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Polysemy and homonymy treatment in learner's dictionaries: cognitive semantics' insights for the provision of meaning

In lexicographic research, many issues are raised when considering the polysemy and homonymy phenomena. In this paper, two of them are analyzed: (i) the use of a polysemous or homonymic solution for structuring entries; and (ii) the criteria adopted for the provision of meaning within entries. To do so, analyses of lexical items found in four main dictionaries - known as learner's dictionary (CALD, 2008; COBUILD, 2006; LDCE, 2009; and OALD, 2005) are presented. We show that solutions applied by dictionaries vary - both among and within a single dictionary - when dealing with the same phenomenon. Additionally, the criterion employed for the provision of meaning - frequency - presents problems, due to issues prior to its application and related to it. Thus, we tried to apply the cognitive semantics' conception of polysemy to design the first steps of a model that could drive the provision of meaning within entries in learner's dictionaries. A suggested entry for the lexical item band is presented. Lastly, some issues our model could efficiently deal with are evaluated and those which remain without solution are discussed.

Lexicography; Polysemy; Cognitive semantics; Learner's dictionaries; Provision of meaning; Polysemous solution; Homonymic solution

Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215, 01049-010 São Paulo - SP, Tel. (55 11) 5627-0233 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil