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Varietal and soil influence on nutritional status of sugarcane (Saccharum spp) as determined by foliar analysis

Trials were established on four soil types (Latosolic B Terra Roxa - LR; Ortho Dark Red Latosol - LE and Red Yellow Podzolic Laras variation - PVls in the state of São Paulo and Textural B Terra Roxa - TE in Parana to study varietal and soil effects on macronutrient composition of sugarcane leaves and to do a nutritional survey of varieties by foliar analysis. A randomized block designwas used with four replications of 16 varieties (CB 41-76; CB 45-155; CB 47-355; CB 49-260; CB 56-171; CB 61-80; IAC 50/134; IAC 51/205; IAC 52/150; IAC 52/326; Co 740; Co 775; CP 51-22 and NA 56-62). Varieties were planted under the same conditions of climate, fertilization, tillage and age, sanitation and source. A central 20 cm portion of each +3 leaf was taken (except for midrib for determining amounts of N, R, K, Ca, Mg and S, expressed -on a dry weight basis. Leaf samplesof 20 leaves per plot were selected at four months of age, for analysis. From the results obtained it was conclued that: a) There is a varietal effect on leaf composition of major elements, independent of soil type; b) Soil type has an influence on leaf composition of different varieties; c) The higher nutrient levels in the leaves did not always result in the highest production intpol/ha; d) Because of soil and varietal influence on leaf composition it is rifficult to generalize critical nutrient, levels obtained from foliar diagnosis; e) Critical levels of nutrients obtained from foliar diagnosis for une variety do not represented the same levels for all varieties.

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil