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Translation and validation of the Childhood Hearing Loss Question Prompt List for Parents into brazilian portuguese



This study aimed to translate and validate the Childhood Hearing Loss Question Prompt List (CHLQPL) for Parents into Brazilian Portuguese, supporting communication between healthcare professionals and families of children with hearing loss in Brazil.


A methodological approach was employed, comprising the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the instrument, followed by validation through an iterative process involving experts and the target audience. The translation was conducted by bilingual translators, with subsequent back-translation and review by an expert committee to ensure conceptual and cultural equivalence. Validation involved collecting and analyzing feedback from parents of children with hearing loss and audiologists, using the Content Validity Index (CVI) to assess the instrument’s appropriateness.


The analysis indicated positive acceptance of the translated instrument, with most items achieving a CVI above the threshold of 0.78, reflecting the instrument’s relevance and comprehensibility in the Brazilian context. One specific item did not reach the desired CVI, highlighting the need for further revision to optimize clarity and relevance.


The translated and validated CHLQPL proved to be an effective tool for the Brazilian context, facilitating family-centered communication and involvement in pediatric auditory care. This study reinforces the importance of adapting and validating assessment instruments to reflect cultural and linguistic specificities, ensuring applicability and effectiveness in assistingfamilies of children with hearing loss.

Hearing loss; Child; Family; Counseling; Translation; Validation

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil