INTRODUCTION: The correlation of the auditive lost with buzz can be justified if we consider that this is a triggering buzz, once that the injury or internal ear degeneracy and of the vestibularcoclear can be the buzz generators. Accordingly with the different reports 85% to 96% of patients with buzz show some degree or auditive lost. OBJECTIVE: To correlate the sex, age, degree and type of auditive lost with triggering produced by buzz's presence in the patients of Clinica de Dispositivos Eletronicos Aplicados à Surdez.(Clinic of Eletronic Dispositives Related to Deafness). METHOD: Retrospective study of exploratory nature in 100 individuals handbooks regularly matriculated in Clinica de Fonoaudiologia from Faculdade de Odontologia of Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo FOB/USP with the usage of THI instrument (Tinnitus Handicap Inventory). RESULTS AND CONCLUSION : Sex, age and also degree of auditive lost do not have influence over the triggering produced by the buzz, but the auditive lost occurrence in buzz potter is progressively major accordingly with age improvement and in individual with auditive lost from sensorioneural type.
Auditive lost; buzz; questionaries