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Effects of the fertilization on the development of young rubber plants (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) in southern state of Bahia

An experiment was carried out in order to evaluate the effects of the fertilization involving N, P, K, S, micronutrients and lime over the development of rubber plants. The soil is a red-yellow latosol from the Una Experimental Station State of Bahia Brazil. The experimental design was the factorial 3x3x3 NPK having the soil received, previously, a sulphur and micronutrients treatment. In a nearly area that did not receive the above treatment were employed with sulphur, micronutrients and lime. Each plot consisted of 9 plants belonging to the Fx 2804 clone on a 7 m x 3 m spacement. The evaluation parameters were trunk circunpherence and bark thickness. The results showed that N and K did not affect such parameters. Phosphorus showed a quadratic effect, been the best suited amount of P2O5 as fallows: a. Trunk circunference: 26 kg/ha for the first year; 45 kg/ha for the second, third and fourth years; 112 kg/ha for the fifth year. b. Bark thickness: in the first year the effect was linear; 44 kg/ha for the second, third and fourth years. The sulphur and micronutrients treatments showed no difference from each other but provided better effects when compared to untreated plants. The lime treatment did not differ from those with sulphur and micronutrients but it was better than the control from the third and fourth years on, respectively, in what concerns bark thickness and trunk circumpherence. The experiment was conducted during a six year period.

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil