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Writing and Friendship: Roland Barthes’s Presence in Leyla Perrone-Moisés’s Work


Personal relationships do not disappear in collaborative intellectual projects and, although they do not determine the outcomes of research, they do play an active role in its development. This article, although not devoted to exploring biographical details beyond what emerges from books and interviews, examines the presence of the French writer Roland Barthes in Leyla Perrone-Moisés’s literary criticism.

Writing; Criticism; Friendship; Roland Barthes; Leyla Perrone-Moisés

Programa de Pos-Graduação em Letras Neolatinas, Faculdade de Letras -UFRJ Av. Horácio Macedo, 2151, Cidade Universitária, CEP 21941-97 - Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil , - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil