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Auditory perception and oral language in brainstem auditory implant users: a scoping review



This scope review aims to map current evidence in relation to auditory perception of speech and oral language development in users of Auditory Brainstem Implant - ABI, to answer the following guiding question: “what do we know about the ability of auditory perception of speech and oral language in auditory brainstem implants users?”

Research strategy

The search was performed in the BVSalud, PubMed and SciELO databases and for gray literature the source of information Google Academic, using the descriptors: auditory brainstem implantation , language, hearing and auditory perception.

Selection criteria

Studies were included in which tests were applied to assess auditory perception or to verify oral language development in children and/or adults using ABI. Articles published in the last five years were included and secondary studies were excluded.


1767 articles were found in the databases and source of information, of which 27 studies were included. It was observed that most users of ABI become able to perceive some environmental sounds, some become able to recognize words, but few reach the recognition of sentences.


Most ABI users do not advance towards the open set auditory recognition skill and there is unanimity in recommending visual communication methods for these individuals.

Auditory Braistem Implant; Hearing; Auditory Perception; Language; Neurofibromatosis 2



mapear as evidências atuais em relação à percepção auditiva da fala e desenvolvimento de linguagem oral em usuários de implante auditivo de tronco encefálico (auditory brainstem implant - ABI), para responder à seguinte questão norteadora: “O que se sabe sobre a habilidade de percepção auditiva da fala e de linguagem oral em indivíduos usuários de implante auditivo de tronco encefálico?”

Estratégia de pesquisa

a busca foi realizada nas bases de dados BVSalud, PubMed e SciELO e, para literatura cinzenta, utilizou-se a fonte de informação Google Acadêmico, por meio dos descritores: implante auditivo de tronco encefálico (auditory brainstem implantation), linguagem (language), audição (hearing) e percepção auditiva (auditory perception).

Critérios de seleção

foram incluídos estudos nos quais foram aplicados testes para avalição da percepção auditiva ou para verificar desenvolvimento de linguagem oral em crianças e/ou adultos usuários de ABI. Foram incluídos artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos e excluídos estudos secundários.


Foram encontrados 1767 artigos nas bases de dados e fonte de informação, dos quais, 27 foram incluídos na revisão. Observou-se que a maioria dos usuários de ABI torna-se capaz de perceber alguns sons ambientais, alguns tornam-se capazes de reconhecer vocábulos, porém, poucos atingem o reconhecimento de frases.


a maioria dos usuários de ABI não avança para a habilidade de reconhecimento auditivo em conjunto aberto e há unanimidade na recomendação de métodos de comunicação visual para esses indivíduos.

Implante Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico; Audição; Percepção Auditiva; Linguagem; Neurofibromatose 2


Hearing aids are effective in the treatment of hearing impairment(11 Bento RF, Brito R No, Castilho AM, Gómez VG, Giorgi SB, Guedes MC. Resultados auditivos com o implante coclear multicanal em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol. 2004;70(5):632-7.
). However, some individuals with severe and/or profound sensorineural hearing loss do not benefit from their use. They need to resort to other methods, such as cochlear implant (CI), which is a surgically implanted electronic device(22 Silva BCS, Moret ALM, Silva LTDN, Costa OAD, Alvarenga KF, Silva-Comerlatto MPD. Glendonald Auditory Screening Procedure (GASP): marcadores clínicos de desenvolvimento das habilidades de reconhecimento e compreensão auditiva em crianças usuárias de implante coclear. Codas. 2019 Ago 15;31(4):e20180142. PMid:31433038.
) that replaces the hair cell functions in the inner ear by directly stimulating the auditory nerve.

Furthermore, there are cases in which CI is not indicated, and the need for an auditory brainstem implant (ABI) can be evaluated. Auditory brainstem implants were developed to restore hearing(22 Silva BCS, Moret ALM, Silva LTDN, Costa OAD, Alvarenga KF, Silva-Comerlatto MPD. Glendonald Auditory Screening Procedure (GASP): marcadores clínicos de desenvolvimento das habilidades de reconhecimento e compreensão auditiva em crianças usuárias de implante coclear. Codas. 2019 Ago 15;31(4):e20180142. PMid:31433038.
): in individuals diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF-2) for manifesting bilateral vestibular schwannomas; and individuals with cochlear ossification, but with the integrity of the VIII cranial pair (vestibulocochlear nerve), absence or malformation of the auditory nerve(33 Bento RF, Brito RV No, Tsuji RK, Gomes MQT, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Implante auditivo de tronco cerebral: técnica cirúrgica e resultados auditivos precoces em pacientes com neurofibromatose tipo 2. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol. 2008;74(5):647-51.

4 Malerbi AS. Implante auditivo de tronco encefálico em pacientes com perda auditiva neurossensorial profunda por meningite e ossificação coclear total bilateral [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017.
-55 Fernandes NF, Goffi-Gomez MV, Magalhães AT, Tsuji RK, De Brito RV, Bento RF. Satisfação e qualidade de vida em usuários de implante auditivo de tronco cerebral. CoDAS. 2017;29(2):e20160059. PMid:28355382.
), and trauma injuries or auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD)(44 Malerbi AS. Implante auditivo de tronco encefálico em pacientes com perda auditiva neurossensorial profunda por meningite e ossificação coclear total bilateral [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017.

The first ABI model was developed with only a single-channel electrode in California. It was used from 1979 to 1992 with inconsistent results(11 Bento RF, Brito R No, Castilho AM, Gómez VG, Giorgi SB, Guedes MC. Resultados auditivos com o implante coclear multicanal em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol. 2004;70(5):632-7.
,66 Santos SN, Tochetto TM. Implante auditivo do tronco encefálico: revisão de literatura. Rev CEFAC. 2007;9(4):543-9.
). Even though the first surgery was performed in 1979, the approval for clinical use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States occurred in 2000. The devices arrived in Brazil only in 2005(44 Malerbi AS. Implante auditivo de tronco encefálico em pacientes com perda auditiva neurossensorial profunda por meningite e ossificação coclear total bilateral [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2017.
,66 Santos SN, Tochetto TM. Implante auditivo do tronco encefálico: revisão de literatura. Rev CEFAC. 2007;9(4):543-9.

For outcomes after ABI, one must consider, among other factors, the age of implantation, presence of other comorbidities, family expectation and support, and hearing and language rehabilitation(77 Fernandes NF. Benefícios do implante auditivo de tronco cerebral em adultos e crianças [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo; 2018.
). The patient must be aware that hearing will not be fully restored(66 Santos SN, Tochetto TM. Implante auditivo do tronco encefálico: revisão de literatura. Rev CEFAC. 2007;9(4):543-9.

Knowing the evolution of the hearing and oral language abilities of individuals implanted with ABI is essential to define a good therapeutic plan. Thus, the family and the individual must be adequately oriented regarding the case's prognosis. Thus, due to the inconclusive results of studies with ABI users regarding the improvement of speech perception and oral language development (in children), there is a need to search the literature and compile the data found.


According to the surveyed literature, there were questions about the benefits obtained regarding auditory speech perception and oral language development in ABI users. Moreover, there was a need for a scoping review to map the observed limitations, methodological flaws, and gaps in scientific knowledge in studies on this topic. Therefore, this scoping review aimed to map the research on this topic to answer the following guiding question: "What do we know about auditory speech perception and oral language skills in individuals using auditory brainstem implants?"


Information sources and search strategy

Descriptors in Portuguese were selected from the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS). Descriptors in English were selected from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). The search was conducted in July 2020 and comprised the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS); Public Medicine Library (PubMed); and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Grey literature included the Google Scholar using the following combinations of descriptors: (1) implante auditivo de tronco encefálico AND linguagem; (2) auditory brainstem implant AND language; (3) implante auditivo de tronco encefálico AND audição AND percepção auditiva; and (4) auditory brainstem implant AND hearing AND auditory perception.


We used the strategy with the PICOS (88 Galvão TF, Pereira BMG. Revisões sistemáticas da literatura: passos para sua elaboração. Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2014;23(1):183-4.
) anagram to construct the studies' eligibility criteria and considered:

  • Population: studies in which the sample comprised individuals with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss;

  • Intervention: studies with ABI users;

  • Comparison: studies comparing ABI users with individuals using cochlear implants;

  • Outcome: studies analyzing auditory perception and oral language development in ABI users with tests and/or questionnaires to evaluate these skills;

    -Types of study: interventional or observational studies; articles available in full in open access and/or by Virtual Private Network (VPN) in Portuguese and/or English languages; and studies published since 2015.

We excluded literature review studies, those conducted only with individuals using devices other than the ABI, and studies dealing only with the ABI device but without explaining its users' results in auditory perception and/or language tests.

Selecting evidence sources

Three reviewers carried out the selection phases independently. Disagreements regarding which studies to include were resolved by a fourth reviewer with experience in the hearing (re)habilitation area.

First, the studies were pre-selected by titles and had their abstracts read to verify whether they met this review's proposed objective. Then, the studies were fully read.


Mapping and data collection process

We developed a table in an Excel file to insert the data of interest from the included studies for evidence mapping. Three reviewers collected the following information from the studies selected for inclusion: casuistry (number of participants, age group, gender, and diagnosis), tests used, main results, and conclusion. Complementary data included: a) type of research, b) publication year, c) nationality of the research, and d) published language(99 Mandrá PP, Moretti TCF, Avezum LA, Kuroishi RCS. Terapia assistida por animais: revisão sistemática da literatura. CoDAS. 2019;31(3):e20180243. PMid:31271584.
). This study does not include an evaluation of the methodological quality and the classification of the level of evidence of the included studies.


Selecting evidence sources

We found 1,767 articles in the databases and the information source. Eighty-one studies were selected by title. After reading the abstracts, 35 were selected to be read in full. Finally, 27 studies(1010 Yücel E, Aslan F, Özkan HB, Sennaroglu L. Recent rehabilitation experience with pediatric ABI users. J Int Adv Otol. 2015;11(2):110-3. PMid:26380998.

11 Puram SV, Herrmann B, Barker FG 2nd, Lee DJ. Retrosigmoid craniotomy for auditory brainstem implantation in adult patients with neurofibromatosis Type 2. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2015;76(6):440-50. PMid:27054058.

12 Lundin K, Stillesjo F, Nyberg G, Rask-Andersen H. Self-reported benefit, sound perception and quality-of-life in patients with auditory brainstem implants (ABIs). Acta Otolaryngol. 2016;136(1):62-7. PMid:26426855.

13 Sennaroğlu L, Sennaroğlu G, Yücel E, Bilginer B, Atay G, Bajin MD, et al. Long-term results of ABI in children with severe inner ear malformations. Otol Neurotol. 2016;37(7):865-72. PMid:27273392.

14 Lundin K, Stillesjö F, Nyberg G, Rask-Andersen H. Experiences from Auditory Brainstem Implantation (ABIs) in four paediatric patients. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):109-15. PMid:26841821.

15 Puram SV, Barber SR, Kozin ED, Shah P, Remenschneider A, Herrmann BS, et al. Outcomes following Pediatric Auditory Brainstem Implant Surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Jul;155(1):133-8. PMid:27095049.

16 Thong JF, Sung JKK, Wong TKC, Tong MCF. Auditory brainstem implantation in chinese patients with neurofibromatosis Type II: the Hong Kong Experience. Otol Neurotol. 2016;37(7):956-62. PMid:27273391.

17 Ramsden RT, Freeman SRM, Lloyd SKW, King AT, Shi X, Ward CL, et al. Auditory brainstem implantation in neurofibromatosis Type 2: experience from the Manchester Programme. Otol Neurotol. 2016;37(9):1267-74. PMid:27525707.

18 Wilkinson EP, Eisenberg LS, Krieger MD, Schwartz MS, Winter M, Glater JL, et al. Initial results of a safety and feasibility study of auditory brainstem implantation in congenitally deaf children. Otol Neurotol. 2017;38(2):212-20. PMid:27898605.

19 Goyal S, Krishnan SS, Kameswaran M, Vasudevan MC, Ranjith, Natarajan K. Does cerebelar flocculus size affect subjective outcomes in pediatric auditory brainstem implantation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2017;97:30-4. PMid:28483247.

20 AI-Momani MO. Five years audiological outcomes of the first Saudi Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI). Saudi J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;19(1):32-4.

21 Jung NY, Kim M, Chang WS, Jung HH, Choi JY, Chang JW. Favorable long-term functional outcomes and safety of auditory brainstem implants in nontumor patients. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017;13(6):653-60. PMid:29186598.

22 Teagle HFB, Henderson L, He S, Ewend MG, Buchman CA. Pediatric Auditoy brainstem implantation: surgical, electrophysiological and behavioral outcomes. Ear Hear. 2018;39(2):326-36. PMid:29023243.

23 Sung JKK, Luk BPK, Wong TKC, Thong JF, Wong HT, Tong MCF. Pediatric auditory brainstem implantation impacto n audiological rehabilitation and tonal language development. Audiol Neurootol. 2018;23(2):126-34. PMid:30227389.

24 Asfour L, Friedmann DR, Shapiro WH, Roland JT Jr, Waltzman SB. Early experience and health related quality of life outcomes following auditory brainstem implantation in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;113:140-9. PMid:30173973.

25 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.

26 Friedmann DR, Asfour L, Shapiro WH, Roland JT Jr, Waltzman SB. Performance with an auditory abrainstem implant and contralateral cochlear implant in pediatric patients. Audiol Neurootol. 2018;23(4):216-21. PMid:30391957.

27 Peng KA, Lorenz MB, Otto SR, Brackmann DE, Wilkinson EP. Cochlear Implantation and Auditory Brainstem Implantation in Neurofibromatosis Type 2. Laryngoscope. 2018;128(9):2163-9. PMid:29573425.

28 Malerbi AFDS, Goffi-Gomez MVS, Tsuji RK, Gomes MQT, Brito R No, Bento RF. Auditory brainstem implant in postmeningitis totally ossified cochleae. Acta Otolaryngol. 2018;138(8):722-6. PMid:29607748.

29 Raghunandhan S, Madhav K, Senthilvadivu A, Natarajan K, Kameswaran M. Paediatric auditory brainstem implantation: the South Asian experience. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2019;136(3S):S9-14. PMid:30293957.

30 Faes J, Gillis S. Expressive vocabulary growth after pediatric auditory brainstem implantation in two cases’spontaneous productions: a comparison with children with cochlear implants and typical hearing. Front Pediatr. 2019;7:191. PMid:31157193.

31 Faes J, Gillis S. Auditory brainstem implantation in children with hearing loss: effect on speech production. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019;119:103-12. PMid:30690306.

32 van der Straaten TFK, Netten AP, Boermans PPBM, Briaire JJ, Scholing E, Koot RW, et al. Pediatric auditory brainstem implant users compared with cochlear implant users with additional disabilities. Otol Neurotol. 2019;40(7):936-45. PMid:31295204.

33 Rajeswaran R, Kameswaran M. Auditory brainstem implantation (ABI) in children without neurofibromatosis type II (NF2): communication performance and safety after 24 months of use. Cochlear Implants Int. 2020;21(3):127-35. PMid:31847793.

34 Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.

35 Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Yucel E, Sennaroglu G, Bilginer B, Sennaroglu L. Effects of age at auditory brainstem implantation: impact on auditory perception, language development, speech intelligibility. Otol Neurotol. 2020;41(1):11-20. PMid:31789803.
-3636 Fernandes NF, de Queiroz Teles Gomes M, Tsuji RK, Bento RF, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Auditory and language skills in children with auditory brainstem implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020;132:110010. PMid:32234651.
) met the eligibility criteria and were included in this review (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Article selection flowchart

Characteristics of the evidence sources

Considering the 27 studies included in this review, most (n=8) were conducted in the United States (USA), followed by Turkey (n=4). There are only two(2929 Raghunandhan S, Madhav K, Senthilvadivu A, Natarajan K, Kameswaran M. Paediatric auditory brainstem implantation: the South Asian experience. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2019;136(3S):S9-14. PMid:30293957.
,3636 Fernandes NF, de Queiroz Teles Gomes M, Tsuji RK, Bento RF, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Auditory and language skills in children with auditory brainstem implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020;132:110010. PMid:32234651.
) Brazilian-authored studies. They are from the same research team of a center that is currently one of the few performing ABI placement surgery in Brazil via the Unified Health System (SUS). This fact justifies the lack of research in the area at a national level.

On average, the selected studies included 13 participants, ranging from 1 to 60 participants, with age groups from 1 to 76 years old, and comprised male and female participants.

Individual results from evidence sources

Table 1 shows the main data from the included studies.

Table 1
Key data from the studies included in the review (n= 27)


ABI in children

We evaluated 251 ABI-using children. There were 97.60% (n=245) with pre-lingual deafness and 2.40% (n=6) with post-lingual deafness.

A total of 15.93% (n=40) of the evaluated children had associated comorbidities: 17.50% (n=7/40) with Charge syndrome(1414 Lundin K, Stillesjö F, Nyberg G, Rask-Andersen H. Experiences from Auditory Brainstem Implantation (ABIs) in four paediatric patients. Cochlear Implants Int. 2016;17(2):109-15. PMid:26841821.
,2222 Teagle HFB, Henderson L, He S, Ewend MG, Buchman CA. Pediatric Auditoy brainstem implantation: surgical, electrophysiological and behavioral outcomes. Ear Hear. 2018;39(2):326-36. PMid:29023243.
,2424 Asfour L, Friedmann DR, Shapiro WH, Roland JT Jr, Waltzman SB. Early experience and health related quality of life outcomes following auditory brainstem implantation in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;113:140-9. PMid:30173973.
,2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.
); 2.50% (n=1/40) with Down syndrome(3434 Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.
) ; 5.0% (n=2/40) with Goldenhar syndrome(1313 Sennaroğlu L, Sennaroğlu G, Yücel E, Bilginer B, Atay G, Bajin MD, et al. Long-term results of ABI in children with severe inner ear malformations. Otol Neurotol. 2016;37(7):865-72. PMid:27273392.
,2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.
); 25% (n=10/40) with mental retardation, cognitive and/or developmental delays(1010 Yücel E, Aslan F, Özkan HB, Sennaroglu L. Recent rehabilitation experience with pediatric ABI users. J Int Adv Otol. 2015;11(2):110-3. PMid:26380998.
,2323 Sung JKK, Luk BPK, Wong TKC, Thong JF, Wong HT, Tong MCF. Pediatric auditory brainstem implantation impacto n audiological rehabilitation and tonal language development. Audiol Neurootol. 2018;23(2):126-34. PMid:30227389.
,2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.
,3636 Fernandes NF, de Queiroz Teles Gomes M, Tsuji RK, Bento RF, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Auditory and language skills in children with auditory brainstem implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020;132:110010. PMid:32234651.
); 2.50% (n=1/40) with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)(2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.
); 12.50% (n=5/40) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)(1010 Yücel E, Aslan F, Özkan HB, Sennaroglu L. Recent rehabilitation experience with pediatric ABI users. J Int Adv Otol. 2015;11(2):110-3. PMid:26380998.
); and 37.50% (n=15/40) with unspecified comorbidities(1010 Yücel E, Aslan F, Özkan HB, Sennaroglu L. Recent rehabilitation experience with pediatric ABI users. J Int Adv Otol. 2015;11(2):110-3. PMid:26380998.
,1919 Goyal S, Krishnan SS, Kameswaran M, Vasudevan MC, Ranjith, Natarajan K. Does cerebelar flocculus size affect subjective outcomes in pediatric auditory brainstem implantation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2017;97:30-4. PMid:28483247.
,2222 Teagle HFB, Henderson L, He S, Ewend MG, Buchman CA. Pediatric Auditoy brainstem implantation: surgical, electrophysiological and behavioral outcomes. Ear Hear. 2018;39(2):326-36. PMid:29023243.

Regarding the anatomical changes presented by the pediatric population, 28.68% (n=72/251) had unspecified changes, 13.94% (n=35/251) had auditory nerve agenesis, and 13.94% (n=35/251) had cochlear agenesis. Then, we observed: auditory nerve hypoplasia in 13.14% (n=33/251): cochlear hypoplasia in 13.14% (n=33/251); Michel aplasia in 2.78% (n=7/251); and cochlear ossification in 1.59% (n=4/251).

In the studies conducted with the pediatric population (n= 23), the most commonly used protocols for assessing listening and language skills were: Categories of Auditory Perception (CAP)(1010 Yücel E, Aslan F, Özkan HB, Sennaroglu L. Recent rehabilitation experience with pediatric ABI users. J Int Adv Otol. 2015;11(2):110-3. PMid:26380998.
,1212 Lundin K, Stillesjo F, Nyberg G, Rask-Andersen H. Self-reported benefit, sound perception and quality-of-life in patients with auditory brainstem implants (ABIs). Acta Otolaryngol. 2016;136(1):62-7. PMid:26426855.
,1313 Sennaroğlu L, Sennaroğlu G, Yücel E, Bilginer B, Atay G, Bajin MD, et al. Long-term results of ABI in children with severe inner ear malformations. Otol Neurotol. 2016;37(7):865-72. PMid:27273392.
,1919 Goyal S, Krishnan SS, Kameswaran M, Vasudevan MC, Ranjith, Natarajan K. Does cerebelar flocculus size affect subjective outcomes in pediatric auditory brainstem implantation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2017;97:30-4. PMid:28483247.
,2121 Jung NY, Kim M, Chang WS, Jung HH, Choi JY, Chang JW. Favorable long-term functional outcomes and safety of auditory brainstem implants in nontumor patients. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017;13(6):653-60. PMid:29186598.
,2222 Teagle HFB, Henderson L, He S, Ewend MG, Buchman CA. Pediatric Auditoy brainstem implantation: surgical, electrophysiological and behavioral outcomes. Ear Hear. 2018;39(2):326-36. PMid:29023243.
,2929 Raghunandhan S, Madhav K, Senthilvadivu A, Natarajan K, Kameswaran M. Paediatric auditory brainstem implantation: the South Asian experience. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2019;136(3S):S9-14. PMid:30293957.
,3030 Faes J, Gillis S. Expressive vocabulary growth after pediatric auditory brainstem implantation in two cases’spontaneous productions: a comparison with children with cochlear implants and typical hearing. Front Pediatr. 2019;7:191. PMid:31157193.
,3232 van der Straaten TFK, Netten AP, Boermans PPBM, Briaire JJ, Scholing E, Koot RW, et al. Pediatric auditory brainstem implant users compared with cochlear implant users with additional disabilities. Otol Neurotol. 2019;40(7):936-45. PMid:31295204.

33 Rajeswaran R, Kameswaran M. Auditory brainstem implantation (ABI) in children without neurofibromatosis type II (NF2): communication performance and safety after 24 months of use. Cochlear Implants Int. 2020;21(3):127-35. PMid:31847793.
-3434 Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.
); Speech Intelligibility Rating (SIR)(1010 Yücel E, Aslan F, Özkan HB, Sennaroglu L. Recent rehabilitation experience with pediatric ABI users. J Int Adv Otol. 2015;11(2):110-3. PMid:26380998.
,1313 Sennaroğlu L, Sennaroğlu G, Yücel E, Bilginer B, Atay G, Bajin MD, et al. Long-term results of ABI in children with severe inner ear malformations. Otol Neurotol. 2016;37(7):865-72. PMid:27273392.
,1919 Goyal S, Krishnan SS, Kameswaran M, Vasudevan MC, Ranjith, Natarajan K. Does cerebelar flocculus size affect subjective outcomes in pediatric auditory brainstem implantation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2017;97:30-4. PMid:28483247.
,2929 Raghunandhan S, Madhav K, Senthilvadivu A, Natarajan K, Kameswaran M. Paediatric auditory brainstem implantation: the South Asian experience. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2019;136(3S):S9-14. PMid:30293957.
,3232 van der Straaten TFK, Netten AP, Boermans PPBM, Briaire JJ, Scholing E, Koot RW, et al. Pediatric auditory brainstem implant users compared with cochlear implant users with additional disabilities. Otol Neurotol. 2019;40(7):936-45. PMid:31295204.

33 Rajeswaran R, Kameswaran M. Auditory brainstem implantation (ABI) in children without neurofibromatosis type II (NF2): communication performance and safety after 24 months of use. Cochlear Implants Int. 2020;21(3):127-35. PMid:31847793.

34 Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.
-3535 Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Yucel E, Sennaroglu G, Bilginer B, Sennaroglu L. Effects of age at auditory brainstem implantation: impact on auditory perception, language development, speech intelligibility. Otol Neurotol. 2020;41(1):11-20. PMid:31789803.
); Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS)(1616 Thong JF, Sung JKK, Wong TKC, Tong MCF. Auditory brainstem implantation in chinese patients with neurofibromatosis Type II: the Hong Kong Experience. Otol Neurotol. 2016;37(7):956-62. PMid:27273391.
,1818 Wilkinson EP, Eisenberg LS, Krieger MD, Schwartz MS, Winter M, Glater JL, et al. Initial results of a safety and feasibility study of auditory brainstem implantation in congenitally deaf children. Otol Neurotol. 2017;38(2):212-20. PMid:27898605.
,2121 Jung NY, Kim M, Chang WS, Jung HH, Choi JY, Chang JW. Favorable long-term functional outcomes and safety of auditory brainstem implants in nontumor patients. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017;13(6):653-60. PMid:29186598.
,2424 Asfour L, Friedmann DR, Shapiro WH, Roland JT Jr, Waltzman SB. Early experience and health related quality of life outcomes following auditory brainstem implantation in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;113:140-9. PMid:30173973.
,2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.
,3232 van der Straaten TFK, Netten AP, Boermans PPBM, Briaire JJ, Scholing E, Koot RW, et al. Pediatric auditory brainstem implant users compared with cochlear implant users with additional disabilities. Otol Neurotol. 2019;40(7):936-45. PMid:31295204.
,3636 Fernandes NF, de Queiroz Teles Gomes M, Tsuji RK, Bento RF, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Auditory and language skills in children with auditory brainstem implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020;132:110010. PMid:32234651.
); Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (MAIS)(1818 Wilkinson EP, Eisenberg LS, Krieger MD, Schwartz MS, Winter M, Glater JL, et al. Initial results of a safety and feasibility study of auditory brainstem implantation in congenitally deaf children. Otol Neurotol. 2017;38(2):212-20. PMid:27898605.
,2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.
,3333 Rajeswaran R, Kameswaran M. Auditory brainstem implantation (ABI) in children without neurofibromatosis type II (NF2): communication performance and safety after 24 months of use. Cochlear Implants Int. 2020;21(3):127-35. PMid:31847793.
,3434 Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.
,3636 Fernandes NF, de Queiroz Teles Gomes M, Tsuji RK, Bento RF, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Auditory and language skills in children with auditory brainstem implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020;132:110010. PMid:32234651.
); Meaningful Use of Speech Scale (MUSS)(2121 Jung NY, Kim M, Chang WS, Jung HH, Choi JY, Chang JW. Favorable long-term functional outcomes and safety of auditory brainstem implants in nontumor patients. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017;13(6):653-60. PMid:29186598.
,3232 van der Straaten TFK, Netten AP, Boermans PPBM, Briaire JJ, Scholing E, Koot RW, et al. Pediatric auditory brainstem implant users compared with cochlear implant users with additional disabilities. Otol Neurotol. 2019;40(7):936-45. PMid:31295204.
,3333 Rajeswaran R, Kameswaran M. Auditory brainstem implantation (ABI) in children without neurofibromatosis type II (NF2): communication performance and safety after 24 months of use. Cochlear Implants Int. 2020;21(3):127-35. PMid:31847793.
,3636 Fernandes NF, de Queiroz Teles Gomes M, Tsuji RK, Bento RF, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Auditory and language skills in children with auditory brainstem implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020;132:110010. PMid:32234651.
); and Early Speech Perception Test (ESP)(2222 Teagle HFB, Henderson L, He S, Ewend MG, Buchman CA. Pediatric Auditoy brainstem implantation: surgical, electrophysiological and behavioral outcomes. Ear Hear. 2018;39(2):326-36. PMid:29023243.
,2424 Asfour L, Friedmann DR, Shapiro WH, Roland JT Jr, Waltzman SB. Early experience and health related quality of life outcomes following auditory brainstem implantation in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;113:140-9. PMid:30173973.
,2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.

Regarding the CI, 11.95% (n=30) stopped using it to use the ABI, and 12.35% (n=31) were using both devices concurrently. One study(2222 Teagle HFB, Henderson L, He S, Ewend MG, Buchman CA. Pediatric Auditoy brainstem implantation: surgical, electrophysiological and behavioral outcomes. Ear Hear. 2018;39(2):326-36. PMid:29023243.
) evaluated five children between 1.6 and 5 years old with cochlear hypoplasia. Three used CI (two unilateral and one bilateral) before the ABI implantation. The two children using unilateral CI were not using their devices due to a lack of benefits. They underwent surgery to place the ABI on the contralateral side. The child using bilateral CI showed hearing detection. However, the child no longer benefited from the devices, even after four years in intensive auditory rehabilitation therapy. This child underwent the removal of both devices and had the ABI implanted bilaterally. In children using unilateral CI, after placing the ABI, the scores remained low. Only vocalizations developed, but there was no evolution toward vocabulary emission. The child who underwent bilateral ABI placement started recognizing consonants after three years of using these devices. There were some visual communication methods indicated for these patients.

Another study(2121 Jung NY, Kim M, Chang WS, Jung HH, Choi JY, Chang JW. Favorable long-term functional outcomes and safety of auditory brainstem implants in nontumor patients. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017;13(6):653-60. PMid:29186598.
) evaluated 12 children with varied etiologies. Eight were using CI before undergoing ABI placement. The CI was removed in five of the eight children, and the ABI was implanted ipsilaterally. The ABI was implanted contralaterally in the remaining children, with both devices remaining. Most of the children showed hearing detection when using the ABI and a better score on the CAP. Only one of the children using CI and ABI showed development in auditory skills, achieving recognition of familiar sentences without lip-reading aids. The authors concluded that ABI might be a feasible treatment option for individuals who cannot be treated with CI.

Another study evaluated 12 patients(3434 Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.
), and nine had used CI before ABI. The authors considered that using CI "failed" when, after six months of using the device, users did not show any evolution in the development of auditory and oral language skills. All 12 patients had auditory nerve hypoplasia. Among them, 11 advanced to auditory detection with the ABI, four scored 50% on open-set speech perception tests, and two scored 50% on closed-set auditory discrimination tests.

Another study(2525 Eisenberg LS, Hammes Ganguly D, Martinez AS, Fisher LM, Winter ME, Glater JL, et al. Early communication development of children with auditory brainstem implants. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. 2018;23(3):249-60. PMid:29718280.
) evaluated ten children. All of them had previous CI experience. Six of them stopped using CI to use the ABI, and the other four children continued with CI only, without opting for the ABI, even though three showed no benefits with the device. Four of the six children who used the ABI had auditory nerve hypoplasia. After three years of ABI use, only one of these four children could auditory recognize open-set words. All the children could emit basic isolated everyday vocabulary after one to two years of using the ABI. However, their speech intelligibility was impaired.

It is worth noting that many children with anatomical alterations of the cochlea or auditory nerve stopped using CI and migrated to ABI. They aimed for better results in developing hearing and language skills. Experience with CI before ABI implantation may favor the development of auditory perception skills. In one of the studies(3434 Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.
) included in this review, the authors state that the combined use of CI and ABI can bring better scores regarding vocabulary recognition for children with pre-lingual deafness. However, all the children evaluated in this study were learning sign language or another visual communication method. The authors of all the papers included in this review were unanimous in indicating a communication method other than oral for children using ABI.

Most children had hearing thresholds between 90 and 120 dBHL before ABI implantation. They started to present minimum free-field response levels between 20 and 45 dBHL with the device, reinforcing the importance of speech therapy in this population since the improvement in tonal auditory thresholds does not represent good performance in auditory speech perception and oral language development.

Most of the ABI users' performance is equivalent to single-channel CI performance. Even though post-surgical outcomes are well documented as significantly poorer than CI outcomes worldwide, the device can improve the individual's communication and socialization. It improves the children's physical and psychological safety, helping them to better connect to the environment and the people around them(2020 AI-Momani MO. Five years audiological outcomes of the first Saudi Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI). Saudi J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;19(1):32-4.

One of the studies(3232 van der Straaten TFK, Netten AP, Boermans PPBM, Briaire JJ, Scholing E, Koot RW, et al. Pediatric auditory brainstem implant users compared with cochlear implant users with additional disabilities. Otol Neurotol. 2019;40(7):936-45. PMid:31295204.
) concluded that the performance of children with ABI without other comorbidities could be matched with that of a CI-using child who has comorbidities other than hearing impairment.

The results in the specific literature vary, even though most authors agree that most children who undergo ABI implantation achieve limited results. There is a slow evolution regarding the development of auditory skills, with almost no evolution in the first year, differing from the evolution that occurs when the cochlear implant(1818 Wilkinson EP, Eisenberg LS, Krieger MD, Schwartz MS, Winter M, Glater JL, et al. Initial results of a safety and feasibility study of auditory brainstem implantation in congenitally deaf children. Otol Neurotol. 2017;38(2):212-20. PMid:27898605.
) is used.

ABI in adults

Regarding the studies comprising adult samples (n=6), 104 individuals were evaluated. In terms of etiology, neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF-2) predominated in 84.61% (n=88), followed by cochlear ossification in 11.53% (n=12), and other unspecified etiologies in 3.86% (n=4).

A study(2727 Peng KA, Lorenz MB, Otto SR, Brackmann DE, Wilkinson EP. Cochlear Implantation and Auditory Brainstem Implantation in Neurofibromatosis Type 2. Laryngoscope. 2018;128(9):2163-9. PMid:29573425.
) conducted with adults suffering from NF-2 evaluated ten individuals, and nine of them had previously used CI. We observed that CI was more beneficial regarding auditory speech perception in the first years. However, four individuals showed regression in auditory skills, and the CI ceased providing benefits in this regard. On the other hand, ABI demonstrated benefits for neuroplasticity related to auditory skills about eight years post-implantation in all nine participants and no subsequent decline. Nevertheless, users who have had experiences with both devices have reported preferring the CI's sound quality to that of the ABI. The study concluded that although CI has easier electrode placement and outperforms ABI in benefits in the early years, ABI remains the best treatment option for patients with NF-2.

A study(3737 Monteiro TA, Goffi-Gomez MV, Tsuji RK, Gomes MQ, Brito Neto RV, Bento RF. Neurofibromatosis 2: hearing restoration options. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2012;78(5):128-34. PMid:23108832.
) conducted in 2012 evaluated four adults with NF-2, one CI user and three ABI users. The three ABI users had an average age of 26 years and an average of six years of deafness. They regularly used their devices. Auditory performance varied. One of the participants could not recognize open-set sentences and only recognized 20% in closed sets. The other two recognized 100% closed-set sentences and 10% and 20% in open sets. Only one could communicate over the phone. The CI-using participant was 36 years old, had progressive deafness for ten years, used the CI regularly, and had been using the contralateral hearing aids for seven months. After 12 months, the patient had only developed the ability to detect environmental sounds. This study concluded that when the auditory nerve is not preserved, ABI is the best option for auditory rehabilitation in patients with NF-2. This fact had already been confirmed by a study(3838 Vincenti V, Pasanisi E, Guida M, Di Trapani G, Sanna M. Hearing rehabilitation in neurofibromatosis type 2 patients: cochlear versus auditory brainstem implantation. Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(4):273-80. PMid:18259080.
) conducted in 2008, in which nine adults with NF-2 were evaluated (four CI users and five ABI users). The participants were matched according to chronological age, which ranged from 22 to 47 years. The authors concluded that the results presented by ABI users, even if limited, were superior to those of CI users.

The articles were published in 17 journals, and all had an impact factor of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2019. Five of these journals had more than one article published. The impact factor has been prioritized in the evaluation of current scientific information published(3939 Marziale MHP, Mendes IAC. O fator de impactos das publicações científicas. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem. 2002;10(4):466-7.

Study limitation

Given that this is a scoping review, this study has potential limitations regarding the heterogeneity and publication bias of the included studies.


When possible, children who are candidates for ABI may have the development of auditory skills favored when using a contralateral CI. There was little or no evolution in the development of auditory skills and oral language during the first years of ABI use. Most users do not achieve open-set auditory recognition ability. In other words, they do not acquire the ability to recognize speech audibly without any response clue/alternative, even after years of use.

The ABI is reported to be the best hearing device option for cases of adults who have neurofibromatosis type 2.

There is slow progress and poor prognosis regarding oral language development. Individuals need to use orofacial reading during communication, especially when it comes to children with pre-lingual hearing loss. Researchers unanimously recommend visual communication methods, such as sign language or alternative communication.

  • Study carried out at Centro Universitário Planalto do Distrito Federal - UNIPLAN - Brasília (DF), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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  • 33
    Rajeswaran R, Kameswaran M. Auditory brainstem implantation (ABI) in children without neurofibromatosis type II (NF2): communication performance and safety after 24 months of use. Cochlear Implants Int. 2020;21(3):127-35. PMid:31847793.
  • 34
    Batuk MO, Cinar BC, Yarali M, Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Sennaroglu G, et al. Bimodal stimulation in children with inner ear malformation: one side cochlear implant and contralateral auditory brainstem implant. Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(2):231-8. PMid:31854074.
  • 35
    Aslan F, Ozkan HB, Yucel E, Sennaroglu G, Bilginer B, Sennaroglu L. Effects of age at auditory brainstem implantation: impact on auditory perception, language development, speech intelligibility. Otol Neurotol. 2020;41(1):11-20. PMid:31789803.
  • 36
    Fernandes NF, de Queiroz Teles Gomes M, Tsuji RK, Bento RF, Goffi-Gomez MVS. Auditory and language skills in children with auditory brainstem implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020;132:110010. PMid:32234651.
  • 37
    Monteiro TA, Goffi-Gomez MV, Tsuji RK, Gomes MQ, Brito Neto RV, Bento RF. Neurofibromatosis 2: hearing restoration options. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2012;78(5):128-34. PMid:23108832.
  • 38
    Vincenti V, Pasanisi E, Guida M, Di Trapani G, Sanna M. Hearing rehabilitation in neurofibromatosis type 2 patients: cochlear versus auditory brainstem implantation. Audiol Neurootol. 2008;13(4):273-80. PMid:18259080.
  • 39
    Marziale MHP, Mendes IAC. O fator de impactos das publicações científicas. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem. 2002;10(4):466-7.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 Nov 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Sept 2021
  • Accepted
    30 Sept 2022
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil