users in clinical and research environment, besides Visual analogue scale - VAS(1212 McRackan TR, Reddy P, Costello MS, Dubno JR. Role of preoperative patient expectations in adult cochlear implant outcomes. Otol Neurotol. 2021;42(2):e130-6. PMid:33229876.
), which purpose is assist measuring the intensity of pain in the patient, and is an important instrument for checking the patient's progress during treatment and even at each appointment, in a more reliable way. It is also useful to analyze whether the treatment is being effective, which procedures have produced the best results and if there is any deficiency in the treatment, according to the degree of improvement or worsening of pain, it provides a simple measurement and the evolution of pain intensity through graphics.

Furthermore, researchers developed their own questionnaires. For example, the participants of a study(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
) replied a questionnaire consisted in modified questions, taken from the following questionnaires: Caregiver Strain Questionnaire (99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
), Care Giving Burden Scale - CGBS(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
), Quantified Denver Scale (modified for the partners)(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
), Index Relative Questionnaire Form (IRQF)(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
) and Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ)(99 Chen S, Karamy B, Shipp D, Nedzelski J, Chen J, Lin V. Assessment of the psychosocial impacts of cochlear implants on adult recipients and their partners. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):90-7. PMid:26839952.
). Thus, these questionnaires aimed to evaluate demographics data, psychosocial domain of the partners and their perception over the changes in the quality of life of CI patients.

Based on the presented results, the use of an electronic device (HA or CI) proved to be of great importance to individuas with hearing impairment. The hearing aids,in case, are one of the ways to reduce the impact caused by hearing loss in an individual’s life. According to the study(88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.), sound amplification is not just restricted to making speech sounds audible and satisfactory, but also aims to provide the perception of environmental, danger and warning signs, essential for independence in everyday life and improving quality of life.

Besides proportionate the access to sounds and provide oral communication, the CI promoted auditory (re)habilitation, minimizing or prevents restrictions occasioned by hearing impairment, breaking barriers and paradigms in the communication process, in addition to being seen as an instrument that aims to facilitate social interaction, learning and the individual's cognitive and emotional development(1313 Cavalcante MV, Bittencourt IGS, Vieira ACS, Carneiro J, Teixeira LM. The scenario of researches regarding life experiences with cochlear implants: an integrative literature review. Rev CEFAC. 2020;22(1):e15818.

Regarding expectations related to CI, authors(1414 Silva JCGS, Paulino VC, Costa MDPR. Impactos sociais na vida da pessoa com implante coclear: uma revisão sistemática. Rev. Educ. Espec. 2020;33:e5.
) counted on the participation of adolescent and adult patients with non-discriminated ages, which is a bias that must be considered. They indicated, in general, a feeling of satisfaction on the part of users, who reported enjoying listening, although some indicated dissatisfaction and frustration regarding the expectation they had before the implant that they would be able to talk on the phone. The social effects related in this study were a more adequate social and professional insertion, because with the CI, the individuals started listening and understanding sounds, even in noisy environments.

Confronting the benefits discussed above, there are still many disagreements regarding CI. The deaf community is against the implant because they believe it is a setback in the fight for the recognition of Sign Language, its culture and way of being different from hearing people, or even due to lack of knowledge regarding its procedures and benefits. Health professionals, on the other hand, defend it as the most assertive means of treating people with hearing impairment, so that they can resume their social and professional practices, in order to optimize their interactions with hearing people and become more independent(1414 Silva JCGS, Paulino VC, Costa MDPR. Impactos sociais na vida da pessoa com implante coclear: uma revisão sistemática. Rev. Educ. Espec. 2020;33:e5.

Moreover, the greater satisfaction with the CI performance can influence the user’s behavior, such as the increased device use, as shown in adult PSAP users, or the increased adherence to auditory training activities, which can, in turn, improve the user's functional abilities(1212 McRackan TR, Reddy P, Costello MS, Dubno JR. Role of preoperative patient expectations in adult cochlear implant outcomes. Otol Neurotol. 2021;42(2):e130-6. PMid:33229876.

Evaluate the quality of life of HA users can be an important indicator of the benefits of amplification(11 Ribeiro UASL, Souza VC, Lemos SMA. Qualidade de vida e determinantes sociais em usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. CoDAS. 2019;31(2):e20170287.
), allowing to measure the implications of better auditory abilities in daily life, leisure and communicative activities. It was also noted the necessity of understanding the differents aspects related to QOLS of adult CI user population, in order to obtain detailed informations, capable of assisting in the orientation process, in validating the results of this technology, as well as conducting the therapeutic process(1111 Sousa AF. Qualidade de vida e implante coclear: resultados em adultos com deficiência auditiva pós-lingual [dissertação]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. .).

Four studies included in this review(88 Moura TP, Santos SN, Costa MJ. Preocupações anteriores à adaptação de próteses auditivas e suas implicações no benefício subjetivo do usuário. Distúrb Comun. 2013;25(3):315-26.,1010 Ramos-Macías Á, Falcón González JC, Borkoski-Barreiro SA, Ramos de Miguel Á, Batista DS, Pérez Plasencia D. Health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant users: a descriptive observational study. Audiol Neurotol. 2016;21(Suppl. 1):36-42. PMid:27806363.

11 Sousa AF. Qualidade de vida e implante coclear: resultados em adultos com deficiência auditiva pós-lingual [dissertação]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017. .
-1212 McRackan TR, Reddy P, Costello MS, Dubno JR. Role of preoperative patient expectations in adult cochlear implant outcomes. Otol Neurotol. 2021;42(2):e130-6. PMid:33229876.
) did not point the influence of bilateral implants related to unilaterals. However, a trend towards superior results was observed for users with bilateral devices, ratifying the literature(1515 Fetterman BL, Domico EH. Speech recognition in background noise of cochlear implant patients. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002;126(3):257-63. PMid:11956533.
), that shows the importance of bilateral hearing to be functional, both for people with normal hearing and for those with HI. The bilateral amplification must be indicated for all patients with symmetric hearing loss, because they present binaural advantages, among them, better localization of the sound source, elimination of the shadow effect, ability to separate sounds from environmental noise, better speech recognition in the presence of noise in addition to binaural summation, as the sound presented in both ears is perceived with more intensity than in the monaural hearing. Therefore, unless there is a contraindication, the use of hearing aids is always the best alternative. According to professionals of the field, the indication of binaural use is a safety measure, because in addition to all the reported advantages, it prevents the auditory deprivation, described as a reduction of speech recognition, resulting from hearing loss without the use of amplification and resulting sensory deprivation. Thereby, the individuals with hearing loss and who need hearing aids or CI can be benefited in social, emotional and intellectual aspects, and better quality of life as a consequence.

Regarding the variables verified in studies, the gender, CI usage time and the hearing conditions did not influence the QOLS results, according to different instruments used by field researchers. The literature(1616 Martins MBB, Lima FVF, Santos RC Jr, Santos ACG, Barreto VMP, Jesus EPF. Implante coclear: nossa experiência e revisão de literatura. Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Out;16(4):476-81. PMid:25991976.) considers that CI usage time of approximately two years is necessary to prove its benefits. However, in the selected studies, good results were observed regarding the time of use of hearing aid, even before completing one year of CI, showing that it is an effective treatment.

The articles listed in this review confirmed the importance of adherence to hearing devices in deaf individuals, demonstrating the presence of benefits during the use of hearing aids in quality of life, positively impacting the adult's daily practices. Besides the variability of resources and possibilities to measure the benefits of hearing aid in the quality of life in adults, standardization of the use of protocols and carrying out longitudinal studies could provide better support for the analysis of the parameters mentioned in the articles, these being the limitations to be considered in the present research.

Thus, through the results found in the literature, it was possible to verify that hearing aids promoted an improvement in the quality of life of adults with hearing impairment.


Despite the heterogeneity of the quality of life protocols used in the selected studies, it was possible to verify that hearing aids improve the quality of life of adults with hearing impairment. Standardization of the use of protocols and carrying out longitudinal studies could provide better support for the analysis of the parameters to be improved technologically, as well as included in the rehabilitation practice of these individuals. Therefore, It is essential to carry out new researches on the impacts of hearing aids on the quality of life of deaf adults, with the purpose of improving understanding of the impacts of hearing aids on the quality of life of adults with hearing impairment, taking into account the increase in the life surcharge, that is, the greater aging of the world population.

  • Study carried out at Curso de Fonoaudiologia, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS - São Cristóvão (SE), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    05 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 May 2023
  • Accepted
    01 Sept 2023
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil