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Effects of oral breathing in the nutritional state: why does it happen?

INTRODUCTION: Some children who breathe through the mouth and present nocturnal obstructive apnea can present retardation of the structural pondero growing. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to analyse the orofacial miofuctional alterations presentin the oral breathing individual and the effects over the nutritional state. Focus the importance of the interdisciplinary team following the global alterations present in the oral breathing. METHOD: The used method was a literature's revision, from published articles in indexed scientific magazines, books and works from pos-graduation. The major of the articles was identified from the bases of LILACS, MEDLINE, and SCIELO informations. RESULTS: Can be noticed the relationship of the oral breathing with a change in the general process of alimentation linked to the taste, oral miofunction and smell difficulties, reflecting in this way in the nutritional state. Final Commentaries: The cause diversities envolved in oral breathing require a trained interdisciplinary team to identify these alterations, making possible the preventive measure implementation which can avoid alterations in general health, in the face normal development and the nutritional state in important stage of theseindividuals growing.

Nutritional state; oral breathing; phonoaudiology

Fundação Otorrinolaringologia Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 483, 05405-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.(55 11) 3068-9855, Fax: (55 11) 3079-6769 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil