Open-access Caminhos da visibilidade: a ascensão do culto a jurema no campo religioso de Recife

This article discusses the ascension of jurema in the religious sphere of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. This religiosity has its indigenous origin and is frequently present in terreiros of Candomblé, Xangô, and Umbanda. The visibility that jurema suffers in current religious scenario is glimpsed from the confluence of two rituals: the Kipupa and the Caminhada of Terreiros of Pernambuco. We will observe these two moments as events that involve issues related to religion, politics, tradition, ethnicity, as well as issues of identity. In an attempt to pursue the Latourian network, we can perceive disputes between distinct fields of power involving not only religious communities, but the disputes that extend to governmental institutions and to the whole social set. The mediation between cultural forms and policies will be a privileged strategy for understanding how the ascension of jurema occurs in the religious sphere of Pernambuco.

Jurema; religious sphere; politics; culture

Universidade Federal da Bahia Praça Inocêncio Galvão, 42 Largo 2 de Julho, Centro, 40060-055 - Salvador - BA, Tel: 5571 3283-5501 - Salvador - BA - Brazil
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