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Taxonomic description of cultivars of the Cucurbita maxima Duchesne and Cucurbita pepo Linneu

We summed up the results of the studies of 4 cultivars belonging to specie Cucurbita maxima Duchesne and 2 cultivars belonging to specie Cucurbita pepo linneu, taking into account their botanical description because they have not been taxonomically characterized yet, though largely known and grown for their economical value. The breeding works of the cultivars of the above mentioned specie have been carried out since 1943 by the Section of Olericulture of the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (I. A. C.) in view of the economic importance they have. We used seeds from controlled pollination, given away to us by the IAC-Olericulture Section, in order to obtain the plants of the 6 cultivars. The statistical planning followed the steps of distribution at rondom using the 6 cultivars with 10 replications. The botanical description of the cultivars was based upon the morphological characteristics of the vegetative and floral organs and upon the characteristics of the fruits and seeds as well, taking into consideration: a - The shape, dimensions, presence of lengthwise striae and indumentum of the main stem. b - The dimensions and indumentum of the petiole, the angle formed by the outer ribs at the base of the leaf blade and the angle magnitude, the lenght of the ribs, the presence or absence of silvery spots on the leaf blade; width and length of leaf blade. c - The shapes of the tendrils. d - For the male and fgemale flowers: the length of the peduncle, the length of the tube and of the lobules of the calyx and its shape, the length of the tube and of the lobules of the corolla, the diameter of the upper part of the corolla tube, diameter between the apexes of the corolla lobules, the length of the filament and the length of the anther, and the shape of te latter for male flowers; the dimensions, positionings, shape and indumentum of the ovary, length and color of stigma, length of the stigma lobules, the variable shape of the nectariferous disk at the style base for female flowers. e - The dimensions, shape, color, parts, consistence and thichness of the fruit pulp. f - Te dimensions, shape and color of the seed and of the hilum as well. The statistical analysis was made for some characteristics of taxonomical value such as: Leaves: Length of the petiole; magnitude of the foliar angle at the base of the leaf blade, width and length of the leaf blade. Male flower: the length of the peduncle, the length of the tube and corolla lobules, the diameter of the upper part of the corolla tube. Female flower: the length of the peduncle, the length of the ovary, the length of tube and the length of the corolla lobules, the diameter of the upper part of the corolla tube.

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil