The aim of this paper is the study of moon effects on ten different crops divided in four groups: 1) salad and cole crops (lettuce, endive, cabbage, cauliflower); 2) root crops (beet, carrot, radish, turnip); 3) bulb crops (onion); 4) solanaceous fruits (eggplant). The design of the experiment was randomized blocks, with four replications, the different treatments being the four phases of the moon. The analyses of variance are given in the work of Simão (1953) and the analises of the mean in tables 1 to 2. The main conclusions are: 1) No difference in production were found related to different moon phases, even it the crops supposed to be sensible to moon effects. 2) In a few cases, where some increase in production was observed, such increase could be atributed by other apents 3) The agents supposed to interfere with increase in production were temperature and photoperiodism, rather than moon phases. 4) The most sensible crops to low temperature, during the night, were: lettuce, endive, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, turnips and radish. 5) The most sensible crops to both low temperature and photoperiodism were: onion and beet. 6) The moon phases supposed to have opposed effects, namely full-moon and half-moon, gave mixed results sometimes both giving the best yield simultaneously and sometimes giving the poorest crops. 7) As a final conclusion, no moon effects could be detectable in the present experiment.
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" Universidade de S. Paulo - Piracicaba
The aim of this paper is the study of moon effects on ten different crops divided in four groups: 1) salad and cole crops (lettuce, endive, cabbage, cauliflower); 2) root crops (beet, carrot, radish, turnip); 3) bulb crops (onion); 4) solanaceous fruits (eggplant).
The design of the experiment was randomized blocks, with four replications, the different treatments being the four phases of the moon.
The analyses of variance are given in the work of Simão (1953) and the analises of the mean in tables 1 to 2.
The main conclusions are:
1) No difference in production were found related to different moon phases, even it the crops supposed to be sensible to moon effects.
2) In a few cases, where some increase in production was observed, such increase could be atributed by other apents
3) The agents supposed to interfere with increase in production were temperature and photoperiodism, rather than moon phases.
4) The most sensible crops to low temperature, during the night, were: lettuce, endive, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, turnips and radish.
5) The most sensible crops to both low temperature and photoperiodism were: onion and beet.
6) The moon phases supposed to have opposed effects, namely full-moon and half-moon, gave mixed results sometimes both giving the best yield simultaneously and sometimes giving the poorest crops.
7) As a final conclusion, no moon effects could be detectable in the present experiment.
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25 Set 2012 -
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