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Process diagnosis of deafness in children in the perception of familiar and managers

PURPOSE: To analyze the perception of family and managers (education and health) on the process of diagnosis of deafness in children in a city in Paraná. METHODS: The analysis of the material gathered in the focus groups and on the interviews was made based on the analysis of content of the thematic mode. The discussion of the data was organized based on the analysis of the subjects' testimonies. RESULTS: The thematic categories were: the early diagnosis and hearing health as a human right; and the necessity of adequate support and initial guidance; challenges in the inter-sector and inter-network relations. CONCLUSION: We have reached the conclusion that the repercussions of a late deafness diagnosis have influence in health and education aspects of the deaf children's life. Early diagnosis and adequate support did not happen with the majority of the children. An inadequate inter-sector relation between Health and Education municipal authorities was verified.

Public Health; Early Diagnosis; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Hearing Loss; Deafness; Parents; Health Services

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil