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Ecological influence on fruit development and on oil content of avocado pulp (Persea americana Miller)

It was conducted an experiment to verify the evolution of oil in avocado pulp in three ecologically different regions of São Paulo State (Novo Horizonte, Limeira and Itapetininga). The purpose was to determine the suitable stage fruit crop for a higher industrial yield in oil production, In each region it was utilized three orchards and in each orchard it was selected five trees of "Wagner', 'Prince' and 'Collinson' cultivars, picking up two fruits per tree and the set (ten fruits) was the sample per cultivar to be analysed. Harvestings were done in pre-determined time, aiming at the analysis of fruit development, from it setting to maturation time. It was also accomplished analysis of samples kept to ripe till consumption point (soft pulp). From the studies it was verified that the regional climate influences fruiting cycle (from flowering to ripening) of avocado. Relating the regions studied at a given date, fruits presented different degree of physiological development hastening in hotter region and delaying in colder region. In the final stage of avocado maturation, it was verified an influence of climate upon pulp oil content. It is considered that the climate factor that influences oil content was probably temperature, determining higher contents in colder region. It was observed that the evolution of pulp oil content of avocado processes slowly at begining, accentuating in the final of fruit development. It was verified increase in pulp oil while the fruit was kept in the tree. It was not verified influence of soil characteristics, cultural practices and age of ochard upon pulp oil content of avocado.

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil